View Full Version : Gunman on a school in Winnenden (Germany)

03-16-2009, 05:28 PM
Last Wednesday the March 11 a gunman invades into a school in Winnenden near my hometown and killed 9

pupils, 3 teachers and 3 other people!

Why a 17 years old man could do this!? What was his motive? Even he

has problems with his social environment, school problems and/or missing prospects - he was just 17! - A age where

you have all chances to change its life! His parents have a own company which is successfully and are rich and he

got all what he want (but perhaps just this was a mistake!?) But even he is so dissatisfied with his life that he

want no longer exist, why he killed 15 people before he killed himself? Do he think that he will die fortunately if

he killed so many people? And if yes - what exactly makes he happy when he killing? Is it aware for the gunman that

he brings so invinite affliction about so many folks? Or is it only a game for him - a killer game like

"counter-strike" - a computer-game which he played many hours every day? Can it be that he could in the end not

differ between reality and the game where killing is rewarded?
