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View Full Version : Asian body musk?

02-22-2009, 06:22 AM


I'm currently dating a Chinese woman mid 30s and as I'm not too experienced with this I'm

trying to figure out the right combo to use. Basically I've used 3 drops A314 and three spays C7 and given I've

heard Asians don't like -none it seems to be a good, safe combo.

Now last week something strange happened while

we were talking over a coffee, when she raised her arms I swore I could smell her body scent as a destinctive musky

scent. This happened a couple times and it really surprized me, as from what I've read upon the subject on this

forum, that apparently Asians have very little sweat and very little body scent, especially Chinese. Her top was cut

by the shoulders and when her arms were lifted her pits were bare and there was no one else around either. I

definitely noticed a musky scent.

Was this for real, could someone tell me more about this occurance? Does

Asian/chinese women have a strong sweat smell sometimes too? :think:

Appreciate all comments!:thumbsup:

02-22-2009, 08:24 AM
I am Chinese and in general,

Chinese women don't have strong sweat smell. Are you sure that it wan't perfume which she


02-22-2009, 10:04 AM
Hi ILP, well I don't think she

wore much perfume at all if anything. And when I say musk I mean sweat, not a kind of sophisticated synthetic

formula based addon like perfume or other attractant. Just plain sweat, rather interestingly..

Have you got any

experience at all with a chinese/asian female with a proper sweat scent? Perhaps examples out of the general



02-22-2009, 11:22 AM
I guess maybe her diet or no

Harmed by prilosec (http://www.classactionsettlements.org/lawsuit/prilosec/)

02-23-2009, 03:09 PM
Thanks Chicago, and yes I think no

deodorant might be the case, but as I had the impression that even then Asians and Chinese especially doesn't have

much any odor at all. Are you suggesting that with no deodorant they can actually have a more distinctive sweat


I do believe this was after good day at work but I really think she'd have a shower in the morning like

most normal people do. Still rather puzzled by this occurrence and would like to ask for more opinions and

viewpoints on this!

(Calling Gegogi as well):thumbsup:

02-23-2009, 07:00 PM
I've had several Chinese

girlfriends (way back), lived in Taiwan for a year or so, lived in Japan for 12 years, married to a Japanese woman

for 14 years.... well, my conclusion is your gal had some sort of fragrance on. All my gfs but one were strictly

vegetarian young and seemed to wash a lot, but yeah, not much body smell to my Western nose I gotta say. BTW, I

used to spend a lot of time in the wt room of a Japanese gym too, and not much smell in there either. I think it is

partly a relatively clean diet, but also a more peaceful state of mind.

02-23-2009, 11:56 PM
Hi all!:wave:

I'm currently dating a Chinese woman mid 30s and as I'm not

too experienced with this I'm trying to figure out the right combo to use. Basically I've used 3 drops A314 and

three spays C7 and given I've heard Asians don't like -none it seems to be a good, safe combo.

Now last week

something strange happened while we were talking over a coffee, when she raised her arms I swore I could smell her

body scent as a destinctive musky scent. This happened a couple times and it really surprized me, as from what I've

read upon the subject on this forum, that apparently Asians have very little sweat and very little body scent,

especially Chinese. Her top was cut by the shoulders and when her arms were lifted her pits were bare and there was

no one else around either. I definitely noticed a musky scent.

Was this for real, could someone tell me more

about this occurance? Does Asian/chinese women have a strong sweat smell sometimes too? :think:

Appreciate all

Hello, I personally disagree with whoever told you that none based pheromones do not

work well with oriental women. Today as i was shopping, an oriental woman could not get her eyes off me while I was

using NPA, to the point that she started to flirt with me, so do not be afraid to use none-based pheromone


02-24-2009, 02:24 AM
Amoungst Asian females there are the majority that do not as a rule respond at

all well to Androstenone and synthetic

But there is always an exception to the

rule and this could include some that have been raised as westerners ect, and possably a few from the Chinese


But the golden rule stands firm, Be

carefull using unbuffered Androstenone in the prescence of most Asian women, Also keep them pits washed and erase

any perspiration residue, Try and smell like soft fairy soap or baby powder.

02-24-2009, 12:37 PM
That's interesting Bruce, are you

familiar with scents that may smell like sweat? Or perhaps enhance sweat? Maybe musk oil?

One thing I will most

likely find out when I see her more:thumbsup:

02-24-2009, 05:35 PM

I personally disagree with whoever told you that none based pheromones do not work well with oriental women.

Just a small point on wording. Oriental is a Western word for Asian objects, and most

Asian people are insulted by being referred to as objects.:angel:

02-28-2009, 06:24 PM
Just a small point on wording. Oriental is a Western word for Asian objects, and

most Asian people are insulted by being referred to as objects.:angel:
thanks for the heads up, I

will stick with Asians LOL.:kiss: