View Full Version : Scambaiting

02-19-2009, 09:50 PM
Check this out, I guess

some people have more time on their hands than I do. Have a look at the Links page, this is a cottage industry with

no pay. There's even a discussion forum which is quite active.

Its hilarious though, read some of the "baits",

and have a look at the "Trophy Room" and "Hall of Shame". Read a little around the site before looking at the pics

to understand them better, and you'll bust a gut, esp in the Trophy



I haven't had this much fun since listening to the "Tom

Mabe" bit on youtube.


The internet is a wonderful


02-20-2009, 05:02 PM
Hey, everyone needs a


02-20-2009, 05:35 PM
You're right Jim, and these

guys even have a philosophy of sorts. The more of the scammer's time and resources they tie up, the less time for

scamming innocent people.

02-20-2009, 08:23 PM
It sounds like a lot of fun if

you have the free time to deal with it. And it does serve a social purpose.

02-21-2009, 08:56 PM
Hey, freedom is a two way

street. If they feel free to try and scam us, we can feel free to mess with them back.

For me, it wouldn't be

the best use of time to spend it tussling with scumbags, but I fully support those who want to express their

displeasure in this way.

It certainly can be funny, and if you can turn something horrible into something

amusing you've accomplished something.

02-21-2009, 09:07 PM

haven't had this much fun since listening to the "Tom Mabe" bit on



The internet is a wonderful

thing.Gotta love it. That really was priceless. I admit I have a little fetish for pranks. Strange thing is

I used to be a telemarketer of sorts when I sold investments. So it's strange I have so little sympathy for


If you like this kind of stuff, check out Roy D. Mercer on youtube.


He plays a redneck when

he pranks, and fairly brilliantly. For some reason he gets me laughing to the point of pain.

02-23-2009, 05:25 PM
If you

like this kind of stuff, check out Roy D. Mercer on youtube.


He plays a redneck when

he pranks, and fairly brilliantly. For some reason he gets me laughing to the point of pain.

With his 50

gallon drum of a$$ whip.:POKE:

02-24-2009, 04:36 AM
With his

50 gallon drum of a$$ whip.:POKE:
I remember the 50 gallon drum. that was classic. I forget which one that

was, but I think I have it. somewhere. :lol::lol:

I'll be on you like Ugly on a Baldwin brother!

02-24-2009, 06:14 AM
This guy is good!

"Do you use

both eyes to look through that lens or just one, cuz that's all you're gonna have once I come down there."


done got the hackles up on a jarhead."

"I'm bringin myself down thar and bringin about a 50 gallon can a

ass-whup and I'm gonna open it up on ya'll."

02-24-2009, 05:19 PM
Both of those are works of art.
