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View Full Version : I'm new, interested, and have lots of questions

01-29-2009, 03:49 PM
Hey guys, I am totally new to the pheromone deal but it caught my attention after someone had mentioned

it to me. I went online and found your website and bought Scent of Eros scented for men. I am looking for pheromones

to make the females more attentive to me and possibly make them interested in a date. Did i pick the right product

for what I am looking for? Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks in advanced.

01-29-2009, 04:10 PM
Welcome to the forum


You picked a great product. SoE is known as one of the "friendly" or "social" pheromones due to it

containing mostly -Nol. You should get responses.

Keep in mind that once you get a "hit", the rest is up to you.

Pheromones do not cause women to fall at your feet.

Two things: 1. Read a lot here on the forum and 2. Tell

us more about yourself, height/weight/personality/age and early results.

Good luck!

01-29-2009, 05:40 PM
I am 17 5'10", weigh 150.

People usually think of me as a pretty funny, laid back kind of guy. How much SoE should i apply?

01-29-2009, 06:43 PM
12 to 24 inches is not unusual.

You can't really OD, but there's no reason to use more than you need. Start with a small amount and work up from

there, based on results. Apply to pulse points, making sure that your application points are exposed, not covered

with clothing.

01-29-2009, 06:54 PM
Another question... How long

does this product usually last?

01-29-2009, 08:41 PM
Hey guys, I am totally new to the pheromone deal but it caught my attention after someone

had mentioned it to me. I went online and found your website and bought Scent of Eros scented for men. I am looking

for pheromones to make the females more attentive to me and possibly make them interested in a date. Did i pick the

right product for what I am looking for? Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks in advanced.

Harbinger, for your age, you picked a great product to start out with. Scent of Eros should give you consistent

results and may help to get some conversations started with the women. the high levels of androstenol can make

conversation run smoother. i've had several ocassions where people would initiate conversations with me while

standing in line at the super market. the androsterone in SOE may give you some attention grabbing from females and

respect from males.:thumbsup:

01-30-2009, 01:00 AM
I agree, scent of eros is a

great product. Since you're young, you don't need much androstenone, but if you ever want a product with it, you

might want to try alter ego since it's well buffered. You can combine scent of eros and alter ego for a good combo.

I've always wondered, when you guys say 12-24 inches does that mean you apply it only on one forearm, or a

line on each arm, or just around the neck? Scent of Eros has always been hard for me to dose, I usually just follow

my nose when deciding how much to apply, but a better method would be greatly appreciated.

ps. Another

androstenone product that is not too concentrated, but seemed to work for me was Impi. I didn't have much faith in

it when i bought it, but it was a pleasant surprise. I think it's an androstenone product similar to the edge (with

a new concept), but it is a bit weaker, a spray or two works great for day situations and other ones where too much

androstenone is not appropriate.

01-30-2009, 07:30 PM
Approx. how long does SoE


01-30-2009, 08:18 PM
Approx. how long does SoE last?

it really just depends on how often you use it

and how much you are applying. i've read that a bottle of SOE should last around two or three months. i never go a

day without using pheromones, but i havent started testing SOE on a everyday bases yet.

01-31-2009, 02:56 AM
Welcome Harbinger. I think

AE and SoE are the ones which you can choose. They smell warm and friendly. You will attract ladies if you wear

them. http://img.imagebaskets.com/img/u/G.gif

01-31-2009, 10:35 AM
Thank you guys for all this

great information!

I think you must have misunderstood my question. What I meant was how long does it take for

SOE to wear out after you apply it?

01-31-2009, 10:38 AM
It depends on you, the clothes

you may be wearing over it, how much you sweat and so on. Roughly I'd say 3-4 hours.

01-31-2009, 11:02 AM
Hm... that seems kind of

short seeing as how i am a relatively active person. Do you think if i apply more it will last longer?

01-31-2009, 12:03 PM
Hm... that seems kind of short seeing as how i am a relatively active person. Do you think

if i apply more it will last longer?

More applying do not help that mones last longer! But you could

apply the SOE on clothes! There the mones will last for any days! But attention: There is a built-up-risk, because

tiny amounts of mones can stay on clothes for weeks and month even after washing!

01-31-2009, 12:50 PM
How long phromones stay *effective*

on a person seems to depend in part of the individual wearing them, the individual "smelling" them (sensitivity),

and factors like environment/activity levels.

From what I have gathered over time, some pheomones seem to last

longer on some wearer than others, possibly due to basic body chemistry, bacteria count, etc. I have seen reports of

some products causing effects (supposedly) a full day after application. And some users can claim to practically

bathe in pheromones like androstenone (gegogi) to no ill effect.

I don't think it's unreasonable to figure

an effective life of closer to 6 hours per application, perhaps even longer. You just have to experiment.


also need to take into account how sensitive those around you are as well. Some people (your "targets") may respond

to very small amounts of pheromones (relatively weak strength) while others may need to have them practically

sprayed directly up their noses in high concentration.

Environmetal factors could include wind/air circualtion,

heat or cold, etc that can affect both evaporation of the carrier, disbursment around you, and how fast (or slowly)

the pheromones break down due to that heat or cold.

Lotsa variables.

02-01-2009, 09:16 AM
I like the idea of applying

mones to your clothes. I tried it today, and the scent seemed to last all day. Has anyone else tried this method?

02-01-2009, 12:27 PM

like the idea of applying mones to your clothes. I tried it today, and the scent seemed to last all day. Has anyone

else tried this method?Some pheromone manufacturers recommend that the

clothes may also be sprayed and also the skin pulse

Sometimes i wear pheromone formulas which

contain an average of around 21mg Pheromones per ounce, with at least 250 mcg pheromones in one standard

application and when sprayed on the forearms and shirt front i can still detect reactions / hits after 10


02-01-2009, 01:46 PM
I'm in similar

situation to Harbinger, except that I decided to order Perception gel packs (one of the reasons being that they

contain all 3 of the major -mones and apparently you can't OD)

Any comments?

Thank you

02-01-2009, 05:58 PM
I'm in

similar situation to Harbinger, except that I decided to order Perception gel packs (one of the reasons being that

they contain all 3 of the major -mones and apparently you can't OD)

Any comments?

Thank you

Chikara gel packs also have the big three pheromones.

You may want to try both, as one product may work for

you and the other not. Or maybe they will both work...

or neither...

02-01-2009, 06:36 PM
I have been using scent of

eros for two days, today and yesterday. Both times i applied it on my shirt and neck. I was apply between 14-16

inches mostly on my shirt. I have noticed mild effects. I notice my friends (guys) are seemingly less argumentative

and more happy. I have noticed some from the ladies. A girl i had met previously did check me out once or twice.

Some girls that i know well showed little. With this, i have a few questions. 1.) Say there was one woman and two

guys in a room. Do you think it would be possible for the woman to smell one man's pheromones and think they are

coming from the other man? 2.) For whatever reason do you think that the pheromones would be more effective on the

skin than on clothing?

P.S. Since I am still in school I will be testing the scent tomorrow! This should be

interesting... \o/

02-01-2009, 08:37 PM
I have been using scent of eros for two days, today and yesterday. Both times i applied it

on my shirt and neck. I was apply between 14-16 inches mostly on my shirt. I have noticed mild effects. I notice my

friends (guys) are seemingly less argumentative and more happy. I have noticed some from the ladies. A girl i had

met previously did check me out once or twice. Some girls that i know well showed little. With this, i have a few

questions. 1.) Say there was one woman and two guys in a room. Do you think it would be possible for the woman to

smell one man's pheromones and think they are coming from the other man? 2.) For whatever reason do you think that

the pheromones would be more effective on the skin than on clothing?

P.S. Since I am still in school I will be

testing the scent tomorrow! This should be interesting... \o/

it is possible for a woman to think that

your pheromones are coming from another guy especially if his body language, personality and his looks are congruent

with the pheromones that you are wearing.

in my opinion, i think wearing pheromones on your skin will produce

better results because the oils on your skin and your body heat may diffuse more pheromones into the air.

02-10-2009, 02:57 PM
My friend recently let me use

some of his NPA for a night and let me say... WOW! I was with 2 girls at one of their houses and it was like i was

in an AXE bodyspray commercial. It almost got overwhelming.
A question about SOE:
1. Do the pheromones still have

effect after the scent has died off? The scent seems to go quickly for me...
2. What are some ways you can tell if

you are deficient in a certain pheromone such as -none?

02-10-2009, 06:04 PM

friend recently let me use some of his NPA for a night and let me say... WOW! I was with 2 girls at one of their

houses and it was like i was in an AXE bodyspray commercial. It almost got overwhelming.
A question about SOE:

Do the pheromones still have effect after the scent has died off? The scent seems to go quickly for me...
2. What

are some ways you can tell if you are deficient in a certain pheromone such as

-none?Your pheromones will remain active long after the scent has evapourated,

as they are not designed to have a heavy scent so as not to offend those who prefer less


SOE is

lightly scented, for those who prefere a stronger scent then Alter Ego would be a good


I think if the

hot chics prefere to have me as a friend rather than a partner then i could be low on


Also those guys low on aNONE could be veiwed as a

weaky by the more macho and dominant type of males in their group.

A pheromone product that is well regarded for adding perceived status to the user is

Alpha 314 , one drop will supply mainly androsteRone with around 4 mcg androsteNone, The usual standard application

of 2 or 3 drops will garner heaps of respect and cooperation when it is worn well.

I have found that 2 drops A314 suits me just nice as a good all round social/

business mix, 3 dr gives me heaps of respect and sorta makes me seem unapproachable.

One drop Alpha 7 and 2 drops A314 is a magic mix for me if i apply myself and start

communicating as it is a good chic magnet for those who are prepared to open the conversation.

03-04-2009, 06:13 PM
terry0400-40 (http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum/member.php?u=3747), where did you get your new avatar -- I

like it

03-04-2009, 06:17 PM
terry0400-40 (http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum/member.php?u=3747), where did you

get your new avatar -- I like itHey thats a good question, I have also

been trying to remember where it came from. It would be nice to have a larger and more detailed version to examine

in more detail lol.

03-04-2009, 09:11 PM
yeah I like Terry's avatar!

I was trying to find one similar but nothing really caught my eye.

Guess I'll go drink a redbull for now :lol:

03-05-2009, 12:31 AM
yeah I like Terry's avatar! I was trying to find one similar but nothing really caught my


Guess I'll go drink a redbull for now :lol:Its just trying

to find one that is like sexy, but not soooo over the top as to be porno, otherwise i think the mods remove them if

they are er um too sexy. ( not that i would know where to look

Hey enjoy your redbull, i enjoy a coke now and then,

but i had better keep away from the redbull, i dont want to be fired up too much and go hunting for extra hot

avatars te he. :rofl: