View Full Version : Where do y'all get your most memorable hits???

02-26-2002, 06:04 PM
Where do y\'all go..to get the most hits, highest quality hits, etc?? Is a club a good place?? I\'ve heard that ODing in -none in a club environment, is actually beneficial..for Scent of Eros, it sounds like using it\'s mones in a place where people socialize, is the best spot for phero usage..a party perhaps? Using it in a place like work, seems to be a waste of mones if your trying to get girls..how about malls, libraries, or other quiet public places..what kind of hits occur??

03-02-2002, 09:33 AM
I get my best hits in malls, best encounters in bookstores and coffeeshops, easiest pick-ups in clubs and bars. I only OD if I’m testing a new product.