View Full Version : Liquid Trust

10-31-2008, 10:44 AM


quickly does one go through a bottle of LT if they use it 2x day at 4 sprays each time? Note I would not use on


I'm trying to get an angle on how much it would really cost me if I need to create a trusting

atmosphere with all my colleagues at work and bosses on a daily basis.

11-01-2008, 04:20 PM
That sounds like too much to

me. remember that pheremone spray is no substitute for the things that foster trust:
confidence, competence and a

warm smile.

I myself use 2 sprays at a time and save it for important meetings with clients and places where I'm

going to meet new people for the 1st time.

What will be the occasions you will use this for?

11-02-2008, 06:22 PM
I need to use this mone

whenever I am around my future boss or team leader.

Definietly during interviews and meetings.


nowadays at companies bosses are easily accessible as team environments are the in thing. So I need constant


Do you not recommend I use it everyday?


12-29-2008, 06:19 PM

you don't want to use it everyday, just certain days with either big meetings or one on one time. If you

overdo it it will lose its effect.

12-29-2008, 08:08 PM
As far as I know the

active ingredient of LT oxitocin evaporates within 30min! So there should be (almost) no OD- or built-up risk!

12-30-2008, 12:02 PM
As far

as I know the active ingredient of LT oxitocin evaporates within 30min! So there should be (almost) no OD- or

built-up risk!

Yup, Oxytocin is rather tempramental, and it does seem to evaporate very


Liquid trust is some good stuff but not really a good daily wear product...I've tried, you will go

through a bottle in a week or less if you try to keep it active though out each work day! :nono:


speaking Liquid Trust seems to produce some of the best reactions after apply like 4 full sprays, and then your

looking at a total effective period of anywhere from 1-2 hours max!

Liquid Trust is a special use pheromone

spray, best reserved for use right before a job interview for instance, or important short meeting, or quick sales

call, etc etc etc...

Use it strategically, make a very good impression upon your target, and then get out!
