View Full Version : List of things Oil and Alcohol based

10-08-2008, 03:13 AM
Hi guys can we please create a list of pheros that are oil and a list of things that are alcohol based as I want to

make sure that they are not mixed and then cancel each other out.

This list that I have compiled so far from what

I own and what I can gather from the product guide and table, mind you not everything is on there.


Chikara, NPA

Oil: SOE

?:A314, A7 and Liquid Trust

10-09-2008, 03:40 AM

guys can we please create a list of pheros that are oil and a list of things that are alcohol based as I want to

make sure that they are not mixed and then cancel each other out.

This list that I have compiled so far from

what I own and what I can gather from the product guide and table, mind you not everything is on there.


Chikara, NPA

Oil: SOE

?:A314, A7 and Liquid Trust

oil: A7 and A314
alcohol: Liquid trust