View Full Version : The Xcite wipes work... but not how I was expecting

02-22-2002, 05:44 PM
Ok, first off I will let you know that I am 14 and am interested in pheros because I am rather shy. I came home and found my package, and since I was going out that night that it would be a good time to make a first test.

So I was in Wendy\'s right, and I was eating, nothing big, and this guy who I would assume is in his late 20\'s or 30\'s started staring at me. Most likely a DIHL, but it was for a long time, even after he noticed that I caught him. Odd...

I head to the video store to pick up some DVDs and again, some guy, this time in his 40\'s, went DIHL at me. Really messed up too since I was standing about 6in from him.

Now, it shows that these pheros work, but I was hoping to get girls as opposed to guys. I noticed very little out of the ordinary. I am above avg on looks for somebody my age and am more mature physically (height, muscles, etc.) so a few glances I got were rather normal.

I did order the MENS version, so I have no clue what is up. This may be good to lower the alpha male response, but not exactly what I wanted. Please give me your respondes =D .

[ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: Person ]

02-22-2002, 08:25 PM
So, what\'s in the xcite wipes?

02-22-2002, 08:50 PM
I have no idea, to tell you the truth (I made a funny, lol). They don\'t say either. They have a really soapy smell for the most part and I cannot smell much else.

02-23-2002, 03:14 AM
The Xcite wipes as is Pheromol Factor are designed by Dr. George Dodd, the Scottish biochemist credited with discovering androstenol in human sweat, so he is no lightweight in the pheromone world. This point has everyone figuring he surely must have put some aNOL in the mix, but nobody knows for sure. I can\'t remember where exactly I heard this, but somebody in the know over there told me that the wipes now contain 20 active ingredients! I find it hard to believe that there are 20 distinct chemicals that could be called pheromones in there, but anything is possible. There may be a LOT of commercial pheromone research being kept under wraps these days.
I think James Kohl told me he met Dr. Dodd somewhere, maybe he could comment on the guy. I guess he is quite a character. I imagine him to be the type to stay isolated in the lab quite a bit.

02-23-2002, 12:30 PM
MMm with all those smells and scents lol, well at least he would have no trouble picking up ha. He probably has some stuff that kicks ass and is not in anything yet. The future looks interesting or the government kidnapped him to work with the aliens lol or some bullshit like htat from the wipes ive used the stuff definitley has nol in it smells a bit like yes and lure which have trace amounts of nol as well. Although SOE seems to have a lot more anyway.

02-24-2002, 04:20 PM
In several posts I’ve read that girls are much more sensitive to pheromones than guys. So whenever I get more reactions from guys than girls I cut back the dosage.

Xcite isn’t a product I’ve heard anybody ODing on, but since you’re so young (and producing more natural pheromones) you might want to just use part of a wipe and save the rest in a baggie or something.