View Full Version : Basenotes with Pheromones

02-20-2002, 02:41 PM
I thought it would be interesting to start a new topic concerned only with colognes and how they mix with Pheros. As the results of everyones \"clinical\" trials in this area are purely subjective, it might be beneficial if each one of us would simply list the cologne they use along with the pheros and their application techniques. In addition, please rate your success on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being \"terrible had to wash it off\" to ten \"perfect never fails\" When several have been posted I will break down the results by cologne style, phero type, score and post them. This could help us all in our trial and error methods. What say yea?

02-20-2002, 04:12 PM

I use Tsar by Van Cleef and Hugo Boss Hugo. I use either with NPA, SoE either individually or both together. I use 25 drops of NPA to 75 drops cologne. I find these two colognes mix with both NPA and SoE alone, and with both of them in a mix. Currently running on 25 drops NPA, 25 drops SoE, 50 drops cologne or a 1:1:2 mix.

02-20-2002, 08:06 PM
I actually quite like the musk scent that comes with SOE and i might leave it for a while before i put in a couple of drops of AE but as far as colonge mixing well hugo boss um joop and brut are all good products to mix pheros with especially NPA as has been the established norm for a while plus also the chem set makes a good thing to play around with having nol rone and none seperate really helps come up with and improve existing products. Like my enhanced rone attraction or my alter ego with the nol ratio booted up to make it more like SOE with some none added (small amount mind you)

If possible avoid the alpha male problem the great thing im finding with SOE is that the existing natural alpha males actually become more coopeartive and also less dominant and more willing to share \"territory\" so to speak some have even noted (me included) some sort of weird submissiveness. The aggressive ones even become more friendly. And for those that are gay it helps pick out gay guys. Im straight but it would be helpful to anyone here who swings the other way also helpful for anyone who is lesbian as it relaxes other females. Hope that helps some of you out.