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View Full Version : Chemistry Degree Not Required...

05-07-2008, 03:57 PM

product do you suggest for someone that is not too keen on mixing these bottles. Not good with chemistry and

definitely not good with measurements (partially why I don't cook much, LOL).

Anyway, I'm also Asian, don't

know if that would make a little difference in the pheromone selections. 32, type of guy that can't start

conversations (unless tipsy:drunk:) with girls but can fuel it once it starts.

I've got no problems with the

looks...just confidence. So, basically, I'm wanting to try these pheromones to get the girl to start talking to me

first. Not looking to get laid or anything...just something to help my personality match my looks. I want...let's

call it...an Ice Breaker!


05-07-2008, 08:37 PM
First off, why do you specify

that you aren't looking to get laid? Isn't everyone looking to get laid? lol

Anyway, I recommend Chikara,

it's my main usage product. It's got a great scent that I love and never cover unless I use another product with

it. However, I do usually still need to start the conversations.

Another good starter is scent of Eros. I'm

also 32, btw.