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04-08-2008, 02:08 PM
hi all - I'm new to the whole pheromone arena but chomping at the bit for my order to come so I can

try it out - I ordered the SOE gel pack and some EW - should be interesting - my SpouseGuy says the whole idea of

pheromones is "bunk" so, obviously, he is my first "target" - he's pretty attentive and can be all over me at the

drop of a hat so it will be very interesting to see what happens.......

I'm 5'3, short dark hair, dark eyes,

glasses, 115-120 lbs, D-cup boobs and a little waist which goes down to no butt and short legs - sorta like a bulb

syringe for lack of a better word, I guess - ha ha ha - anyway, facially, I'm average, not beautiful or cute or

anything like that - just kinda pleasant looking - usually in a good mood and smiling - lots of time, singing.....

all that being said, I'm looking to see if there is a difference in the way the general public interacts with me

if I've got the pheromone thing going on - I don't know why but there is something about me that, no matter what

I'm wearing, where I am, or who I'm with, if they see me, blue collar guys always smile and say "hi", sometimes

shyly, like they would like to say more or something but can't - very odd - always blue collar guys like

construction workers and such - never white collar types - my friends have even noticed and commented that I seem to

be a magnet for guys who "repair things" for a living - ha ha ha

so, I'm interested to see if that sort of

stuff changes or if white collar guys start to notice me or what -not that I'm looking to hook-up or get numbers or

anything - I got all I want and need at home - but guess I'm just a curious little monkey......

so, I'll keep

you all posted, if you are interested.......

until then, however, I have a question - has anyone noticed their

pets treating them differently when they were wearing pheromones? I'm just wondering since I remember, both times,

when I was pregnant, even before I was showing, my (fixed) female dog took a very different attitude towards me -

she became very cool and didn't curl up to me or sleep with me like she used to - just sorta walked around and

tried to avoid me, looking at me out the corner of her eye - I always had a feeling that it was a response to the

strong hormonal vibe I was giving off and wondered if pheromones would do the same thing......

and, with all

that, I'll sign off......

04-08-2008, 02:49 PM
Hi there and :welcome:


things first. ~Mones generally work "better" with people who don't know you, those that do, already have you

"pegged" and are slower to react.

As for animals, there are a couple of posts around here that discusses how

pets act differently. Cats that become more affectinate etc. I'll look around and see if I can give you a few


Mean time, have fun\o/

04-08-2008, 03:00 PM
hey - thanks for a

quick reply - and, I have a question in regards to what you said about people who already know you.....

are they

slower on the uptake/realization/appreciation (ha ha) of 'mones even if they are not aware that there is any 'mone

activity going on in the immediate vicinity of the other person?

I've talked about them with my SpouseGuy but

he is totally unaware that I ordered any and I wasn't planning to let him know until after I assessed whether or

not he responded differently to me when I was in 'mone-mode - kinda sneaky, I know but he'll be cool when I spill

the beans about my undercover activities...and, if they work like I hope they do and it heats things up more than

usual, I'm hoping he'll strongly encourage me to use the grocery money to buy more - I've been reading some of

the forum threads and am dying to try some of the other products out there........

04-08-2008, 03:07 PM
oops - where are my


thanks for checking on some links for me that talk about animal interactions - I'll be interested to

see what others have experienced......

04-08-2008, 03:44 PM
I probably can't find the post

now, it's been a long time so I'll repeat it. A friend of mine put on some TE before going home one evening. His

wife didn't react but their cats wouldn't leave him alone. He spent the evening being pestered by a couple of

housecats while his wife watched TV.

04-09-2008, 09:57 AM
He spent

the evening being pestered by a couple of housecats while his wife watched TV.

Since it would take a

while for his wife to put him in a different "box". She'd eventually react, but it'll take a while. That's what I

meant about already being pegged.

04-09-2008, 11:03 AM
Yes, I should have added that.

It was good for a lot of laughs in the meantime.

04-11-2008, 11:57 PM
One of my female cats responds

very lovingly when I am wearing mones. My other female cat, on the other hand, can become a bit aggressive. Both

are fixed, so I wouldn't think it would be sexual on their part but who


04-14-2008, 03:51 PM
oooh - sounds like this

is going to be interesting for both my SpouseGuy AND dog.....

I've been out of town for 6 days and just got

back today - my package came when I was gone - got a phone call from SpouseGuy demanding to know what the hell

smelled so bad and how much of the household's money did I spend on it? ha ha ha

I'm waiting for him to go out

to open it up and see - I have a sneaky suspicion that it's the EW but should it smell through the envelope?

hmmmmmm......like I said, it's gonna be interesting.....

04-15-2008, 01:11 PM
Definitely the EW. Sounds like it

leaked. Use very sparingly as you can already guess. It has a "simmer-down" time of about 10-20 minutes. In other

words, when you apply it, it will probably smell offensive for about that long and then settle down to very faint

almost subliminal cooch kind of smell.

04-15-2008, 02:55 PM
We have a dog and a cat and

neither seems affected by mones, both males and neutered.