View Full Version : Recommendation?

03-24-2008, 03:01 PM
I'm new here...

sorry (I belong to a couple different forums and it's always annoying when newbies make their first post looking

for help, so I apologize). Anyways, I'm a guy interested in women, but I'm not really looking to get laid all the

time - just looking for some more interest from women. Also looking to seem more friendly, to girls as well as

other guys. I think this means I want something with a decent amount of NOL. I'm weary about using something with

too much NONE because I want other guys to like and respect me, but I'm not into the whole agressive alpha male

thing. Not particularly sure about RONE. From what I've researched, it seems as though I'm looking for a mix of

Scent of Eros and Alter Ego... maybe? Any suggestions or recommendations anyone could offer would be much


03-24-2008, 05:33 PM
As I understand it, androsteRONE can

make one appear more "mature," almost "fatherly." May not be what you want to project. (a314 is a heavy androsterone


The alpha-nols are probably your best bet for "social" pheromone use, maybe combined with some of the

beta-nols. SoE is one of the better "social" pheromone products along these lines.

One other product that comes

to mind, but I haven't personally tried, is W.A.G.G. (What A Great Guy). You may want to research that one. (I have

a bottle but just haven't gotten around to trying it...)

03-24-2008, 07:29 PM
No need to apologize, good

question, and you've obviously done some reading.

I haven't tried WAGG yet either, mostly because I've read

hit or miss reports.

Can't go wrong with SoE or Chikara for what you want redpill. The -none is Chikara is

pretty light so don't be afraid of it.

Welcome to the forum!

03-25-2008, 07:14 PM
I've been getting a lot of

friendly vibes and respect vibes from my A314/SOE combo. It has very little none in it, but I've read that SOE

eventually converts to none. I haven't noticed this effect though. This combo doesn't work on everybody though,

that's for certain.

03-25-2008, 07:44 PM
Thanks for all the advice.

I'm probably going to start with some SOE and see how that goes.

The alpha-nols are probably

your best bet for "social" pheromone use, maybe combined with some of the beta-nols.

What exactly is the

difference between alpha- and beta-nols? All I've really heard is that more is known about alpha-nols and beta-

are relatively new.

03-27-2008, 07:13 PM
Thanks for all

the advice. I'm probably going to start with some SOE and see how that goes.

What exactly is the

difference between alpha- and beta-nols? All I've really heard is that more is known about alpha-nols and beta- are

relatively new.

All I currently have is from recent user reports, although there should be some

"scientific" articles out there somewhere.

The alpha-nols seem to create a open "chatty" response in some

people. When I've tried heavy a-nol products in a group ther are times I want to just scream "shut up" as it can

turn people into real motormouths. In fact I've pretty much stopped using the heavy a-nol products because I can't

get a word in edgewise (unless it's a situation where I specifially want that kind of response).

The beta-nols

seem to trigger a "deeper" response in that people supposedly have a tendency to not only talk, but also to reveal

some of their deeper secrets. Say things they normally wouldn't say. Some who have used it say it also can create

feelings of "closeness" between people - where they "open up" more as they might in a relationship as opposed to a

casual friendship. I have a beta-nol heavy product but I really haven't done much specific experimentation with it


03-30-2008, 05:14 AM

What beta-nol products

do you have? You mentioned one at the end of your post. i'm interested in getting deeper with a woman i've been

friends with. I'm using SOE and A314 and they seem to work very well.


03-31-2008, 05:25 PM


beta-nol products do you have? You mentioned one at the end of your post. i'm interested in getting deeper with a

woman i've been friends with. I'm using SOE and A314 and they seem to work very well.


To be

honest, I picked up a bottle from "another place" called Instant Honesty. Primarily beta-nol with some added


You can get pretty much the same thing at Love-Scent as a "chem set" item:


The LS product may be better to experiment with as I think it's pretty much straight beta-nol, The "other"

product has at least the scent in it which can clash with other scents, and there may be other "things" in there as

well. Not 100% sure.

03-31-2008, 06:08 PM
I shop at the "other" place as

well. I have Instant Honesty as well. I plan on mixing it with A314, SOE, and WAGG.

03-31-2008, 09:03 PM
What is your gentlemen's take on

Instant Honesty and how it compares with SOE?

03-31-2008, 10:52 PM
""closeness" between

people - where they "open up" more as they might in a relationship as opposed to a casual friendship"


RBT, out of curiosity, where is this claim originally from?

My current setup has scented SOE with pheros and no

none products and decently heavy on the soe application, im trying avoid the "just friends" syndrome and go for the

deeper relationship thing.

04-04-2008, 08:17 AM
""closeness" between people - where they "open up" more as they might in a

relationship as opposed to a casual friendship"

Hey RBT, out of curiosity, where is this claim originally


My current setup has scented SOE with pheros and no none products and decently heavy on the soe

application, im trying avoid the "just friends" syndrome and go for the deeper relationship thing.

Reports on "other place" forum. I haven't yet had a chance to do any "in depth" experimentation with the

beta-nols as yet so I have no personal data. I'm pretty sure of the alpha-nol effects however. When I've used it

some people just won't shut up (they are usually "talkers" already, but this stuff makes you want to shout "shut up

already!"). In at least one instance where I went heavy on the alpha-nol at a lunch get-together one of the others

there even commented at the end that we had had a "good conversation."