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View Full Version : women agressive in a strage way

03-24-2008, 12:52 PM
Hi Guys
very strange things happened an so i need your opinions ....
first to my person : i´m 34 years

old, German, sporty (gym 3 to 4 times a week) and i have started using mones nearly one year past ....

o.k. and

now to the problems....
i had a girlfriend recently (turkish one) and she´d always hit me with her hand on my dick

.... i thought strange behavior ....
so far so well ... i´d quit this thing last week and on Saturday i went out

with a blonde one from Lithuania ( i applied 3 Sprays of C7 and 10 inches of Soe and 3 dabs of TE )
well she did

the same .... strange .. ?? never had girls doing such things ....
we´ve been dancing very hot but not more ....

do you have any suggestions why girls are doing so.... ?? :blink:


03-24-2008, 12:55 PM
Sorry i did forget to

mention that both girls were skinny and both were 20 years old .... really good looking girls... HB 8

03-24-2008, 07:50 PM
How are relations between your

country and Turkey/Lithuania? Just kidding. :)

Very strange, I think I would object, and then ask them.

03-25-2008, 01:02 AM
Well, it is a normal reaction

from girls at their age. I had the same reaction from Italian girl, she was doing that to see if my ... is HARD or

not & also she was wondering if it is BIG. This comes from the sexual vibe mones create from products like TE, NPA,

PI, & A7

The normal reaction from other girls is that they look at my ... without hitting or touching.

Either way, it is a very strong sign that she wants you inside her.

03-25-2008, 02:39 PM
Hehe ... relations are

quite well :wub:

ahm another question .. why do they look at the .... when the moanes are applied ( in my case )

on my neck ?
i´m using moanes nearly every day and should i really have overseen such an important behavior of the

target :think:
what i´ve realized is that large amounts of soe destroy each vibe created by moanes ...
maybe i

get such good results recently because i´m running out of soe and i´m using it in an more economic way ?
best Pago

03-25-2008, 02:43 PM
Yes, its very commonly reported

that wearing less gets better results. It depends on the individual, and your observation should let you know what

your ideal dose should be.

03-26-2008, 01:14 AM
It does not matter, women will be

still looking down at your .... even if you apply the mones on your neck because it is about the sexual effect not

the spot. However women can easily figure out the spot but they will be still attracted to your ....

Try to

apply on your pants & you will see that the reaction will be a lot noticeable. :)

03-26-2008, 04:20 AM
Well it should be

considered to be tested ...
i´m going to apply some TE at the danger zone ... or maybe a little PI ??
Will be

interesting to figure out the effects on the girls .....
I think i´m going to do a 2 week test and then we will

see what happens :lovestruc
btw yesterday i did the hey tell me 3 things i consider as sexy on you game
ahmm and

the girl answered when it was my part ..... your eyes., your hair, and your neck :lol:
my neck .... ?? hey i think

this has to do with the moanes ....

thanks to idesign and to Guy101
Best Pago

03-28-2008, 03:55 AM
Good morning guys
fine i did

some field testing yesterday night and i must say the effects are noticeable ..... i applied 5 Sprays of Edge

between my legs and 2 drops of PI on my neck and a tiny amount of Soe
Sounds like an overdose but i found out that

i need more then double of moanes compared to cafe´s to get results in clubs because of the smoke and so ......

Ahmm jap there were 3 girls sitting next to the bar on a couch and they even noticed that they were constantly

looking at .... :rofl:
and a group of other girls came closer then usual ....much more closer ...
they were

really wondering why i was so out of the ordinary ............. do you think that A7 could deliver the same

results like PI ??

03-30-2008, 08:07 AM
A7 is even stronger than PI & the

added RONE makes it even better with romantic feelings.

Good luck

03-30-2008, 10:48 PM
Wow, three sprays of C7.


have a coworker that likes to choke me. She only does this when I wear -mones.

04-01-2008, 05:53 AM
Hi guys
after a while

oserving the effects of moans application between my legs ......
i must say that it has it´s advantages

first thing i recognized was that it gives me the opportunity to look at the girls boobs whilst she´s

looking for something interesting downstairs....
and the chiks are constantly looking ....
second ... it makes

the girls try to touch your best friend .... haha .. mostly they are not trying to do it obviously , more

coincidentally whilst holding her drink or bag in a way to get contact :wub:
ahmm Surreal .. sorry i´m german

..what do you mean with she wants to choke you ?

Best Pago

04-01-2008, 07:46 AM

morning guys
fine i did some field testing yesterday night and i must say the effects are noticeable ..... i

applied 5 Sprays of Edge between my legs and 2 drops of PI on my neck and a tiny amount of Soe
Sounds like an

overdose but i found out that i need more then double of moanes compared to cafe´s to get results in clubs because

of the smoke and so ......
Ahmm jap there were 3 girls sitting next to the bar on a couch and they even noticed

that they were constantly looking at .... :rofl:
and a group of other girls came closer then usual ....much more

closer ...
they were really wondering why i was so out of the ordinary ............. do you think that A7 could

deliver the same results like PI ??

Are you spraying on your pants or on the skin of your private

area, Pago? :think:

The only way to find out if A7 would work better is to test it, but a guess would

say YES because it's suppose to be better than PI. :sick:

04-01-2008, 09:20 AM

Surreal .. sorry i´m german ..what do you mean with she wants to choke you ?

hmmm, forgive my

ignorance and pleaes enlighten me, so, being german, how do you perceive that?

If she stands next to me for

more than 20 seconds she turns to me and makes a play threat... "I am tired of your crap, MYNAME" and she places her

hand around my neck and squeezes. She is also very verbally aggressive. But, most the time she is pleasant and

"normal" just those few moments a work shift she becomes hyper aggressive.

She is African-American and I am

Italian-American, we have the same body frame, I am single and she has a daughter with her boyfriend. IDK mates. I

think she senses my immense physical attraction for her and plays on that. good times.

04-02-2008, 07:46 AM
Sorry for my weak english ....

i found so many meanings for choke at the dictionary so .... it had to be explained
I apply the stuff on

my jeans but be careful not to ruin them .... sometimes when i know that it will come to special action that day or

nigt i use a bit directly on the skin of the delicate area :smite:
this makes the girls a lot more horny .....

i´m going to make my next order including A7 within the next days and then we will see if it delieveres different

results ..
nice day Pago

04-02-2008, 03:00 PM
I'll have to give this a try

next time I hit the clubs. I've been sick the last few weeks so I've had very few opportunities for testing


04-07-2008, 03:36 AM
Well Guys
had an awesome

last weekend wasn´t that successful like the one before ...
well some looks to the special aerea and

so on but not so much action ...
another think i recognized was that girls often want to come close to me with

her butt :drunk:
especially when i´m leaning against a bar or in similar situations ...