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View Full Version : Most effective product for guy in his 50's

02-28-2008, 01:04 PM
Hello all,

I am new to the forum, but have some experience using
Pheromones. Anyway, about 6

years ago I purchased a couple of bottles of Androstenone (thats the name of the product and comes in the same

bottle for sale on this website). I have
finally come to the end of the supply and can report positive effects

almost 100% of the time using this product. I usually get warm smiles and unsolicited conversation from the most

attractive girls. Gotta love it. Anway, I'm thinking with all the time that has passed since my original

purchase, the technology should be advanced to the point where I should be able to find a product that gives me even

more positive results. Thus far I have recently tried Pherlure (No results at all), Alter Ego sample on Ebay (More

friendly behavior from younger guys who normally would feel intimidated speaking to me). After reading through the

various posts, I'm thinking NPA or Alpha 7 might do the trick. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

02-28-2008, 04:45 PM
Good news: Lots of guys in

their 50's have success with pheromones here.

Bad news: There are almost as many different approaches as there

are people. Belgareth, Gegogi and I (even though I am in my 40's) have radically different approaches from each

other, for example.

Edge might be a safe purchase, from what you've told me. A7 is a reasonable alternate.

Basically you just need a combination of products that gives you all 3 major -mones; and possibly some more

specialized -mones such as A1 can make it into your arsenal.

02-28-2008, 06:10 PM
Yep, pretty much what the Dr.


rpg, consider joining the Boomer Room. "Old Farts on Pheromones".

To your question, my current

favorite application is A7/SoE. A7 has been a winner for me, age 50. It has -none with added -rone. I've found

that its sexual enough, but with an intimate temper. The SoE is a workhorse for social use, and combined with A7 it

seems to starting the ball rolling, and A7 seals it.

Your post makes me think of a question I've had for a while

but never asked. I wonder what effect new technology has made on the chemical production of pheromones. Are they

better now? I'm fairly new so I wouldn't have the historical perspective, but others here have that experience.

Doc? Others?

02-28-2008, 07:36 PM
Ah don't know about "OF on

mones"... It would be kinder and more politically correct to express it as "pheromone replacement therapy."


agree with the Doc, center your therapy around the holy trinity of androstenone, androsterone and androstenol. Once

you got it going on, try other mones such as A-1, TAA, EST, cops, etc., as supplements, i.e., a means of adding

spice or zest to the holy trinity.

Personally I wouldn't wear heavy androstenone products like Primal, TE or NPA

without a buffering mone such as alpha and/or beta androstenol. Thus you'll suffer fewer OD and enhance the badass

sex machine vibe with a little friendliness and approachability.

I doubt much has happened in terms of physical

manufacturing technology (no Ford sized plant robots). However there has been a great deal of R&D leading to

creation of new pheromones. There are now many dozens available I don't think were in available 5 years ago. But it

appears to be pretty much still a cottage industry with small labs cranking out small batches by hand.

02-29-2008, 01:16 AM
Thanks guys! It sounds like

I'm going to have to do some experimenting. I never knew there was more then one type of Pheromone. The

Androstenone I have used for the past several years seemed to do everything expected.
Anyway, I am starting my

first big experiment with an order of NPA. I also ordered some of packets of Chikara, although I'm not even sure

what it is. Based on what your telling me, I should probably get SOE to balance things out. Maybe next time I will

try the Alpha 7.

02-29-2008, 07:20 AM
You should really try A7 or TE

first. NPA and TE are the same thing but TE is diluted and far easier to use. I personally can't wear more than a

small spray of TE without a -none OD. NPA would blow me out of the ballpark. I'm 51.

02-29-2008, 09:01 AM
If Androstenone has been the car

you've been driving and appreciate ... A7 is your upgrade. TE and NPA gives you a different type of a-none with a

sexual drive.

Everyone needs SOE ... unless you're a talking-kind-of-guy.

Annd ... SOE and Chikara can be a

wonderful combo to play wit.

My one cent offered. :run:

02-29-2008, 10:05 AM

Androstenone has been the car you've been driving and appreciate ... A7 is your upgrade. TE and NPA gives you a

different type of a-none with a sexual drive.

Everyone needs SOE ... unless you're a talking-kind-of-guy.

Annd ... SOE and Chikara can be a wonderful combo to play wit.

Now thats the advice I'm looking for.

Now can someone please explain what None OD is?

My one cent offered. :run:[/quote

02-29-2008, 10:11 AM
How do you OD on None? Does

this mean the girls get so aggressive that you need to beat them off with a stick? Just joking. Really, how can

you possibly OD on the stuff?

You should really try A7 or TE first. NPA and TE are the

same thing but TE is diluted and far easier to use. I personally can't wear more than a small spray of TE without a

-none OD. NPA would blow me out of the ballpark. I'm 51.

02-29-2008, 11:09 AM
It's very easy to OD on -none,

people do it all the time. Reactions can range from being ignored to "You Stink!" to fear and aggression. Please

take the time to read other's experiences on the forum with OD. There are a lot of experienced users here, many of

us believe in 'Less is more'.

02-29-2008, 02:26 PM
Thanks for the helpful advice.

I don't remember ever experiencing an OD, but it's possible it occurred without my even realizing it. I

understand the product I have been using has a low none level, so that might be the reason.

02-29-2008, 02:44 PM
-None is funny stuff. Some

people, like Gegogi for instance, can use massive amounts of -none with good results. Others, mostly us hairy

caucasions, OD pretty easily. I can use one very light spray of TE if I buffer it well with SoE or something else. I

get better results and can wear more A7. My best results come form things like AQ, C7 or SoE, all of which I can

wear in substantially higher amounts.

02-29-2008, 02:58 PM
I suspected that much from

reading some of the posts. I'm the type who could probably get away with wearing more then others and not

experience any problems.

02-29-2008, 07:33 PM
If there have been "advancements"

it's probably the fact that there are more different products with varying mixtures of all sorts of "old" and "new"

pheromones. In the old days you had chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Now you have 131+ Flavors! And no doubt the

quality and strength of the ingredients has improved as well.

As one of those "old farts" myself all I can say

is try em. As many as you can afford. Remember what works for one may not work for another, but it can sure be fun


04-03-2008, 12:31 PM
I'm 50 and I use a314 as my

base. I then use IFM, IS, and IH for work. I just got a shipment of SOE and A7. I don't feel good about using A7

around the office so I'm going to use that for social outings with the a314 and SOE. I'm still playing with SOE

and A314. I've got WAGG-N coming to try out with a314 next week. I'm curious to hear what other 50 yr old guys are

using and in what amounts and combos.

04-04-2008, 08:08 AM
I'm 50 and I

use a314 as my base. I then use IFM, IS, and IH for work. I just got a shipment of SOE and A7. I don't feel good

about using A7 around the office so I'm going to use that for social outings with the a314 and SOE. I'm still

playing with SOE and A314. I've got WAGG-N coming to try out with a314 next week. I'm curious to hear what other

50 yr old guys are using and in what amounts and combos.

I know I like to try just about everything out

there. At least the products I feel are "reputable" (like the ones sold here and at that other place [IFM etc]).

There are so many sublet variations, and it's not only you, but how your "target" audience reacts/responds as


I just got some A7 and I think it looks promising. I have tried it at work, but as there are only about 5

people here and I'm usually working alone it's hard to say if the effects are positive, negative, or neutral.

About all I can say so far for sure, is that I've had good positive reactions with Alter Ego and Chikara. I think

IFM did it's stuff at a couple of funerals I had to go to, and the alpha-nol heavy products do seem to tend to get

chatty people even more chatty. Perception was a bust for me, and PI caused at least one of my targets to curl up in

a defensive ball, but I'm still working to find a good mix with androstenone heavy products. Most of the other

products I've tried have been somewhere between neutral and slightly positive.

Note that some products seem to

be aimed at creating "self effects." Something to influence your own behavior rather than someone elses. I have

found I don't seen to get any of these "self effects" so I can't say much about them.

Best advice:

experiment, experiment, experiment.

04-04-2008, 02:51 PM
I just had a strong reaction from

my wife. I had a few odds and ends that I added together in a vial. It contains some apc, perception, primal

instinct and a few drops of A314. I also added a few drops of some aloeswood oil and a dash of old spice.


too bad I don't know the ratio's because my wife has been all over me this afternoon, grabbing my package and

telling me how horny she is. When it runs out I'll try and recreate it but I don't know how successful I'll be.


04-05-2008, 02:50 PM
I just had a

strong reaction from my wife. I had a few odds and ends that I added together in a vial. It contains some apc,

perception, primal instinct and a few drops of A314. I also added a few drops of some aloeswood oil and a dash of

old spice.

It's too bad I don't know the ratio's because my wife has been all over me this afternoon,

grabbing my package and telling me how horny she is. When it runs out I'll try and recreate it but I don't know

how successful I'll be. :think:

Lesson #1

When experimenting with pheromone mixes always keep

good records of your dosages.


04-08-2008, 08:57 PM
I'm 57 and had great results

last two weeks with NPA. One date with a 23 y/o in Houston went VERY well. She was flipping her hair all night and

hugging her chest.

Next week struck up a conversation with two early 20's ladies and had one begging to take

me home for the evening.

NPA is still champ in my book!

04-08-2008, 09:03 PM
I'm 57

and had great results last two weeks with NPA. One date with a 23 y/o in Houston went VERY well. She was flipping

her hair all night and hugging her chest.

Next week struck up a conversation with two early 20's ladies and had

one begging to take me home for the evening.

NPA is still champ in my book!

Ciao Signor Whitehall!


You still using two dabs of NPA? I know you're still doing the pubs when you're expecting the do.


04-08-2008, 09:17 PM
Hi Mobes.

Three dabs -

two at the side of the neck and one at the front base. I'll cover with a dab of Creed.

I'll also add a

couple (or more) dabs to my pubic hairs in case the action moves down there.

If I expect sex, I'll add

several dabs to my chest, about where the lady's nose would be when in the act.

04-08-2008, 09:29 PM
Good to see you Whitehall, and

thanks for giving me the "below the belt" strategy when I first started here.

What Creeds do you like? For

daytime? For night?

04-08-2008, 09:35 PM
Taberome and Bois du Portugal

are my faves but your best matches depend on your skin chemistry and hair color. I've brown hair and tan easily so

warmer scents work for me. The warmer scents tend to cover the NPA and nones better.

Vertivers are also
