View Full Version : DateMate/Contact 18

02-17-2002, 12:13 PM
Has anyone ever used contact 18 before? I was reading some of the past messages on the board and it seems that everyone thinks it sucks. Has anyone actually had any results using it? If so where is the best part of your body to use it and also is it likely to work in say a bar or club where there is lots of smoke and stuff? Also what distance should you be from a girl to notice any signals?

02-17-2002, 01:25 PM
I\'ve had a bottle that looked like Datemate2000 on this site. Maybe it was one of the products you mentioned. It had a serious stink to it, but used in clubs it gave some good results. Actually, once, just as I was debating mones with two buddies, one of who was very sceptical, a girl came up to me from behind, said hi and stood real close. Well as she was so close I just put my arm around her waist and we talked for a while. Turned out she was bi, and she pointed out her gf who was standing at the bar a few feet away... Oh well, I had a good laugh as the sceptical guy dropped his jaw. images/icons/wink.gif Dose used I think was one spray to each wrist and behind each ear. But one spray under each collar of my shirt has also worked well on other occations if I\'ve made contact myself. Since clubs are usually very noisy, there\'s plenty reason to get close and let the mones do their stuff while chatting.

02-17-2002, 02:17 PM
I\'m a sceptic, but have used \"lovemate2000\" which is the concentrated form for adding to your own cologne. I find results with it vary..I have used a little to no effect, but have put enough on to smell like a cat litter tray covered with copious quantities of \"quality\" cologne, such that I smelled like a tarts armpit and had some real weird effects. The most notable example having been at my wife\'s fathers 60th bash when a couple of middle aged women tried to stand uncomfortably close and were paying me a lot of attention. Most people just looked at me confused and funny like...OD job I think!

I find that it works better with good cologne at the moment I favour \"Bulgari\" BLV which seems to blend and cover the cat pissy smell quite well.

These things \"pheros\" may not work as \"intended\" but too much certainly can be spectacular !

02-18-2002, 03:10 AM
Or you need good quality products like Alter ego attraction andro 4.2 can all be found elsewhere on the net cost slightly more though, also the stuff works we have established that with our commonsense approach instead of making nonsence claims thats why the forum works it underestimates the responses to these products. Which to be humble is good because you actually get more than you think but still get behind it. THe amount of members here works well to.