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View Full Version : Antony and Cleopatra

02-16-2008, 09:29 PM

something the experience on this site might be able to help with.

A few years ago I received a direct mailing ad

for cologne that sounded really good. I don't recall if it was marketed as a phero cologne or not.

It came in a

small (maybe 5ml) brown bottle. The label was titled Nightshade. There was a small paragraph on the label talking

about how it is the fragrence used by Mark Antony when meeting with Cleopatra.

It's real stong and only a drop

or two lasts all day. I can't smell it much after an hour or two, but have had people several hours later ask what

I'm wearing. It smells really great and I've gotten compliments on it. I haven't been able to find it on the

internet anywhere. Or even info on what might be in it by searching for old perfumes and Antony/Cleo. :frustrate

I've checked with a couple chem analysis places to see about finding out whats in it. Although they're extremely

pricey. It would be worth the thousands of dollars if I was going to produce and market it. Although I'm just

looking to make another bottle when this one runs out.

I was wondering if anyone else had come across this or

would know where to look for something like this.

02-20-2008, 06:11 PM
Too funny about your

predicament. Anyone can find out the ingredients to any fragrance with gas chromatograpy or mass spectronomy (sp?).

The knock-off people use this to reproduce commercial frags with amazing accuracy. I think they're good for

90% or better. Any naturals throw off the reading but a good tech can weed out the micro constituents.


must have gotten some knock-off house trying to sell some leftover product under a new name and bottling. Who knows

what it was? My guess is that if you smell everything you can in
perfume depts you'll find it eventually!


Whoever marketed the product was pretty good, Nightshade is a toxic plant which is believed to be the cause of

hallucinations and death among Antony's army in Mesopotamia. That was an interesting search, thanks



02-20-2008, 06:52 PM
I thought that was a fairly

ironic name for it also.

There's a local flea market with a fragrences booth. They have shelves of different

oils to make whatever you'd like. I had the guy that runs it try and duplicate it by smelling it. I figured he'd

be more in the know about what the different scents might be. What he came up with smelt good and was close, but not

quite. As if there was a couple things still missing.

I figured it would take something along the lines of a

chromatograph to accurate determine the contents. Thats quite expensive though.