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View Full Version : Gene discovered that allows androstenone to be smelled

02-11-2008, 01:07 PM
They found that people with a functional copy of the gene, called OR7D4, made properly shaped

receptors that accepted androstenone. But thirty percent of people had a variation of the gene (OR7D4 WM) that made

a receptor into which the androstenone could not fit. The difference in the receptor was very small Gene l — just

two amino acids differed — but the effects were pronounced. Those with the functional copy were eleven times more

sensitive to androstenone than their counterparts. And that marked the first proof that a particular gene was

responsible for a person's ability to smell a certain odor.

Full story

Here (http://www.sciencentral.com/articles/view.php3?article_id=218393001&cat=1_2)!

02-16-2008, 08:32 AM
Thanks for posting this. I

wish that we had some kind of test to know whether or not specific women had this gene. Sometimes when you like

someone a lot, it can be daunting to try to use the more aggressive mones around her since you don't want her to

have a possible negative response. Oh, well, our test is ultimately the only way to know for sure what a woman's

response is since you actually get the response good or

BMW M50 (http://www.bmw-tech.org/wiki/BMW_M50)