View Full Version : To up the Stakes

02-15-2008, 09:23 AM
Recently, I

have been getting closer with a woman who I could consider a acquaintance before the last two weeks but have

recently gotten close. She is a rather shy person in public (withdrawn) but much more personable at times with me


I have asked her out but she stated a few reasons that did want a relationship just yet which I do

understand. But at the same time I still want a relationship with her. The -mones have been a tremendous plus for me

with my combination of about 5" SOE and a dab of NPA or spray of TE. But right now I want to start play the ball


What would I need to get her interested in me sexually and emotionally other than the personality

aspects? Or rather which -mones would help open her up to my sexual advances (however noble)?

*Note she does tend

to fright easily...

I thank you for any suggestions ahead of time.

02-15-2008, 09:24 AM
You from sg? apply more SOE

with 2 spray of te

02-15-2008, 03:03 PM
a314 is supposedly good for

serious relationships.

02-20-2008, 04:59 AM
I'm from the states

actually but might as well be, lol. Anyway, I have recently tried Edge Sandlewood w/ a few inches of SOE which

seemed to work great but I want to encourage more physical contact before I get stuck in the friends zone.

I have

in my repertoire nkb ...



02-21-2008, 01:01 AM
For women to get physical they

need to feel comfortable & relaxed around you. Start with a social product like SOE & then mix it with NPA. The more

the woman feels relaxed around you the more she is likely to have sex with you.

02-21-2008, 01:07 AM
Believe me when I tell you

that SOE is used but at this point I'm afraid that I will get stuck in the friend zone. I have a window of

opportunity that I can't squander.

As for the NPA/SOE Combo, I have used it on her but it just increased her

comfort level in an awkward sort of way since it seems to me like she doesn't know how to react. Then again my

friends have told me I have picked an odd apple. lol

I'm thinking A314 with some NPA or TE? or should I go with

the A7 and TE or NPA? Maybe a dab of A1?

02-21-2008, 04:59 AM
Your attitude plays a major role

here. You should start touching her lightly in areas like her hand, shoulders, her face, & her back. This can change

the image immediately from friendship to a sexual guy. I'd rather in this case that you use 01 drop of NPA + SOE.

Never forget to keep the eye contact to creat attraction & keep your face relaxed & smiling.

Touch, Touch,

Touch, smile, & eye contact. \o/

02-21-2008, 09:41 AM
Can do coach.

Unfortunately, I just a wee bit shy but I have touched her on the shoulder a few times for the first time this last


Eye contact is another thing I have to work on... I know I need to make eye contact and smile... like

today I only made eye contact a few times while I know she was looking at me. :whip:

We were lecture today and

boy did I notice her head turn to look at me a few times. :cheers: But I only responded a few times so as to not

freak her out.

Anyway, anyone have any experience with any other products that you would recommend to help me


02-21-2008, 10:41 AM
Why not ask her if she wants to

have lunch with you, if she says she doesn't wanna date, say "no problem, it's just lunch", that'll get you more

1 on 1 time to work your magic. Also give you more time for the eye contact(absolutely necessary) and the

touching(don't over do it).

In the mean time, practice eye contact on EVERYONE. I know dropping eye contact

can become quite a habit, I used to have it. It takes practice to break if you're in that place.

02-21-2008, 10:50 AM
Well the eye contact thing

is something I have to work on regardless of girl or no. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get this girl to do

anything but study.


Its an accomplishment that I have her spending time with me at all alone. Anyway,

I'm waiting until my A314/A7 arrives before making a big push on her. But right now its justs SOE/NPA magic

02-21-2008, 10:55 AM

the eye contact thing is something I have to work on regardless of girl or no.

Believe it or not,

that's gonna be your biggest challenge right there. Eye contact is one of the biggest factors in person to person

interactions, and is huge in projecting confidence. If you can't hold your head high and meet people's eyes(not

stare them down), then it probably isn't going to matter what you use. This would be my top priority, practice it

with everyone, force yourself to hold eye contact for a count of 3 seconds in most cases, until it becomes more


I used to be a shy guy, I know how it goes, you've got to force yourself out of that space as

often as possible until you're permanently in a different place.

02-21-2008, 11:48 AM
Tell me about it, lol.

02-22-2008, 02:07 AM
the thing that you should

understand is with or wothout mones you should be self confident. Self confidence is the greatest attitude that men

should have & that is what attracts our human female. It means you should be comfortable in your own skin & lead a

happy life with or without women. If you push your girl with a needy attitude towards sex, she will sense it & will

finally make you wait for sex. Just sit with her & have a nice chat away from sex like fashon, celebrities, &

movies, etc...

the subjects that women are interested in. Just try to make her comfortable & relaxed around


03-03-2008, 08:03 AM
Today, I am trying about

6" of SOE, 1 dab of A7, 1 dab of A314, and a drop of A1. Hopefully I don't overload on the mone part but were going

to find out in a little bit.


Lets just see how high I can make the wager... today