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View Full Version : New SOE Gel Packets...how much to use?

02-13-2008, 06:25 PM
Well big thanks to Bruce...got my SOE today!

So I was a little surprised that they were smaller than

expected. In the past, I'd used 1 full packet at once for an intense reaction.

Today, I put on 2 of the packets

(I figured since they're smaller). Seemed a little more runny than usual. Anyway, I spread them over my neck

(mostly in the front), a little behind my ears, and some on my cheeks, and also some on my wrists.

Went to class

today...and I noticed the self-effects more than anything. I was uber-relaxed and comfortable. Not much reaction

from other people at all. Actually the only thing, maybe is the girl sitting in front of me flipped her hair a few

times and seemed like she glanced back at me smiling. But I could be exaggerating...I honestly don't think I

noticed anything today, other than self-effects. Oh and maybe, just maybe...while I was walking on the sidewalk

(about 15min after applying), some girl walking the opposite direction seemed to want to run me over. But then

again it could have been my imagination. So anyway,

I'll go for 3 packets next time...and then 4 the next (I'm

not afraid of OD'ing on SOE, since usually the OD is fun). I also wasn't super close to anyone, so the distance

could have been a factor. The times that SOE has worked best is when I'm really close to someone, or when the room

temperature is slightly higher, more crowded room..etc.

02-13-2008, 08:26 PM
Wow....I don't ever even use

a whole packet of the gel since the smell is so strong. I will use more of the unscented, but too much of any

cologne product seems excessive to me. I can't imagine wearing four packets!!
