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01-13-2008, 01:06 PM

Guys, after a little browsing I came accross a product Called "Pherox" which claims to increase your bodies own

pheromones through supplementation. I have tried a phero enchancer before by the name of Attract-Rx, which did not

work for me. Can anyone provide validation on whether or not these products work?


01-13-2008, 02:32 PM

Guys, after a little browsing I came accross a product Called "Pherox" which claims to increase your bodies own

pheromones through supplementation. I have tried a phero enchancer before by the name of Attract-Rx, which did not

work for me. Can anyone provide validation on whether or not these products work?


Jamie Hmmmm food for

thought. It is a well known fact that Attract-Rx has not been used

with succes by anyone who has posted on the forums over the years, as all reports have been as discribed by yourself

with respect to its use.

It appears that the "Pherox" comes with a 110% guarantee, perhaps you can be the first one to post

up a reveiw here as to the effectiveness of this supplement reputed to give great results acording to the

testemonials given on its web site. :cheers:

01-13-2008, 03:40 PM
I may just do that. The fact

that it comes in a dropper bottle as a liquid is interesting...but Through experience I have noticed that most phero

companys will dingy you right after you have bought their product. the site claims " Instantly you will notice

the results as the body warms and the skin tingles", would this be safe? Im all in for expermenting but if its with

something dangerous, im out :hammer: . Regarding the testemonials - I dont think most sites have real, impartial

comments as there are never any bad reports...

EDIT: Being me, and having more money than sense I decided to buy

Pherox from a UK supplier. I took a look at the ingredients which turn out to mean nothing to me so could a more

enlightened member please explain if any of the following could possibly have phero increasing properties.

E (as Tocopheryl Acetate)
Thiamine HCI
Riboflavin (as Riboflavin-5-Phosphate-Sodium)
Niacin (as Nicotinic

Vitamin B 12 (as Cyanocobalamin)
Pantothenic Acid (as Calcium Pantothenate)


01-13-2008, 06:26 PM

may just do that. The fact that it comes in a dropper bottle as a liquid is interesting...but Through experience I

have noticed that most phero companys will dingy you right after you have bought their product. the site claims "

Instantly you will notice the results as the body warms and the skin tingles", would this be safe? Im all in for

expermenting but if its with something dangerous, im out :hammer: . Regarding the testemonials - I dont think most

sites have real, impartial comments as there are never any bad reports...

EDIT: Being me, and having more money

than sense I decided to buy Pherox from a UK supplier. I took a look at the ingredients which turn out to mean

nothing to me so could a more enlightened member please explain if any of the following could possibly have phero

increasing properties.
Vitamin E (as Tocopheryl Acetate)
Thiamine HCI
Riboflavin (as

Niacin (as Nicotinic HCI)
Vitamin B 12 (as Cyanocobalamin)
Pantothenic Acid (as

Calcium Pantothenate)

ThanksTheir vitamin E, Tocopheryl

Acetate is a relativley usless form, and nowhere near as effective as the natural vitamin E ( d-alpha Tocopherol



the other ingredients can all be found in a vitamin B complex formulation, with the exception of Caffeine.

My gut

tells me that the stuff would be a waste of time and a waste of hard earned money and would be better off left alone

unless you have piles of money laying around and nothing to spend it on.

Maby something in the ingredients works to

have a catalyistic effect on the Caffeine and that produces a warm buzz which in turn produces a nice grin and hence

the attraction. ha ha expensive smile. :cheers:

01-14-2008, 04:38 AM
:goodpost: Yeah to be honest I

expected it to be a waste of money but then again its always good to try new things even if all i get is an

"expensive smile" :blink: . So, as soon as I test this stuff out i will post my experience and mabey save you guys

some money...:lol:

01-14-2008, 10:28 AM
:goodpost: Yeah to be honest I expected it to be a waste of money but then again its always

good to try new things even if all i get is an "expensive smile" :blink: . So, as soon as I test this stuff out i

will post my experience and mabey save you guys some money...:lol:weeel sure

be lookin forward to your report, as the proof of the pudding is in the eating so they say


And if the

juice proves to be sommat outa de ordinary then imagion the added boost of added synthethic pheromones on top to add


Besides its good to have a dedicated pioneer on the team, a real asset to the forum id say, so

good luck with it all Jamie. :wave:

01-14-2008, 09:38 PM
... the

site claims " Instantly you will notice the results as the body warms and the skin tingles", would this be safe? Im

all in for expermenting but if its with something dangerous, im out :hammer: .

Niacin will do this.

It's sold as a vitamin. Docs often recommend it for lowering cholesterol. Relatively harmless although large doses

over long periods of time might harm the liver. You can find more information about it on a web search.

01-15-2008, 04:29 AM
Well, My Pherox arrived and I

must say that the Dosage technique is rather strange. A few drops under your tounge and held in your mouth

for about a minute. It tastes of nothing other-worldly, Similar to cough syrup. Will repost in 20 minutes when the

"skin warming/tingling" effects are supposed to kick in...

01-15-2008, 08:08 AM
Its been over 20 minutes now

and I dont feel any different. I dont go out until later tonight but I will keep an eye out for any possible


01-15-2008, 09:09 AM
From the ingredients I'd say

it was junk.

If you want to up your pheromone production go to the gym and lift some weights. Maybe also try


01-15-2008, 11:01 AM
Good health will of course improve

your natural pheromone signature. Like the Capt says, a good workout is probably your best investment there.

01-15-2008, 11:20 AM
:goodpost:My guess is that a

natural testosterone booster would increase your natural mone levels, would it not?. That is, something that

increases your natural test production. A lot of weight lifters, body builders etc. use such products. I

definitely think it works (for test at least), I don't know about pheromone production though.

Instead of

recommending a specific product, let me just say that a plant called tribulus terrestris is known to increase test

levels. Also, there is a plethora of "Aromatase Inhibitors," which basically block test-to-estrogen conversion,

thus indirectly increasing test levels.

Just google either or find a health food/supplement store.

I hope

that helps.

01-15-2008, 11:39 AM
The testosterone booster that i am using at the moment works far better than a tribulus type product

it is called "Androstenetrione" and it is not a pro hormone but works in a manner so as not to be liver


I have been taking 300mg for the last 16 days and it

works wonders for me, it is also comonly known as "6-oxo" and can be purchased just about


I buy it in the 20grm powder size called 1Fast400

Androstenetrione, and cap it myself, i order it from www.bulknutrition.com (http://www.bulknutrition.com)

who actually get the stuff here to me in Australia in 4 days.

The only real side effect is that i have been waking up each morning with a monster woody. \o/

01-15-2008, 05:31 PM
Well it never was an attempt

to boost my natural Pheros per say, more of clarification of whether or not such products exist. Apparently Not.

While on the subject of Testosterone could I ask what benefits I would gain from having it in decent amounts? All I

know is that it is the main male Hormone but I do not know much of its function. Can anyone explain?

01-15-2008, 06:03 PM
ZMA is the "cleanest" way to

boost testosterone levels via supplementation as far as I know.

...and Terry, be careful about what you seem to

be stating as fact there. Also, 6-oxo does have other side effects, a quick google will tell you this. I'm not

saying I know it's a bad idea, but you really shouldn't be messing with your endocrine system without being sure

about the consequences.


01-15-2008, 08:33 PM
ZMA is the "cleanest" way to boost testosterone levels via supplementation as far as I


...and Terry, be careful about what you seem to be stating as fact there. Also, 6-oxo does have other side

effects, a quick google will tell you this. I'm not saying I know it's a bad idea, but you really shouldn't be

messing with your endocrine system without being sure about the consequences.


omone-increase.htmThanks (http://pherolibrary.com/articles/pheromone-increase.htm[/quote]Thanks) for the concern Captain, Re 6-oxo, yes there

is always oposing interests out there trying to scare monger when a product has proven successfull in many

university tests and is a leader in its field as 6-oxo is and this is to be understood.

It is a good thing the Australian

customs do not allow dangerous supplements be imported into this country to be used as it is very strict with with

the importing of "dangerous goods" as we have very stringent medical guidelines that have to be adhered to and our

customs service is the very best in the world and need to be congratulated in the efforts they go to in protecting

our citizens from poisons and dangerous hormones and hgh ect ect.

Out of the 100 s of testemonials supporting

the product 6-oxo there have been several reports of some users getting a little pimpley on the back and one person

stated he had trouble sleeping after taking it at bedtime, but overall nothing negative except from those with

vested interests, as there always will be those scare tactics working to be subversive.

To be sure if "Androstenetrione" posed

any genuine health related threats our Government would never allow it to be freely imported into the country, even

my shipment had been opened and inspected by customs agents and resealed before delivery to



there are hundreds of other anabolic supplements that are produced in USA and do not stand a chance of ever entering

this country because of the scientific expertese that we posess in the detecting of "genuine" dangerous goods.

But good

advice from you is appreciated as there are so many agents and even herbal ingredients that can have an effect on

the endocrine system not forgeting licorice and ginsing and many chinese herbs that the Earth has provided for us to

use with prudence and wisdom.

So may we be guided with the spirit of intelligence in the choices that we


I am

56 years old and have been treating myself long before my doctors told me i would not live past 30 years of age.


01-15-2008, 11:48 PM
ZMA is the "cleanest" way to boost testosterone levels via supplementation as far as I


...and Terry, be careful about what you seem to be stating as fact there. Also, 6-oxo does have other side

effects, a quick google will tell you this. I'm not saying I know it's a bad idea, but you really shouldn't be

messing with your endocrine system without being sure about the consequences.


:goodpost: Thanks Captain, I have just done some serious research on ZMA and read some fantastic reveiws, especially

regarding sleep and energy.

Really great stuff that i will be certain to order, thanks Squire. :cheers:

01-17-2008, 09:15 AM
No worries terry, just making

sure we have a balance of opinions in the thread.

Oh and I have supplemented my zinc intake with up to 45mg with

good results.

For everyone's information, 6-oxo may also have unknown problems further down the line (that

doesn't mean it will,
its just means that there hasn't been enough time to determine long term effects

properly). You will also potentially experience the nastier effects of raising testosterone, such as acne and

accelerated hair loss.

01-17-2008, 12:20 PM

worries terry, just making sure we have a balance of opinions in the thread.

Oh and I have supplemented my zinc

intake with up to 45mg with good results.

For everyone's information, 6-oxo may also have unknown problems

further down the line (that doesn't mean it will,
its just means that there hasn't been enough time to determine

long term effects properly). You will also potentially experience the nastier effects of raising testosterone, such

as acne and accelerated hair loss.Thats right as who really knows the long

term effects of the 6-oxo substance, It is something that should be cycled, and i have a while on


I did

order the 1FAST400 brand ZMA from www.bulknutrition.com (http://www.bulknutrition.com) after reading

some of the users comments, so will probably start out taking 2 at night, it appears they must be consumed without

any calcium products. The price of bulknutritions own brands ( 1FAST400 ) quality is good, when compared with some


01-29-2008, 10:39 AM
Right, well seeing as I still

have the pherox and not wanting to 'waste' I have continued use and about 10 minutes ago I experimented a little

and decided to OD a little on it. All I have to say is "Ow, it Burns!". My skin, particularily my face has gone red

and there is a slight throbbing in my ears that is luckily fading quickly...

Some food for thought for you guys


01-29-2008, 11:35 AM
Right, well seeing as I still have the pherox and not wanting to 'waste' I have continued

use and about 10 minutes ago I experimented a little and decided to OD a little on it. All I have to say is "Ow, it

Burns!". My skin, particularily my face has gone red and there is a slight throbbing in my ears that is luckily

fading quickly...

Some food for thought for you guys :rofl:Wow seriously

hot stuff man, I hope ya get some hits outa it all.
Great work

with this and appreciate your feedback :wave:

01-29-2008, 11:52 AM
Well thanks Terry, I also

bought some ZMA and Tribulus Terrestris from Sci-MX. Its quite high end stuff and pricey so lets see if i get any

results from this. I may need to lay off my experimentation for a while as its taking its toll on my wallet,

especially now that Im paying for Driving lessons and the like.

P.s The burning and pulsing sensation has

dissapeared but my skin is still a bit red. I wonder how long that will last...

01-29-2008, 03:49 PM
Well thanks Terry, I also bought some ZMA and Tribulus Terrestris from Sci-MX. Its quite

high end stuff and pricey so lets see if i get any results from this. I may need to lay off my experimentation for a

while as its taking its toll on my wallet, especially now that Im paying for Driving lessons and the like.


The burning and pulsing sensation has dissapeared but my skin is still a bit red. I wonder how long that will

last...Most people report good results from taking the ZMA, especially in

the areas of sleep quality, which in turn assists with anabolic enhancement in general.

Looks like a good product you have, but

personally i would not go for 8 caps per day, and just use 3-4 caps about 1/2 hour before bed with water on a

relatively empty tummy. Just remember not to take it together with anything containing calcium, because just about

every ZMA product warns that it is counter productive to take with Milk, Whey, or calcium


There is a good Tongkat-Ali and Tribulus combination capsule availabe and still on special at

Global Supplements, it appears to have excellent concentrations of the stated herbal ingredients, The price is


I am

still waiting for my ZMA from www.bulknutrition.com (http://www.bulknutrition.com) because it was out

of stock at the time of my order as it is good quality at a good price and i also opted for the $11.99 international

shipping this time instead of the $22.00 which is superfast delivery.

Il be interested to see how your sleep

improves when you start taking your ZMA.

This can be ordered from a variety of places, But if you log on to

www.bulknutrition.com (http://www.bulknutrition.com) and click on to the 1Fast400 brand list of

products you will see their acetyl-l-carnetine listed amoungst their brand products and when you bring it up you

have the option of checking the user feedback comments on this supplement, Also Bulknutrition stock other brands of

this product and many of the featured listings have user comments that you can also check


I dont

receive any credits for mentioning bulknutrition, i just find some good prices and quality for some of their own

shop lines, and also the opportunity to get user feedback on previously unknown supplements. :cheers:

01-29-2008, 04:19 PM
Just 5mg DHEA definitely

works for this purpose.

01-29-2008, 05:05 PM

5mg DHEA definitely works for this purpose.

I take a 25mg DHEA supplement 3-4/wk. Definitely notice a

difference where it counts.

Along with other putative benefits, its supposed to be a male hormone precursor?


01-29-2008, 08:19 PM
I take a 25mg

DHEA supplement 3-4/wk. Definitely notice a difference where it counts.

Along with other putative benefits, its

supposed to be a male hormone precursor? Testosterone?

Both a male and female hormone precursor. see


01-29-2008, 08:28 PM

5mg DHEA definitely works for this purpose.

Ya talkin' daily, Doc?

I take a

25mg DHEA supplement 3-4/wk. Definitely notice a difference where it counts.

Along with other putative benefits,

its supposed to be a male hormone precursor? Testosterone?

How old are you, ID, and is that 3 to 4 times

per week or 3 to 4 tabs of 25mg per week?

Thanks! :run:

01-29-2008, 08:31 PM
Both a male

and female hormone precursor. see


Very funny, can you

present that in Russian? I'm challenged that way.

01-29-2008, 08:40 PM
How old are you, ID, and is that 3 to 4 times per week or 3 to 4 tabs of 25mg per week?

I'm 50, and

take a 25mg cap 3-4 times/wk.

I get it, and other supplements



01-30-2008, 05:44 AM
I just meant yo can take

5mg/day whenever you want that boost.

It was theorized that it boosts -rone, since that's the closest

offspring, but I think it turns pheromonic in counterintuitive ways; and that DHEA-s (most common skin variety) is

itself probably a pheromone, likely the most plentiful on the human body. I noticed increased hits, a pheromone

smell noticeable especially in arm hair; as well as possible increased OD risk with other -mones.

I only avoid

it because of hair loss increase, for me personally.

Though it's a major precursor of T; how much converts to

T depends on your body's need for it -- not necessarily all that much.

01-30-2008, 12:49 PM
Lucky guys some of you that need to use DHEA and can obtain it legaly.

It is a prohibited import into Australia

and a person who requires it has to present his case to a doctor in the hope of obtaining a


I may be able to give it a go but at the moment my Doc has me using up a generous proportion of

Sustanon ampoules ( testosterone ) I have chosen to inject 1ml of Sustanon 100 every 2 weeks, and i choose to take

the anti arometase in the form of 6-oxo ( Androstenetrione ) at 300mg per night.

The dose of Sustanon that i administer is

only about 1/8 of the amount a bodybuilder could typicaly use.

I have been using the test for nearly 14

weeks and in the first 8 weeks i did gain about 14 lb in weight which i have retained up till now with good abs


Nearly 5 years ago my Doc gave me a script for Deca which after using for several months caused me

to become immensly muscular insonuch that if i went outdoors with a T shirt on or no shirt at all, the majority of

people around would stare at me and start to group around me if i was at any type of venue i usually attracted a

group of males asking me all types of questions and also just wanting to hang with me, very strange feling when it

is happening, but i must say i looked great as i was labouring for builders and bricklayers at the



effects with the Deca NOT GOOD, throughout the day a very tired feeling and sense of lethargy and also my blood

pressure shot up and also lost much of my aerobic conditioning.

At the time of my Deca trial i did not know

about the production of Estrogen associated with raised hormonal levels had i known the trials may have been


At the moment with my Testosterone trials my energy levels are fine and also my cardio is good and

also my bloodpressure,
I think the only way i am now going to get

any heavier since gaining my initial 14 lbs is if i choose to eat the correct ratios of protein and have some early



i feel that in my present low bodyfat and level of muscle is adequate as i have also improved my strength and



dont think i will go on forever taking the Sustanon 100, as i am not really interested in looking gigantic, if so i

could tripple my dose, But i may just stop the Testosterone inject and finish the remaining 6-oxo about 4 weeks

supply and then just rely on more natural means of Testosterone production like Supplements ZMA and maby some

tongkat ali and tribulus, and some acetyl-l-carnitine.

There is every likleyhood that i would

eventually go back from my now 11.5 stone weight to my former 10.5 stone weight ( 150 lb ) at 5 ft and 5.5" height.

01-30-2008, 05:50 PM
I started using DHEA as a

general health supplement a couple of years ago, along with other supplements and vitamins. It was only later that

I learned about the hormone angle.

I wonder if my propensity to easily OD on -none has anything to do with


01-30-2008, 08:04 PM

started using DHEA as a general health supplement a couple of years ago, along with other supplements and vitamins.

It was only later that I learned about the hormone angle.

I wonder if my propensity to easily OD on -none has

anything to do with this.Ha ha as funny as it seems you may be actually

producing natural Androstenone like that of a healthy 20 year old, so probably easy to OD on a small amount of the

synthetic none.

I will have to see how my usual high applications of aNONE will work for me as i havent used much

since beginning my AQ 3G trials, and also since boosting my test levels.

So even this 2 drop Alpha 7 man could be in

for some surprises

In the last few days i have been applying 2 drops A314 and a spray of TE to my upper exposed chest

area and i have also not been interested in women and or hits as the mixes have been for purposes of interveiws with

women, and i have found that these mixes have been just right for the designed purposes, and also attracting lots of

attention from females in other situations when i could not be any less interested in anyone romantically except my

wonderful g/f. :wave: