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View Full Version : MIA veteran with a few questions

12-29-2007, 10:22 PM
hey folks, im not new or a newbie per se, but i have been away for almost 2 years.

I just visited this site

about 30min ago and so my memory is sorta catching up on me.

However, id like some help with general assesements

or summaries of the new products that have come out since my absence or point me to useful links.

3 products im

particularly interested in that i currently have no clue of is:

What is the general consensus on the new

products A314 and A7, and the new Chikara(and what differences are present in the new chikara versus the one i

bought over 2 years ago)

12-31-2007, 05:38 PM
There's a current A7 thread

going on right now, and Chikara and A314 pop up all the time.

01-03-2008, 02:59 AM
Search , IMPI and A7 for


01-03-2008, 10:45 AM
Welcome back. How have ya been?

01-04-2008, 10:50 AM
Welcome back to the board. I'm

still a somewhat new user myself.

I've got a bottle of A314 that I'm still playing around with, but haven't

been going out much lately. I had to work during the holidays. I wore two drops of A314 on back of hands and throat,

covered with my after shave when I went out shopping yesterday but nothing much to report.

My after shave is

Valcan made by Kanebo, a Japanese cosmetic firm. It's a little gift from my wife from an x-mas past. It has a nice

scent and not overpowering in any way, very easy to use.

I had some chikara gel packs, I'm out now, need more. I

mixed mine with a little SOE and TE with good results. I had a woman following me around at a party. I tried chikara

solo but haven't really tested it out as thoroughly as I should have.