View Full Version : The most important part of your success is you.

10-04-2007, 09:58 AM
I just thought I will remember me and others(if you will let me that is)what is actually the most

important part of your success.
I've seen some posts lately like "pheromone x got me laid". IMO that is not only

not true, but also can be a dangerous thinking.
Some guys once they start to use pheromones look for signs of

interest from women and once they consciously register them, they attribute it to some external substance -

pheromones. Now don't get me wrong, I believe pheromones do indeed work, it's just that they only can give an

edge, but they cannot substitute you. The biggest part of your success comes from you within.
The power of attitude

and beliefs is absolutely incredible. Now I know some guys may think it's not really something new and they are

right, it is not something new or groundbreaking.
But do they really understand what is being said? Do they really

get it on all levels?
It's not just some wishful thinking. It's the "what you think is what you get" formula at

work. And it works incredibly.
Ok, now I am a little skeptical about things happening hundreds of kilometers away

just because someone thinks about them(although I don't deny the possibility), but when speaking about

interpersonal relationships... And ESPECIALLY when talking about the initial stages of ummm...mating

process....it's the most important thing no matter how you look or how much you earn.
I've dropped Speed

Seduction, I've dropped DYD c&f, I've dropped Mystery Method.
All I need is to say Hi.
Actually if you red

Mystery's Venutian Arts book, one time he says something like "you can break every single rule in the book and you

will still be successful as long as you attitude is right". Not word by word, but you get the idea.

SUCCESSFUL PUAs now this. Notice that I didn't say all PUAs, instead I said all successful.
You can do your won

research on this if you wish :)
The day I received a notice from post office to get my pheromone shipment...you

know if that day I would have wore pheromones and if I would have doubts in me.......I would have thought pheromones

are indeed some magical substance and rushed home to write about them in this forum. The thing is I was wearing no

The only thing was my attitude..."I know I am desired and sorry I can do NOTHING about it. I know you want

to be with me and I accept this as a fact of nature. I am going to give you that chance, from all the girls. I know

about the naughty little girl inside you, I can see THAT spark in your eyes. And I understand it's not a question

of "if?", it's only a question "when?". " Etc, not that easy to put into words really :) Yes, I know it may sound

corny, but it works, so I can live with that :) Of course smile is important so you don't come off as to serious

and don't scare her off and also it is important to give her space so she feels comfortable.

10-05-2007, 08:17 PM