View Full Version : Detecting individual differences in olfactory/pheromonal components

09-19-2007, 03:59 PM

l=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel .Pubmed_RVDocSum

"Ratios of various urinary steroidal

compounds are of particular stability and significance, especially.... androsterone/etiocholanolone

which provide valuable information that allows the assignment of a urine specimen to a particular person

or the identification of urine samples with identical steroid profiles."

Theoretically, A/E ratios are an

indicator of testosterone associated masculinity/dominance, which is associated with human pheromone production

(e.g, androsterone). These study findings attest to the fact that the A/E ratio is, with other measures, very

specific to any individual's level of hormone production. The individual could be singled out from the steroid

profiles of 14,224 others, which led to the punishment of three competitors who were attempting to beat illegal

testosterone supplementation (i.e., "doping") detection methods.

If an individual merely wanted to enhance

his natural masculine scent signature, and "smell" like he had a higher testosterone level, theoretically, he could

simply use a product containing androsterone.

Note that -none is not mentioned as a measure. Thus,

theoretically,compared to androsterone, -none could be an indicator of masculinity/dominance in pigs that might make

a man smell like a pig.

My point, paying attention to the science of human pheromone theory could,

theoretically, keep you from smelling like a pig.

James V. Kohl
The Scent of Eros

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this topic can be found by clicking here. (http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18336)