View Full Version : Report

09-07-2007, 01:35 PM
Today I wore like 18" of SOE, 1

drop of NPA, 2 drops of Primal.

At the gym:

I said hi to a bunch of people, only a couple even would

look up at me, some did quickly but then looked back down. I'm talking about guys who are bigger than me, most of

them, in height and bulk. It was hard to keep myself out of dark cloud/brooding lonewolf mode, which happens to me

when I use PI, which is why after like 2 years I still have 90% of a bottle left :D



wanted to add, I haven't been getting hits with SOE alone, and I realized why. it was going on too thin, the

roller still needed broken-in, now it applies nice and thick. I THOUGHT I remember it going on WAY thicker. Fuck,

that makes my hitless mall experience more understanable

09-07-2007, 03:02 PM
I'm not sure but isn't 1 drop

of NPA plus 2 drops of PI too much? I mean it also depends on various factors, but still..

09-07-2007, 03:34 PM

not sure but isn't 1 drop of NPA plus 2 drops of PI too much? I mean it also depends on various factors, but

still..Shit thats around 60mcg ANDROSTENONE , I love wearing aNONE as it

suits me fine and i can handle 20mcg applications well.

But 60mcg could well contribute to putting me

in a black hole also.

I would have settled for 1 drop NPA and SOE @ 18".

I suppose a MAX slather of aNONE could do the

trick if you wanted to come across as intimidating or threatening .

Not exactly an attractive amount unless

attending a leather bar party.:thumbsup:

09-07-2007, 04:23 PM

exactly an attractive amount unless attending a leather bar party.:thumbsup: [/COLOR][/FONT]


like someones speaking from experience ?? :think:

09-07-2007, 06:36 PM

like someones speaking from experience ?? :think: Yes i have attended a

fairly sofisticated drinking establishment on one occasion and i was amazed at the apparel worn by the men,

especially the leather gear, the whole scene seemed so very kinky and certainly the most unusual place i have ever

been to.

I went inside with a girl who was somewhat bi sexual

and the men there did not seem to notice me as i was dressed conservative by their standards i


Even so i have been hit upon by men sometimes :eek: ,

but i do not feel attracted to men in a sexual manner but only as a buddy or a friend.

09-07-2007, 07:53 PM
Tyler, yeah for a young dude who

works out, 2 PI and 1 NPA is an OD :D I was mainly wondering the effects it would have on the females there, but I

wasn't there long enough or at the right time of day, so girls were scarce. Tomorrow I'm hitting the gym again,

this time with SOE only, and in the proper amounts ( probably had the equivalent of 4-10" on today, just estimating

because it was AFTER I came back that I realized the roller had been stingy on me, so my 18" wasn't really 18").

Will report tomorrow.


09-07-2007, 08:04 PM
Today I

wore like 18" of SOE, 1 drop of NPA, 2 drops of Primal.

At the gym:

I said hi to a bunch of people,

only a couple even would look up at me, some did quickly but then looked back down. I'm talking about guys who are

bigger than me, most of them, in height and bulk. It was hard to keep myself out of dark cloud/brooding lonewolf

mode, which happens to me when I use PI, which is why after like 2 years I still have 90% of a bottle left


Whoa, that is a lot of NPA and Primal. I think that's too much for even 18" of SOE to



09-07-2007, 08:37 PM
If I wore that much -none

they'd find me in an East Carolina ditch just past midnight after the local boys thought the threat too large to

leave unadressed. The women still huddled in the far corner until news came back that Greg is dead.

09-08-2007, 01:46 AM
Haha! Honestly though, I thought

I was going to get some dudes wanting to fight me or something. Even the huge enormous King Kong dudes wouldn't

even look up at me, and I don't mean just ignoring me, I mean they were doing the "bitch eyes". I'm new to that

gym, and I want allies not cowering haters.


09-08-2007, 09:52 AM
That was such

an OD amount haha... I actually laughed when reading the opening post of this thread.

Try using SOE and maybe

just one drop of NPA or PI lol.