View Full Version : ALPHA 7 What a Sweet Stink

09-05-2007, 11:21 AM

You have done it again. Have not played allot with the mones in a yr or two. But found a bottle of

Primal last month with a bit left, while going through some stuff. And it was Primal Time..ha ha. Forgot the Ego

rush and the nice conversations, DIHL, etc. But then the Primal was dry. So got back on and found the ALpha-7.

Ordered on Saturday, received on Tues. Opened the bottle in the Post Office parking lot and was pleased by the

sweet, sweet stench of the mones. Yes this was on par with Primal. So on the way home with Ego enhanced I stopped by

the Grocery Store. And while in the produce section the Veggie gal just kinda popped over and started telling me all

about apples and such. this in itself was odd as I go there at least twice a week and she does not ever come and

talk. So with that, got what I needed and headed to the checkout. Nice younger 23ish brunette who was helping the

cashier kept smiling and doing the hair flip, then asked where i worked if i had GF etc.

So I must say with

only applying 1 drop on the neck it was a good trial run. Look forward to posting more, and doing more NPA and now

Alpha 7 experiments.

Cheers Bruce

09-05-2007, 02:24 PM
Thanks for the input. It

is always a good thing to do.
I keep hearing so much about A7. I don't intent on buying any products soon as I

just purchesed my three favorites (SOE, TE, A1), one of them even for my first time (A1). And i aslo purchesed IMPI

original which I have yet to try.
But I'm curious to hear all this oing on about A7. I like both PI & NPA, and the

addition of `rone in A7 sounds like a great idea :)

09-05-2007, 04:16 PM
Good show TCO

I wore some A7

the other day when I went to get a new phone. I had 1 drop split on each side of the neck with around 4" SoE on

each wrist, with cover.

The girl who drew my # was great looking and a lot of fun, way too young for me, but I

still had a lot of fun with her. Chatted her up and made some jokes and she was eating out of my hand. She had her

hair in a pony tail and kept playing with it and looking at me coyly smiling. She looked me in the eyes and I held

her gaze on purpose just to see what would happen. She just stared like the proverbial deer and only broke the gaze

when I smiled and asked her a question.

At one point she was showing me some features on the phone and she kept

moving her body closer and closer until I could have kissed her by just turning my face. I love this stuff.

09-05-2007, 04:28 PM
Thanx for the reply. Just to

give you some of my P{hero history. A few years back (About 7 or so) I bought some PI then some NPA then some Edge.

I found that all played a bit on my personal perception of myself..i.e. EGO. Not in a bad way, but in a way that

imposed more self assurance, and a better and more positive picture of one’s self. Then the hits came. I mean they

ere some rather blatent DIHL, hair flipping, eyes down cast with large pupils. I was on to something. I experimented

on friends (See Master Hit squad, I was TCO, and TallCoolOne then).

I myself like PI. It was a power house,

and mixed (yes can be mixed with alcohol based fragrances) well with some scents.

But then I tried NPA – and

it was a great successes. I was sold on mones. But then personal life came about. Was in a long relationship, and

settled in my job. SO the mones went to the sideline.

SO with the recent find of the PI and the new product

of Alpha 7, I am on the road again. I look forward to reading more posts and do a bit of the more updated research



09-05-2007, 04:39 PM
"eyes down cast with

large pupils"
DAMN how I love that one hehe.
My g\f does it to me all the time. She's my g\f - she's allowed

to be turned on by me - and still she does it haha... I love my `mones ;)

09-05-2007, 05:50 PM

for the reply. Just to give you some of my P{hero history. A few years back (About 7 or so) I bought some PI then

some NPA then some Edge. I found that all played a bit on my personal perception of myself..i.e. EGO. Not in a bad

way, but in a way that imposed more self assurance, and a better and more positive picture of one’s self. Then the

hits came. I mean they ere some rather blatent DIHL, hair flipping, eyes down cast with large pupils. I was on to

something. I experimented on friends (See Master Hit squad, I was TCO, and TallCoolOne then).

I myself like PI.

It was a power house, and mixed (yes can be mixed with alcohol based fragrances) well with some scents.

But then

I tried NPA – and it was a great successes. I was sold on mones. But then personal life came about. Was in a long

relationship, and settled in my job. SO the mones went to the sideline.

SO with the recent find of the PI and

the new product of Alpha 7, I am on the road again. I look forward to reading more posts and do a bit of the more

updated research reading.


I remember TCO when I was doing early research, and the Lake Mead

Adventure that Jim mentioned. That was such a good description of -mone experimentation and success. The Hit Squad

was great for a noob trying to learn the ropes before buying and trying. Have to recommend it to everyone here who

is learning to use these products.

Agree completely with the "boost" to self perception. I'm not to scientific

when applying -mones and I usually do some sniffing as I'm trying to decide what to wear. The whole effect is mood


There's also been some talk recently about a placebo effect. I'm sure that this contributes to my

feeling as I head out of the house. Knowledge is power.

Looking forward to hearing more from you now that

you're back,

09-06-2007, 08:01 AM
Well Alpha 7 seems to be a

very good product. Was on casino floor last night doing my usual walk-rounds. Got allot of chatting women. they seem

to open up and just talk to you about anything. Got one solid DIHL. Was a younger (late 20's) gal. She was new and

I never met before. She was just smiling and was looking embarassed, then she had that funny look n her face,

stopped talking, then relaized something was up, excused herself and walked off.

So I will be using Alpha 7

for the next week and see how it goes.


09-06-2007, 01:38 PM
Hey Bro,
Long time no see. When

was it we met in Loughlin? You still living there? You changed jobs isnce then as I remember, no?

Yeah, Alpha 7

is a big improvement over Primal.

09-06-2007, 04:53 PM
Hey Bruce Bro,


when was that when we met? I think in the 2000 timeframe. And no I am not in Laughlin any longer. I am now in the

Inland Empire area of Southern California. I am still in the Casino-Biz. I now work for a Tribal Casino in the Risk

Management arena. SO different place but all the same…kinda.

So how are you and your family? I hope al is

well. Might pick your brain in the next few months on a venture (Basically what I wanted to do a few yrs


Cheers and All the Best


09-13-2007, 07:57 AM
Sorry for the delay. I started a

small-scale construction company which is fun, but exhausting.

We have lots of tribal casinos up here in Oregon

now, so if you ever get tired of the rat-race (and the sun) you can always find a home up here.

Yeah, drop me an

email about your proposal. It had merit as I remember.

09-13-2007, 07:30 PM
Sorry for

the delay. I started a small-scale construction company which is fun, but exhausting.

Bruce, among

your many good qualities are you also a masochist? It's fun but also maddening. I do a lot of home

design/construction work, is that what you doing? Bless you my son.