View Full Version : Mones for black men?

09-01-2007, 08:18 AM

understand these pheremones were designed for white males but does anyone know the correlation of -None levels

between white males and black males?Because yesterday at a party I had 3 sprays of TE mixed 1:1 with SPMO(Newbie

Kit)Mind you I'm at the age where I am supposed to be full of -None.And my hits seemed better than 2 sprays,which

I've been expirimenting with.Wouldn't this qualify as an OD by most standards?Cause to me it seemed great but I

wonder how much none levels are for white and black males

09-01-2007, 08:45 AM
Experimentation is always going to

give you better info that mere theoretical knowledge. Mobely should be able to give you some first hand info. He

drops by frequently. But it sounds like you are off to a good start. IMPI is made by the same manufacturer as Edge

and has some traditional herbs from Africa in it. I've always wondered how American blacks would like it.

09-01-2007, 09:43 AM
Well so far it seems that

we can handle more -None but im still testing it out.Thanks Bruce!

09-02-2007, 10:04 PM

understand these pheremones were designed for white males but does anyone know the correlation of -None levels

between white males and black males?

Mobley, I! :wave:

How old are you?

My advice is to keep

in mind what everyone tells'ya, but find out for yourself! :POKE:

Supposingly, young males are supposed to be

full of -none and not need much, BUT ... as with everything else, I THINK it varies from person to person.


EXAMPLE: You saw good results with SPMO:TE, and it sounds like you're a youngin ... I'm 50, and I get good results

with 3 sprays of that same mix.

Use the ideas/mixes of others as your guide, but undestand that your answers

will come as YOU experiment.

Now use that same mix for a week or two, and on week two or three, up it to four

sprays, adjust until you find your sweet spot. Once found, put it on your shelf of 'WHAT WORKS FOR ME,' and start

on another mix/product, so you can change up what you wear.

Good luck, and stay the course! :thumbsup:

09-03-2007, 02:28 PM
Gotcha,I'm 18 and have

yet to have a negative response and I still have a few days until its time to bump up.Thanks again!

09-13-2007, 05:01 PM
I bumped it up but people

acted more the same so I guess my best bet is between 2-3 sprays paired with SOE

09-13-2007, 08:42 PM

bumped it up but people acted more the same so I guess my best bet is between 2-3 sprays paired with


Naughty boy! :trout: You're suppose to let it get out there and fight like a man! My bet would

be that SOE tamed what would either be better hits, or negative hits.

I'm just guessing. :blink:

09-14-2007, 05:47 AM
Don't worry I thought of

that before!I just used the Edge spray mixed 1:1 with SPMO and not paired with SOE.I was talking about combining it

since the SOE seems to work very well for me.