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View Full Version : Pheros concentrate

08-29-2007, 05:15 PM
OK, let's try it

this way.

DrSmellThis needs to know how many people are definitely interested in buying Pheros in

concentrated form.

Quote DST:
"Although anyone could buy it, the concentrate would be

intended mainly for those who want to buy more than one bottle and wouldn't be using additional bottles for a

while. They would have to dilute it themselves, with distilled water (a brand that sold a lot, maybe is locally

made; and wasn't sitting around for a long time in the plastic).

There is no scientific evidence about this,

but I suspect the concentrate would keep longer than the diluted perfume; if stored away from light, in a cool

place; and left closed, away from impurities and too much air. It might even improve with age to some point, though

probably not more than a few months out.

Of course, if you're just going to be wearing it right away, I'd

recommend the normal perfume version."
Close quote

I'm posting another poll with only one option to

choose, only if you're interested in buying the concentrate form.

If the poll does not work like

last time, just post a quick reply saying that you're interested and how many bottles of the concentrate you

definitely want to purchase, if available.

Maybe this'll give him what he needs to know. I'm

hoping for a bottle or two myself, so chime in!

Thanks all for patience,

08-29-2007, 05:31 PM
Ok, just tested the poll and its

not working, soooo

I'll sign up for 2 bottles of the concentrated Pheros

08-30-2007, 12:19 AM
I'd sign up for one

concentrated bottle for sure.. depending on the price, perhaps even two.

09-01-2007, 03:43 PM
Come on people, is everyone in

the South of France sipping Campari and soda? Maybe in the Yucatan with Damiana over shaved ice and a lovely side

order of terminal attraction?

If there's no market, there's no product, so speak up!

09-03-2007, 01:25 PM
As a matter of fact, I just got

back from spending time with my daughter in another city. I'd probably buy the concentrate if it becomes available.

But it would be mostly to hoard some for later use.

09-07-2007, 12:42 AM
Thanks, everyone who tried to

participate or posted a note.

So, 5 bottles.

But I'll assume some more people are interested than actually

posted and put a few bottles in there if Bruce doesn't mind.

Something tells me Oscar wants one. And it seems

a couple more talked about it on the other thread.

So I'll put at least a dozen bottles in there, so there's

a few extra.

As far as Bruce is concerned, it would be the same price, so that he can charge everyone the same

as well, and not have to change procedures. Maybe Bruce will just let someone put a comment in the order form to

that effect somewhere. We'll let you know.

I'll try to solicit some more feedback before diluting the whole


09-07-2007, 05:23 AM
I would also like a bottle of


09-07-2007, 08:30 AM
bottle for me.


09-07-2007, 09:17 PM

I'll put at least a dozen bottles in there, so there's a few extra.

As far as Bruce is concerned, it would be

the same price, so that he can charge everyone the same as well, and not have to change procedures. Maybe Bruce will

just let someone put a comment in the order form to that effect somewhere. We'll let you know.

I'll try to

solicit some more feedback before diluting the whole batch.

DST, your post generated a couple more

interests, think a dozen is enough? Lurkers may come out of the woodwork once Pheros is available. Maybe Bruce can

put the concentrate up in the Forum Club section.

09-07-2007, 11:07 PM
OK, let's

try it this way.

DrSmellThis needs to know how many people are definitely interested in buying

Pheros in concentrated form.

I'm your Huckleberry! I'd like a bid on a bottle of

Doc's home brew. Four bits! :thumbsup:

09-08-2007, 12:02 AM
Count me in too.


09-09-2007, 04:53 AM
So far, I'm estimating

eighteen (in units of six).

Again, the regular Pheros will be available as well, and I think smells

better in that form, since the water adds something.

The concentrate is for storage in the case of not using it

right away, or perhaps other experimental purposes.

Of couse, if you order the concentrate, you can always

add water to normal strength.

So either way.

09-09-2007, 06:51 PM

far, I'm estimating eighteen (in units of six).

Again, the regular Pheros will be available as well, and

I think smells better in that form, since the water adds something.

The concentrate is for storage in the case

of not using it right away, or perhaps other experimental purposes.

Of couse, if you order the concentrate,

you can always add water to normal strength.

So either way.

Duly noted about the regular version,

I'll get a bottle of that too for immediate use. I assume we'll all buy the concentrate for archival purposes as

you noted.

Question: will you post a procedure for mixing the concentrate at a later date?

09-10-2007, 06:59 PM
I would like to try

the regular bottle of pheros Dr smellthis.
Thank you.

09-14-2007, 12:47 AM
So again, I'm planning to

include just 18 7ml bottles of the concentrate in this shipment. Regular bottles are 18ml.

One interesting

thing about the concentrate is that it looks "pretty", without the "ugly" (cute? ;)) cloudiness of the regular

version. It's a very pleasant caramel color. Only when you add the water do things precipitate out. The idea of

adding a detergent or some other harsher chemical to keep precipitation from happening, just to make it look good,

was not appealing.

09-14-2007, 04:43 AM
Just wondering.... why did you

dilute with water and not alcohol, or oil.

09-14-2007, 09:49 AM
Hi Doc,

I don't know if you

shipped out already, but I would like one too.

09-14-2007, 10:35 AM
Nope,not interested :)

09-15-2007, 11:10 PM

wondering.... why did you dilute with water and not alcohol, or oil.
I used a certain ratio of water to

alcohol as do most perfumes.

The specific, optimized ratio resulted from trials on myself and others using

quite a few different ratios. I went with those results, rather than any preconceived notions I had about what was

going to be best.

If I would have used more alcohol, for example, it wouldn't have smelled as nice; or at least

that's what I concluded after the trials.

But in my opinion men's scents often work with more water in

comparison to alcohol, which lends more of an after shavey effect -- or a mellower, smoother scent. Most guys don't

want to be "exploding with diffusion". The trials, I think, confirmed that idea.

Early on I chose not to make it

oil based; to make it more of a traditional perfume. But there's no reason why you can't use oil as a base. It's

personal preference.

But if you decide to dilute the concentrate, which has the special alcohol already added,

you need only 11ml of water to reach the correct ratio. The alcohol that is already there shouldn't interfere with

the aging process -- at least that's my theory.

That way it's a no brainer for the consumer. I will instruct

everyone how to eyeball it so they don't need a gradiated test tube.

09-16-2007, 12:10 AM
Can we order it already?

09-16-2007, 09:02 PM
It gets shipped tomorrow,

which is Monday. So it will be up to Bruce after that.

09-16-2007, 10:37 PM

gets shipped tomorrow, which is Monday. So it will be up to Bruce after that.
Thanks, Doc!

09-17-2007, 05:01 PM
I used

a certain ratio of water to alcohol as do most perfumes.

The specific, optimized ratio resulted from trials on

myself and others using quite a few different ratios. I went with those results, rather than any preconceived

notions I had about what was going to be best.

If I would have used more alcohol, for example, it wouldn't have

smelled as nice; or at least that's what I concluded after the trials.

But in my opinion men's scents often

work with more water in comparison to alcohol, which lends more of an after shavey effect -- or a mellower, smoother

scent. Most guys don't want to be "exploding with diffusion". The trials, I think, confirmed that idea.


on I chose not to make it oil based; to make it more of a traditional perfume. But there's no reason why you can't

use oil as a base. It's personal preference.

But if you decide to dilute the concentrate, which has the special

alcohol already added, you need only 11ml of water to reach the correct ratio. The alcohol that is already there

shouldn't interfere with the aging process -- at least that's my theory.

That way it's a no brainer for the

consumer. I will instruct everyone how to eyeball it so they don't need a gradiated test tube.

I think I

see, an alcohol-only mixture would be too volatile, the water calms it. I suppose the scent would last longer on

the skin as well, since there is less alc. diffusing essence into the air.

Another question... is Pheros composed

in the the top-middle-base note structure?

TIA Doc,

09-18-2007, 07:57 AM
I think

I see, an alcohol-only mixture would be too volatile, the water calms it. I suppose the scent would last longer on

the skin as well, since there is less alc. diffusing essence into the air.

Another question... is Pheros

composed in the the top-middle-base note structure?

TIA Doc,


Not really. I

didn't separate the notes that much in my mind, since so many essences overlap the note ranges. Sometimes I thought

in terms of that (with juniper I was thinking top note), sometimes not. It was sort of intuitive.

Thanks for

your questions.

09-26-2007, 09:31 PM
Oscar, where

are you, brother??! You are the whole reason I decided to sell the concentrate. Bruce says it's selling fast, and

Tammy said one of the concentrate bottles even leaked. Get it now if you please! We miss you!

10-25-2007, 05:30 AM
i want a concentrate too.....

10-25-2007, 05:27 PM
i want a

concentrate too.....

Don't know if any concentrate is still available, but the Pheros product is still

up at the L-S Store.


10-25-2007, 07:52 PM
Order Pheros as normal,

but write "concentrate" in the comment or special request section of the form.

If the concentrate is gone, I

could be persuaded to send more. ;)