View Full Version : Pheros Poll

08-27-2007, 08:15 PM
This thread is for those

interested in buying DrSmellThis's Pheros in the concentrated, unmixed form.

If unsure, please read the "Where

is Pheros" thread for background information before voting.


08-27-2007, 10:08 PM
The main question isn't how

many want to buy Pheros, it's rather how many would definitely buy the concentrate version.


anyone could buy it, the concentrate would be intended mainly for those who want to buy more than one bottle and

wouldn't be using additional bottles for a while. They would have to dilute it themselves, with distilled water (a

brand that sold a lot, maybe is locally made; and wasn't sitting around for a long time in the plastic).


is no scientific evidence about this, but I suspect the concentrate would keep longer than the diluted perfume; if

stored away from light, in a cool place; and left closed, away from impurities and too much air. It might even

improve with age to some point, though probably not more than a few months out.

Of course, if you're just going

to be wearing it right away, I'd recommend the normal perfume version.

But this is just an idea. I'm not yet

convinced offering the concentrate would be worth it.

What say y'all?

08-27-2007, 10:35 PM
Something is wrong with the

poll. My vote isn't showing in up the results... actually, no votes are showing up in the results at the moment.


08-27-2007, 10:37 PM
DST, can't find a way to edit

the poll, but I think question 2 may get the results you want. Maybe one of the moderators can help me change the


08-27-2007, 10:38 PM
Something is wrong with the poll. My vote isn't showing in up the results... actually,

no votes are showing up in the results at the moment.


My vote didn't show up either. Mods?

08-27-2007, 11:16 PM
I got an error when I tried to


08-28-2007, 01:51 AM
Thanks for trying, idesign.

08-28-2007, 04:05 AM
Looks like there is still a

bump or two in the forum functions. Bruce is going to have to look at it.

08-28-2007, 03:34 PM
I voted earlier that i would be interested in certainly purchasing some when i received a little


After clicking my response the a notice immediatelly came up that said the Internet Explorer

Cannot display this page.

So when i voted again several hours later a box popped up and said i can not vote again as i have

already voted and to check the results.

After checking, the results had noted no response in the category i had


08-28-2007, 06:33 PM
(running safari 2.0.1)
Tryed but

got this.

Database error
The Love-Scent.com Forums database has encountered a problem.
Please try the

Load the page again by clicking the Refresh button in your web browser.
Open the

www.pherolibrary.com home page, then try to open another page.
Click the Back button to try another

The www.pherolibrary.com forum technical staff have been notified of the error, though you may

contact them if the problem persists.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

08-28-2007, 07:27 PM
I was actually

going to start a new poll and ask the moderators to delete this one. DST wanted specific info and a better poll

would do the trick.

But its not worth it if it won't work either.
