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View Full Version : Got the goods, first day experiment

07-13-2007, 07:25 PM
Got my first order in today, TE, NPA, SoE, various sample gels. Couldn't wait to get started but I had 2

important business meetings today, so I decided to go light and use SoE, 2" on each wrist and about 3" on each side

of the neck. Very light by some standards, but seemed enough for now.

Nice simple scent, and as I was working

in my (home) office alone I smelled it in the air for a good couple of hours.

First meeting went very well, and

the clients (in their 60s) would not stop chattering about unrelated topics, even though there were important things

to discuss about their very large project, and we had limited time. I had to keep them focused big time, and that

had not been the case in our first few meetings. This meeting was the "closing", and not only did they sign on the

dotted line (and write a large check), but (and this is the kicker) they both hugged me as we said goodbye.


Next meeting was with a husband-and-wife general contractor that I do a LOT of work for. We have a

great relationship and have pretty much become friends. But today, the wife seemed almost giddy, and even giggled

once, which she never does. The husband (out of character) kept interjecting their future plans and asking my

opinion on this or that. Hmmmmm.....

There are many good days in paradise, but this day seemed unusual.

BTW, when I got the mones home, I uncrated everything and immediately opened each bottle one by one and took a

sniff, and then another, in rotation, comparing the scents. Within a minute I had a nice, lightheaded buzz. That

scared me because of the business I had to conduct, but it went away in a half hour or so.

Also, TE came with

no sprayer, just a cap, and the NPA has some kind of funky drip top which seems to waste product. I tried to put a

small drop onto a cloth to test and it just oozed out, leaving as much on the top as it did the cloth. It does

smell pissy doesn't it?

Hope to see ya soon, Greg

07-13-2007, 07:48 PM
Sounds like you had a good day.

Great to hear.

While 5” of SOE does not seem much, it is actually quite adequate considering the environment

you were in; office, enclosed, and in close proximity to your clients.

The design of NPA bottle leaves a lot

to be desired. If you don’t have atomisers already, get a couple of small cologne sample vials/sprays from your

local fragrance outlet and transfer NPA and TE into them. Those wee things are really fantastic.

07-13-2007, 09:08 PM

my first order in today, TE, NPA, SoE, various sample gels. Couldn't wait to get started but I had 2 important

business meetings today, so I decided to go light and use SoE, 2" on each wrist and about 3" on each side of the

neck. Very light by some standards, but seemed enough for now.

Nice simple scent, and as I was working in my

(home) office alone I smelled it in the air for a good couple of hours.

First meeting went very well, and the

clients (in their 60s) would not stop chattering about unrelated topics, even though there were important things to

discuss about their very large project, and we had limited time. I had to keep them focused big time, and that had

not been the case in our first few meetings. This meeting was the "closing", and not only did they sign on the

dotted line (and write a large check), but they both hugged me as we said goodbye. Hmmmmm....

Next meeting was

with a husband-and-wife general contractor that I do a LOT of work for. We have a great relationship and have pretty

much become friends. But today, the wife seemed almost giddy, and even giggled once, which she never does. The

husband (out of character) kept interjecting their future plans and asking my opinion on this or that. Hmmmmm.....

There are many good days in paradise, but this day seemed unusual.

BTW, when I got the mones home, I

uncrated everything and immediately opened each bottle one by one and took a sniff, and then another, in rotation,

comparing the scents. Within a minute I had a nice, lightheaded buzz. That scared me because of the business I had

to conduct, but it went away in a half hour or so.

Also, TE came with no sprayer, just a cap, and the NPA has

some kind of funky drip top which seems to waste product. I tried to put a small drop onto a cloth to test and it

just oozed out, leaving as much on the top as it did the cloth. It does smell pissy doesn't it?

Hope to see ya

soon, GregHi ya Greg .

The NPA actually is very easy to use as i

have several bottles and i just put my forefinger over the opening for each dab,

Tight forefinger gives small neat

or not so tight pressure for a larger dab when the bottle is

inverted and then put upright leaving the appropriate ammount on the finger.

If you try and invert the bottle to drip a

drop out then you will be wasting it as it is to light for that and will run as you have


When making mixes up i very easily remove the plastic stopper with my fingernail between it and

the glass bottletop and then gentily lever it out with my fingernail.

Its a peice of cake, then use a dropper with

a rubber on the end so as to extract the amount needed before replacing the stopper.

Just take it slow when removing the

plastic stopper and make sure you have good control of the bottle.

I have a secure block that i have appropriate

holes in for sitting the bottles in securley when i am measuring out with the rubber ended pheromone


With a steady hand and a patient manner there is no problems removing and replacing the stoppers

from just about all products including the SOE ( this one actually just about comes out on its own


But it is

very important to have the bottles secured well when inserting the length of the glass dropper into your products so

as not to easily tip them over.
Also have a recepticle to place

the body of your new spray bottle in when filling with new product drops or dropper



a nice quiet place with no disturbances is best so you dont lose count of whats going in or coming out



tasks should not be performed if in a hurry. :wave:

07-17-2007, 03:39 PM
Hey Greg,

How have the

follow-up experiments been going?

What combos and dosages are you using now? How are the hits?


07-19-2007, 04:15 PM

How have the follow-up experiments been going?
What combos and dosages are you using now? How are the


I've only used SoE with cover so far, wanting to see its effects alone before I start


I'm using it mostly for business/social reasons, not necessarily for sexual "hits", so I don't

really have an eye towards that. I'll not discourage any such hits should they happen though, you'll be the first

to know!

I have noticed a lot of friendliness going on around me. I'm naturally a friendly person, and

usually get friendly responses, so its hard to tell with strangers, and I'm using a low dose. It seems, though,

that among the people I know and see regularly this stuff has a big effect.

People more chatty, not wanting

to let you go, standing closer than usual, making it a point to stand next to me, etc. I have an installer who is

usually very quiet and a great worker, but lately he's wanting to talk and joke a lot when I'm there. Yesterday I

had to leave the job site so he'd get some work done.

I'm conducting an experiment this weekend with a mild

mix. Belgareth suggested TE on the chest, and I think I'll put a dab or two of A1 in places where she's sure to

put her nose. :)

07-19-2007, 05:00 PM
I started using SOE for the

same reasons and have had the same responses as you. Try adding a dab or two of NPA to the mix , when you find the

"sweet spot" it'll knock your socks off!
I'd advise against wearing NPA or TE at work to start off with as a

negative response from others can "break" a potential lifelong client in the professional world (I only tend to use

chikara/SOE during work hours now, never anything none heavy anymore due to pissing off a good client.)


remember that NPA and TE are the same , only that NPA is around 4 times stronger! Hence, start with dabs!

07-19-2007, 05:22 PM

started using SOE for the same reasons and have had the same responses as you. Try adding a dab or two of NPA to the

mix , when you find the "sweet spot" it'll knock your socks off!
I'd advise against wearing NPA or TE at work

to start off with as a negative response from others can "break" a potential lifelong client in the professional

world (I only tend to use chikara/SOE during work hours now, never anything none heavy anymore due to pissing off a

good client.)

Just remember that NPA and TE are the same , only that NPA is around 4 times stronger! Hence,

start with dabs!

Thanks gaf, that confirms my suspicions, and I'll not likely use -none products

during work hours. I am, however, very anxious to experiment with the mixes for social times.

No matter

what, I'll start light and work up from there. Any experience with A1 or A314? What age women do you


Thanks for the feedback,

07-19-2007, 11:16 PM

only used SoE with cover so far, wanting to see its effects alone before I start mixing.
I'm using it mostly for

business/social reasons, not necessarily for sexual "hits", so I don't really have an eye towards that. I'll not

discourage any such hits should they happen though, you'll be the first to know!

Well, I hope I'm

not THE first to know if such hits happen... not unless you plan to take me out to dinner first. :lol:

On a

more serious note, I think A1 is great in both social situations and for sexual hits. It really seems to put the

ladies at ease-- not an attractant per se, but they feel good around you. It can be a friendly good or a flirty

good. Guys don't seem phased by A1 like they do other mones.


07-20-2007, 03:18 AM
No matter

what, I'll start light and work up from there. Any experience with A1 or A314? What age women do you

Thanks for the feedback,

Nope, no feedback on those products as I've never used

Dating wise , I'm 38 (but look much younger , around 30) and tend to like woman around my own age. But

to be honest I'm not dating much at the moment, a few early 30's ladies on fast dial (booty calls) but thats about

it. :thumbsup:

07-20-2007, 03:47 AM

don't seem phased by A1 like they do other mones.

A1 has been proven to only effect girls. With

rare exceptions, most guys are insensitive to it. Some people have reported minor depressive symptoms if they OD on

A1, and I guess it stands to reason that another guy around you who is susceptible to this pheromone would feel the

depression, as well.

The equivalent of A1 on males is estratetraenol, I believe.


experience with A1 or A314?
I really like the sound of that A314. I think it would be a great all around

"confidence-mimicking" pheromone, useful in about any situation. I'm planning on rushing this year, and I think

something like A314 which gives one a powerful and masculine, yet friendly and trustworthy aura (unlike -none) would

be invaluable in making friends/earning bids.

07-20-2007, 10:18 AM
A1 has

been proven to only effect girls. With rare exceptions, most guys are insensitive to it. Some people have reported

minor depressive symptoms if they OD on A1, and I guess it stands to reason that another guy around you who is

susceptible to this pheromone would feel the depression, as well.

Yes, all the more reason that A1 is

so important: It's the best mone when you really want to target women.

I know that some guys on here have

reported the personal depression factor from A1. Fortunately it doesn't effect me that way. But good point about

the potential for depressing other men around you. Has anyone ever noticed this effect on guys around them? (I

suppose if you really wanted to be ruthless/Machiavellian you could actually use it to help subdue your competition

in the presence of a group of men and women.)


07-23-2007, 07:22 PM
Guys, glad to

report a success from first mix.

A1 - 1 drop on each forearm, rubbed together, 1 drop rubbed onto

TE - dab behind each ear and a generous smear below belly button.
SoE - 2" each elbow (inside)

Covered with Aloeswood and a dab of her favorite cologne.

Looking at the mix and the placement you should

see a strategy. It worked like a charm from soup to nuts, pardon the pun. BTW, this was someone I knew, and

disrobing was a given, but it would be a good strategy otherwise too.

07-23-2007, 07:45 PM

glad to report a success from first mix.

A1 - 1 drop on each forearm, rubbed together, 1 drop rubbed onto

TE - dab behind each ear and a generous smear below belly button.
SoE - 2" each elbow (inside)

with Aloeswood and a dab of her favorite cologne.

Looking at the mix and the placement you should see a

strategy. It worked like a charm from soup to nuts, pardon the pun. BTW, this was someone I knew, and disrobing was

a given, but it would be a good strategy otherwise too.

Nice strategy!! Similar to mine: Lead with A1

so she feels good, follow with SOE so she becomes social & flirty, and finish with a -none product to create fire.

Was she sniffing you a lot throughout the date? Did she actually comment on your scent?


07-24-2007, 06:05 PM

strategy!! Similar to mine: Lead with A1 so she feels good, follow with SOE so she becomes social & flirty, and

finish with a -none product to create fire.

Was she sniffing you a lot throughout the date? Did she actually

comment on your scent?


Exactly CAt, and of course there are variations which I hope to find,

depending on the situation.

Yes, she picked up the aloeswood right away. I put a dab of her favorite cologne on

the tip of my nose for the initial greeting which she appreciated. But once seated at the bar she sniffed vaguely

in my direction and I immediately presented my (A1 with aloeswood cover) arm for her to smell. She loved it, and it

was only a matter of time. More complete description of the evening posted in the Boomer Room, which you older guys

should visit.