View Full Version : What to use to attract 51 year old woman

07-08-2007, 08:55 PM
I tried a heavy none product, but her daughter came with her to my house. When I thought the none were

kicking in, she strted a playful pillow fight with her daughter.

Maybe I still have alot of natural rone because

women have been comming me for advise family matters, but nodda on romance.

With both us being 51, how much none

should I use?

07-09-2007, 02:07 AM
The only way to find out that answer

is to try it around others.
I'm a 38 y/o white dude , anymore then 2 dabs of NPA or PI turn me into the scary

guy in the corner. Others can use one or two drops of those products with no ill effects. To make it easier give a

bit of background ie: your/her race , products you have.:cheers:

07-09-2007, 05:25 AM
The only

way to find out that answer is to try it around others.
I'm a 38 y/o white dude , anymore then 2 dabs of NPA or PI

turn me into the scary guy in the corner. Others can use one or two drops of those products with no ill effects. To

make it easier give a bit of background ie: your/her race , products you have.:cheers:

We're both white

and 51, I'm widowed 5 months now and she was a close friend to my wife and myself ( she thinks this may be why she

doesn't feel the same about me). We eat out together 2-3 times a week and sit together in church. We are deep into

friendship zone, but I'm having trouble going further. She hasn't ruled out the possibilty of 'the future' but

that it's 'too soon'.

I have A314 and some none products from the other website.

07-09-2007, 04:32 PM
All you can do is enhance

youself the best you can through diet, exercise, and your normal pheromones, then let it go.

No one can tell you

how much -none to use, except that using the smallest effective dose (for me, one dab of edge, not two sprays

like some use) is often best.

You might also try beta -nol to enhance honest communication, though I wouldn't

entirely neglect alpha -nol and -rone.

If she's telling you she doesn't feel the same she doesn't. You have

to let it go. No sense wasting time. You showing continued interest unilaterally won't help. She might come around

on her own, but you can't count on that one little bit. Don't be a whipped dog.

Normally woman that age who

are unattached aren't so hard to get. So you don't need a lot of effort. Just have your act together, meet people,

and you'll get plenty of attention.

07-09-2007, 07:23 PM
Rather than try too hard you

might try pulling back a little and make her come to you more. It seems to help attraction when you are less

available, especially if you start dating others. You become a more valuable piece of real estate.

07-10-2007, 11:52 AM
Rather than try too hard you might try pulling back a little and make her come to you more.

It seems to help attraction when you are less available, especially if you start dating others. You become a more

valuable piece of real estate.

I've seen this often.. The mann's got a point.. and a damn good one!


07-10-2007, 09:03 PM
I use it often , best piece of

advice I ever got.

07-11-2007, 06:50 AM
it also helps to be seen with

other women. Let her see that you are attractive and available to others and she may then come around. She might

also be very conservative and might have that kinda one year rule embedded in her mind.

07-11-2007, 07:06 AM
Yeah some women also could be

concerned about getting hurt by someone who was just on the rebound, until a certain time passes by. But I don't

know if that's the case here.

07-11-2007, 03:03 PM
Yeah some women also could be concerned about getting hurt by someone who was just on the

rebound, until a certain time passes by. But I don't know if that's the case here.

Maybe you're

right Doc, she's widowed herself from her 1st marriage, says she didn't date for a year, then 'married too

quickly' to someone was pretending to be what she was looking for. Now she will not tell anyone what type man

she's looking for. Her family says I'm the only she's gone out me with in 4 years since her divorce. She tells me

I'm her only male friend.

07-11-2007, 04:24 PM

may be rewarded. In the meantime, dating others would be my recommendation.

07-11-2007, 04:50 PM
Keep in mind too that she lost a

close friend (your wife) and that is something.

Also, it is a strange dynamic, she was close to you and your

wife as a couple, now you're asking her to make a pretty big leap in getting romantic with you alone. 5 months is

not a lot of time, esp for certain women.

I think you might have a winner if you're patient, but agree that

you should play the field a little, even if its just female friends. And don't become obsessed, its ugly, and

she'll smell it.

Best of luck,

07-14-2007, 03:38 AM
thanks guys,

I had a

pretty long talk with her, and she said she really wasn't looking to date ANYONE, were still close friends and

neither of uswant to be less than that. She said she still has the mindset of my wife and as a couple.

So I am

looking again,and maybe down the road after she sees me with a few different women, she'll see me a singhle man

rather than her departed friends husband.

07-14-2007, 04:28 AM
perhaps but for some women

when once you enter the friend zone you can never get out of it.. So hope you more lucky than that my friend

07-14-2007, 08:07 AM
I tried a heavy none product, but her daughter came with her to my

house. When I thought the none were kicking in, she strted a playful pillow fight with her daughter.

Maybe I

still have alot of natural rone because women have been comming me for advise family matters, but nodda on


With both us being 51, how much none should I use?

What was your heavy none product, and

how much did you use?

07-14-2007, 09:05 AM
I don't know if I am allowed

to mention products not from love scents by name, but one was none with other 'buffers' in a colongne base, and

the other was none base with a few othermones with neroli oil scent

07-14-2007, 09:20 AM
After doing a serch I foud a

thread "Anyone heard of this" where other products names are mentioned. So I guess it's ok

the none products

were Ammunition and Turn Up The Heat

07-15-2007, 12:10 PM
After doing a serch I foud a thread "Anyone heard of this" where other products names are

mentioned. So I guess it's ok

the none products were Ammunition and Turn Up The HeatYes i have seen Ammunition the standard product contains 1.5 MG Pheromones in 30

So each spray of the product would be supplying 2.5mcg of

aNONE, + 2.5mcg aNOL + 2.5mcg aRONE.

So therefore 8 sprays

would give approximatelly the same amount of Androstenone as ONE drop of Alpha7, or PI.

And EIGHT sprays of Turn Up The Heat would give you the same pheromone

concentration as say ONE drop of PI or Alpha7. like at 20mcg.

Looking at the designed concentration of the mentioned products then it can be seen that more than

a few sprays would be needed to have an OD effect, on an older and or an aNONE deficient person.

07-15-2007, 09:46 PM
Yes i have seen Ammunition the standard product contains

1.5 MG Pheromones in 30 mls.
So each spray of the product would

be supplying 2.5mcg of aNONE, + 2.5mcg aNOL + 2.5mcg aRONE.


therefore 8 sprays would give approximatelly the same amount of Androstenone as ONE drop of Alpha7, or PI.

And EIGHT sprays of Turn Up The Heat would give you the same

pheromone concentration as say ONE drop of PI or Alpha7. like at 20mcg.

Looking at the designed concentration of the mentioned products then it can be seen that more than

a few sprays would be needed to have an OD effect, on an older and or an aNONE deficient


Would 8 sprays of Ammunition have too much colongne? We met each at church and

don't want too much scent.

07-16-2007, 11:40 AM
Would 8 sprays of Ammunition have too much colongne? We met each at church and don't want

too much scent.I have noticed that the Ammo scent is well liked, and seeing

that you probably dont need 20 mcg Anone at Church setting then 3 or 4 sprays would be sufficient and also not too

overpowering in the fragrance area hopefully. :wave:

07-16-2007, 12:07 PM
Under the circumstances, I would

take it slow for now and consider yourself lucky to have a good friend like that. I think the friendship zone is a

good place to be for now. Later, if nature starts taking a more romantic course, you can certainly use the

pheromones to kindle the flames. Remember as we get older not only do the natural pheromones wane, but so does the

sense of smell. Don't be afraid (down the road from now) to slowly titrate the amount up to what the youngsters

here would consider an OD. There used to be threads by young pheromone users complaining that middle aged and over

women were coming on to them. We finally figured it was the OD/aging-nose phenomenon.