View Full Version : Who woulda thunk it? / Brain Cell Growth

07-05-2007, 01:23 PM
Pheromones trigger brain cell growth, say



07-05-2007, 01:52 PM
I posted this in

the research forum already, but thought it might generate some



guys, no blonde jokes!

07-05-2007, 02:57 PM
"just hanging

around me will make you smarter honey"

07-05-2007, 05:13 PM

hanging around me will make you smarter honey"Tried that one already.

Extremely interesting study. Pulls

some things together. They'll be talking about that one down the road as other things emerge.

One translation

for our purposes: pheromones help you make a lasting impression.

07-05-2007, 05:27 PM
Using mones helps them

remember you in the future. Which means they'll remember all the little stuff you said. Better watch out guys. This

might not be a good thing. :nono:

07-05-2007, 07:08 PM
I discussed similar findings in a recent review. If only I knew a

journalist who could simplify the biological facts, like in the rodents.

"...the main olfactory bulb is the

first central relay of the olfactory system and is also one of the few structures in the mammalian CNS that is

continuously supplied with newly generated nerve cells (neurogenesis). The effect of odor stimulation on

activity-dependent neurogenesis provides a means by which changes in newly generated nerve cells might be related to

changes in behavior that are associated with olfactory/pheromonal input from the social environment or other sensory

input. During development, inhibitory or excitatory signals from olfactory/pheromonal input are paired with the

self-renewing ability of the olfactory bulb neuronal network. This ongoing remodeling of the main olfactory bulb

may mean that there is no critical period in mammals that are relatively slow to reach sexual maturity. At any time

during the process of sexual maturation, any developmental perturbation that might influence either inhibitory or

excitatory sensory signals could also result in the reorganization of cortical circuitry, which could be positively

or negatively influenced by olfactory/pheromonal experience that is consciously associated with other sensory


http://www.haworthpress.com/store/ArticleAbstract.asp?sid=F1AJ71WMKCP48HTMPW51HDT2GP 7Q5DS7&


07-05-2007, 08:38 PM
One translation for our purposes: pheromones help you make a lasting impression.

I've wondered about

that one Dr. It seems that something so powerful as to cause the reaction that mones make should have a lasting

influence. This would hold especially true if the successful contact (hit) leads to further and/or "deeper"

relations. Repeated contact with a mone enhanced person would, it stands to reason, further the "memory


Thinking of a post by belgareth where he had women clustering around him at a business meeting, shoving

their cards at him like schoolgirls wanting to be class president. Did you ever follow up on those leads bel? Or

get that free lunch you were offered? ;)

Of course that was an old thread, and I don't expect you to

remember. :D

Yes, extremely interesting study. Anything to relate anyone?


07-06-2007, 03:48 AM
Yes, I remember that evening.

It was one of the first times I got really spectacular results from mones. It was a chamber of commerce function and

I was there trying to promote my business to other small business owners. I followed up on many of those leads but

only from a business prospective and many of those people are now clients of mine. No, I didn't take her up on the

free lunch. She left that job shortly afterwards and went to work for a large corporation. I haven't heard much

from her since.

What DST says about mones helping make a lasting impression is true, in my experience. I'll

meet somebody, usually a woman but men sometimes too, who will comment that they remember me from such and such a

function. I won't have remembered them or have some vague memory of them in the crowd but somehow I stood out to

them. It happens all the time. Recently a young (19-20 y/o) woman followed me across a parking lot and into a

grocery store. She approached me in the produce area to talk to me. I was pleased that an attractive young woman

would remember me so well but was embarrased that I barely remembered her at all.

I can't say for sure that it

is the mones but it didn't happen much in the past. It could be no more than the changes in my lifestyle over the

last 5-6 years that make me stand out too. I think it is the mones, for the most part but can't prove it.

07-09-2007, 05:19 PM
Yes, I

remember that evening. It was one of the first times I got really spectacular results from mones. It was a chamber

of commerce function and I was there trying to promote my business to other small business owners. I followed up on

many of those leads but only from a business prospective and many of those people are now clients of mine. No, I

didn't take her up on the free lunch. She left that job shortly afterwards and went to work for a large

corporation. I haven't heard much from her since.

What DST says about mones helping make a lasting impression

is true, in my experience. I'll meet somebody, usually a woman but men sometimes too, who will comment that they

remember me from such and such a function. I won't have remembered them or have some vague memory of them in the

crowd but somehow I stood out to them. It happens all the time. Recently a young (19-20 y/o) woman followed me

across a parking lot and into a grocery store. She approached me in the produce area to talk to me. I was pleased

that an attractive young woman would remember me so well but was embarrased that I barely remembered her at all.

I can't say for sure that it is the mones but it didn't happen much in the past. It could be no more than the

changes in my lifestyle over the last 5-6 years that make me stand out too. I think it is the mones, for the most

part but can't prove it.The main thing happening here is that you're too senile to remember anyone you


OK, that's not true, but I couldn't resist.

Happens to me all the time also. People remember meeting

me more than I them. That's a good thing, AATBE.

07-09-2007, 07:05 PM
Happens to me all the time also. People remember meeting me more than I them. That's

a good thing, AATBE.

AATBE... is that whatcha call redneck lingo? Like aatbe a good thing?

Where you

from mister? We already got a Dr. in this town boy and he suits us just fine, so state yer business. And don't be

usin' no more confusin' words, makes my neck twitch.

Please Dr, elucidate for the mostly challenged.

07-09-2007, 07:18 PM

main thing happening here is that you're too senile to remember anyone you met!

Probably true. One of

the great things about senility is meeting new people every day...Some even claim to be relatives of mine.