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View Full Version : Hypothesis on Pherlure

06-28-2007, 07:43 PM
I have an

interesting hypothesis on Pherlure. I notice that it arouses a physiological response in me, namely flushing my

cheeks. This is concurrent with reports that it gives others headaches.

Now are there any psyc majors out there?

If so does anyone remember the James-Lange theory where emotions are the response to a physiological condition. This

means that emotions occur only after the said conditioned occurs.

Like say for an example with a bull. You see

one near you and you start to run. You are not afraid off the bull but rather because you are running you are

afraid. Meaning running causes fear.

Thus I hypothetically am wearing pherlure. Because of the scent it flushes

the cheeks of certain women who are sensitive to it. I make my move on them ~romantically/sexually however you want

to view it.

They are like why are my cheeks flushed? O theirs this guy that is hitting on me? Could it be that I

am attracted to him?... therefore the target fools herself into thinking that she actually is attracted to him since

her face is flushed if it makes any sense at all.

This could be a similar mechanism for other pheromones to

work. Has anyone become flushed at the application of other -mone products? If so which ones?

PS. I know certain

women like the scent.

06-28-2007, 07:48 PM
i heard its a scam

06-29-2007, 04:53 AM
Yea most likely doesn't

contain any -mones in it but I am talking about the reaction that perhaps compensates... eh who knows.