View Full Version : Cover Scent?

06-06-2007, 06:15 PM
Hi, everyone. I was

wondering how strong of a cover scent does it take to cover up none?

SoE and Chikara I order but I understand

they aren't that bad. But what of NPA? do I need a scent with that or is it meant to be mixed with


Final question has anyone tried Axe Spray with -none. if so please tell me which combination of Axe

and -none you used.

Thanks so much

06-06-2007, 07:59 PM
For SoE or Chikara I find they

are just fine by themselves. My GF is extremely sensitive to -none. I had her smell a heavy -none product and she

said it smells like a men's restroom full of urine. I use light AE around her and she still loves it.

As for Axe

and straight -none I have not yet. But, I do use Axe(Kilo) along C7 and/or AE. My Ex-GF was driven wild by Axe(Kilo)

and C7.

I know I did not answer any of your direct questions, but I hope I shed a ray of photons.

06-07-2007, 01:10 PM
I usually just use a spray of

cologne to cover up any -none I might be wearing. If you use a scented version, the Basenotes website can tell you

what colognes have the scented ingredient (i.e. sandalwood) so you can match it up better.

I'm not really an Axe

kind of guy, so can't help you there.