View Full Version : Do Androstadienone reduce sexual vibe?

05-08-2007, 07:58 AM
I have found following text in the internet:

An application of Androstadienone reduces negative

effects and elevates relaxation and satisfaction. Heartbeat and breathing becames slower (Monti-Bloch,

Grosser, Jenings-White & Berliner, 1998).

But if a women is sexual stimutated the heartbeat and brething becames

faster and not slower!

So do have A1 negative effects on sexuel vibes?

05-08-2007, 12:54 PM
I have found following text in the internet:

An application of Androstadienone

reduces negative effects and elevates relaxation and satisfaction. Heartbeat and breathing becames slower

(Monti-Bloch, Grosser, Jenings-White & Berliner, 1998).

But if a women is sexual stimutated the heartbeat and

brething becames faster and not slower!

So do have A1 negative effects on sexuel vibes?The slow steady

contented relaxation and acceptence that comes from the A1 and slows the heartbeat down probably allows for the

introduction of stimulation that then proceeds to elevate the heartbeat faster and faster until the ultimate

satisfaction has been achieved, and the heartbeat returns to normal leaving only the memory behind in its


05-08-2007, 01:54 PM
Ah dunno but it's really a moot

point considering the main use of A-1, i.e., to reduce or eliminate bad PMS moods 'n bitching. All I can say is it

works like a charm. If she was left in her natural state you wouldn't want to remain in the same room...

05-18-2007, 09:26 PM
Please don't conclude that

about A1 using that logic. The opposite might be true, if you study the nervous system as applied to sexuality.

05-20-2007, 01:56 AM
A1 gets me depress, i dont know

PAXIL HELP (http://www.classactionsettlements.org/lawsuit/paxil/)

05-21-2007, 12:39 PM
i like A1. but i dont use it

alot. but when ever i use it, everywoman seems to be really happy. older women would hug touch and flirt with me

alot more at work and girls around my age (most of them are older by accouple of years) they would "watch" me

working, like to tell me naughty jokes and talk to me alot.

as far as sexual vibes, i can't answer cause the

sexual vibes i get migh not be from A1 it self sence when ever i use A1 i always have some kind of none thrown in

with it, weather its TE or none from the lucky 7 kit.

05-23-2007, 09:08 AM
I have discovered a

product named "Aurador" which contains only Androstadienone and Estratetraenol! The homepage of this products says

that A1 will make you more dominant and let seem you more powerful! And the added Estratetraenol avoid negative

effects by other males!

This datas have remind me on the properties of aNone! Has A1 besides mood-elevating

properties similar effects like aNone?

05-23-2007, 11:39 AM

have discovered a product named "Aurador" which contains only Androstadienone and Estratetraenol! The homepage of

this products says that A1 will make you more dominant and let seem you more powerful! And the added Estratetraenol

avoid negative effects by other males!

This datas have remind me on the properties of aNone! Has A1 besides

mood-elevating properties similar effects like aNone?

In my experience, A-1 is nothing like androstenone.

It has a nice mood elevating effect for women--mainly a mellowing out and relaxing vibe, nothing sexual or dominant.

EST has a similar effect for men and is a great mone to use if you're nervous or uptight.

05-23-2007, 03:51 PM
My A-1 story ... you decide.

Went to eat lunch ... 1 drop of A-1 on both shoulders, and 1 drop behind each ear. Yes, that =s to 4. Another

source of A&Bnol to the insides of each elbow, one to the back of my neck, and one shared to the top of the hands =

4 sprays. All A&Bnol applications were covered by 50:50 colonge:TE + one to the throat = 5 sprays.

Now, I'm in

a country town where color does matter. Sorry, it could be my refusing to believe that the area has changed, but, I

doubt it.

I sat down to eat, blessed my food, and as soon as I opened my eyes, I hear, "Did you pray for me?" I

look over and there's mom (late 60s-70), and her two daughters (late 40s) 7s, depending on who you ask, but

attractive to me, and a little girl (5-8) eating ... I heard them say mom and grandma later on.

Mom is facing

towards me on the outside, one daughter (the speaker) was facing me sitting on the inside of mom, and the other

daughter + grandaughter had their backs to me.

I look up, and she's talking to me ... quickly into my

conversation pocket, I came out with, "No, but I did last night, and will again tonight." Mom kept her head down as

though, to me, she was wondering why in the hell was she talking to me. She was the only one of the three adults

that made eye contact, and spoke to me. She said a bunch of other stuff, I just smiled and shook my head as though I

understood what she was saying.

When they left, she was the only one that looked me in the eye, put her head

down, and didn't say a word as she passed, like she was wondering why she was talking to me.

Sorry, but it's

been so loooong since I've posted something positive, but it was a HIT, yes!?!?!? :lol:

Reducig the sexual

vibe ... I don't know. I THINK that it all depends on how much -NONE you use with A-1.

05-26-2007, 08:03 AM
I have no experience with

A1! What would be a adequate amount of A1! The dropper at love-scent contains 10mg/10ml and so one drop (I guess

about 0.02ml) would contain 20mcg! Is this too much?