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04-04-2007, 12:41 PM
I'm just curious to see if there are certain things I should look for if you are a person

that sweats easily? I know sweat and pheramone goes hand in hand, just not sure how. If there is something to look

for, what would you recommend? thanks for the info.


04-04-2007, 02:15 PM
Kinda depends of the quality of

the sweat, i.e., your body chemistry. Diet, race, age, sex, etc., have considerable influence on sweat contents.

Some folks basically sweat salty water while other pour forth toxins 'n funk galore. I prefer the smell of female

Asian vegetarians. They taste almost like water. I have difficulty dating women into eating lots of meat as their

sweat and privates are too rank for my nose. Other guys like it as funky as possible.

04-04-2007, 02:56 PM
When wearing SOE , for me I notice

that I get more hits and positive responses from the ladies if I've been sweating or getting a bit heated.

can't smell stinky 'none so tend to make sure that I shower before going out due to a bad experience once.

on the flip side, once had a GF that loved it if I was a bit on the ripe side.... always got her as horny as


04-04-2007, 04:49 PM
Age and health are major factors

with natural sweat. I used to dance a lot (swing and NE folk dancing) when I was young. As the evening wore on the

natural pheromone info got pretty thick in the room. Some of the older folks gave off a smell that said "various

systems failing" while the younger ones smelled better and better with the ripeness.

04-04-2007, 06:52 PM
Some of the older folks

gave off a smell that said "various systems failing" while the younger ones smelled better and better with the


Oh Lord, please don't let me smell like "old man" sweat! But, yeah, I have noticed I like the

smell of a sweaty young woman, at least to a certain extent. Albeit there still is a certain point of ultra

funkacation where you gotta grab yo' nose 'n run. Perhaps her natual pheromones numb your nose to some extent?

04-05-2007, 05:48 AM
hah, that's pretty funny.

Thanks for the knowledge guys. I'm a pretty active person, 5'6, and i'm starting to eat healthier now. I'm

just curious to how my natural sweat nad natural pheramonewould mix with soe and chikira. I noticed that chikira so

far so showing me some difference in the girls that I already know. For example, like they aren't afraid to get

close or just give me random hugs. I'm not really sur ehow much of it I used since it was from the gel pack. That

question above came up because I sweat easily, and would like to know if your sweat will add to the affect or was

out whatever was applied. My theory is that well even before we sweat, we still release a level amount of

pheramone. If what ever I applied was working, then that means there was a balance with my natural mone and the

gell applied. And, if sweating releases more pheramone, it can other:
A) disturb the balance
B) intensify the


but, I'm kinda new so I don't really know much except from what I've read and some applied logic.