View Full Version : OD effects

02-24-2007, 06:20 PM
- The OverDose risk

Also known as OD, this is the nastiest downside of wearing none. You must be

careful while applying your favorite none based mix, because if you apply too much of it, you'll see people

avoiding you, being aggressive towards you, and some weird things, along with strong none smell detectable around


Quoting Bruce, the laws you should remember when using none are "Less is better" and "There is a fine line

between 'Damn! This guy makes me horny!', and 'Damn! This guy needs a shower!'"

Doesn't other mones also give OD

Anybody who know's if these are different then aggresive etc as with none?
How much is know about OD and

other mones?

02-26-2007, 10:58 AM

.com/pheromone-guide/cookbook/cbpage2.htm#overdose (http://pherolibrary.com/pheromone-guide/cookbook/cbpage2.htm#overdose)
Doesn't other mones also give OD effects?
Anybody who

know's if these are different then aggresive etc as with none?
How much is know about OD and other


have I found on the pherolibrary:

An over dose (OD) of Androstenol can cause:

A feeling akin to a kind of drunken tiredness
An impression of weakness. In other

words, making you appear a lot less alphafurthermore I have heard that Androstadienone converts into

Androstenol and Nol converts into None by the time. So a big -adienone or -nol aplication can cause to OD on this


But my experience has never shown OD-effects except with None!

02-27-2007, 06:18 AM

my experience has never shown OD-effects except with None!
Year exactly so I was wondering if anybody have

tried it or heard of it?
Because if so I wanna write about it in the "new cookbook"...

03-10-2007, 01:40 PM
Too much Nol provides an

impression of weakness whereas an OD of None let appears you as masculin and aggressive!

But what would be

happens if you apply too much None AND Nol? Then you are appears too soft and too aggresssive? :think: