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View Full Version : Few questions about none

02-18-2007, 12:48 AM
I wore 2

sprays of unscented TE and was remarked by a stranger that they smelt urine. I could not smell anything.

So what

exactly does none smell like to those who can smell it?

How much NPA/TE amounts would cause a bad smell?


much deoderant is needed to get rid of the bad smell?

02-18-2007, 12:27 PM
it can smell pretty awful

to those who detect it. Anti-bacterial soap should clean it up nicely.

02-18-2007, 01:35 PM
I've tried after I had

showered my friend asked me if I hadn't showered (we had worked together all day and meet after work after we had

Often it smell's like cat piss or you have worked out 14 hours and haven't showered.. It's really

awfull if you can detect it..
So be very carefull with this stuff..

Btw. with my friend I used a coverscent but

there I knew I had used too much..

So don't use to much, and make sure you have a good coverscent.. But again

don't use too much of a coverscent as that can also be as much of a turnoff as the catpiss smell :frustrate

02-18-2007, 03:03 PM
So what exactly does none

smell like to those who can smell it?
Yep, androstenone heavy products like TE and NPA smell strongly of

kitty wee and 2 hour workout armpit. Most women are extremely sensitive--repelled by the funk--so cover it well with

cologne. I seem to recall about 30% of the male population is unable to smell their own BO, so assume anything with

androstenone is funky as you are among the insenstive. You might wanta to do search on that if ya need the straight

poop. Dab a little in your pit if you really wanta funk out.

With all that said, if well covered, TE is a

highly effective sexual enticement for women (not girls). Helps make 'em mean, nasty and horny all 'n one
