View Full Version : DIHL who found out, whether it is a sign of attraction

01-31-2002, 09:57 AM
or a sign of confusion or even fear?
I am just wondering, whether it is a good or a bad basis to initiate a conversation.

Who\'s got experience with it? I noticed a DIHL only once while waiting at a bakery, queuing. But the woman quickly walked away after her DIHL (for about 4 seconds).

01-31-2002, 12:29 PM
Hey Phero Explorer:

As far as initializing a conversation while subject is in DIHL, I would say YES. But if you are shy and have trouble with this sort of opener, this DIHL is to your advantage. They are in total awe of you for this DIHL period. I have found that they are very receptive to what ever you have to say (do not push it though something really off the wall will not go to far). But by all means take the opening and use it to your advantage.


01-31-2002, 12:37 PM
When I first experienced a DIHL from a lady, I was freaked! I can\'t believe that its really happening. I went to our lawyer\'s office and the secretary over there approached me and asked me what i needed. I told her what i needed and she was staring at me with big eyes. I thought she was just listening carefully but after that, she was trying to answer my question when suddenly she giggled and looked down, and said \"I\'m sorry, I\'m kinda lost for a moment.\" She couldn\'t say a word and I was just smiling because I knew it was because of the pheros. But I was so surprised myself and I was just like \"WOAH!\".