View Full Version : Unscented Auquagen Test Results

01-19-2007, 10:35 AM
This post is for the 10 test subjects to post their results and for people not fortunate enough to test the product

to ask questions.

I recieved my product yesterday. Thanks Bruce. This product looks a little different than

the the scented version I have as it has a dropper top this time.

My first test was to put 3 drops on before

going to bed using a real light squeeze on the dropper until it came out. I put 2 drops on my upper chest/neck line

and wiped one on my upper lip directly below my nose. I smelled the slightest of smells that I can't describe but

this is coming from a guy that can't smell none. No dreams came from the product, but I felt 2 possible results

which may have nothing to do with the product. I noticed that my stuffy nose (sinuses) quickly cleared up and I was

able to breathe better, and I thought that I slept better than usual, but I was also more tired than usual.


guys, keep the post coming.

01-19-2007, 10:38 AM
I just posted on the

other thread but I'll add to this thread as it's appropriate.

Although unscented, it does have a scent

which I'll call "NPA Light". Will test tonight and tomorrow night.

01-20-2007, 01:34 PM
For anyone who used the old

AQ (and now the new/better version) - have you noticed any immediate differences in how people apporoach you?

01-20-2007, 01:55 PM
I wasn't all that impressed

with the old version. The newer one got strong reactions just covered with a scent.

01-20-2007, 01:56 PM
I wasn't

all that impressed with the old version. The newer one got strong reactions just covered with a scent.For

me, the old version was unreal. I don't know why, but I had more success with women in the 2 month span I used it,

then all my NPA/SOE times combined.

Archetypical Hybrid (HEC)
01-20-2007, 02:00 PM
For me,

the old version was unreal
I wonder what you'll say about the new & improved version then!! It certainly

is much more powerful..

01-20-2007, 02:18 PM
I wonder what you'll say about the new & improved version then!! It certainly is much more


Perhaps Too powerfull for him when he get's that strong results now..

Archetypical Hybrid (HEC)
01-20-2007, 02:36 PM
Perhaps Too powerfull for him when he get's that strong results now..

I've yet to hear of someone

complain that they are getting too much attention from women!

01-20-2007, 02:44 PM
I wonder what you'll say about the new & improved version then!! It certainly is much more powerful..

I know this new version is being tested by some individuals, but when will it be available for purchase?

Archetypical Hybrid (HEC)
01-20-2007, 02:51 PM

will it be available for purchase?

By this upcoming week...

01-20-2007, 03:16 PM
not on every woman but

on some it works very well. I'll go into more detail tomorrow, really pressed for time, sorry. Hint: lesbian

loved it.

01-20-2007, 05:06 PM
Please be patient with me. I

received quite a few products today, and haven't used any pheromones in a long time. I'm a little overwhelmed.

How much are you supposed to use of this stuff?

01-20-2007, 05:48 PM
Test #2
Went to a club

last with a female friend"S" who is like a little sis, her friend "A", her friends sister "B"and sister's very new

boyfriend. Wore 8 drops this time because I wanted to see some effects, good or bad who cares lol. 2 on neck, 2 on

face 2 on chest and 1 on each wrist.

Drove down with S and nothing abnormal about the drive. Got to club met

others for the first time. "A" not my type and I not hers but she was rather flirty none the less as she drank more

and was around me more. I got a lot of boob rubs and flirty comments but left it at that.
*quick note: I decided

to let the mones stand on their own without working the girls conversationally but I still had my normal postures

about me* Girl B, the sis, very reserved when I met her and already was drinking for a while. The longer she was

around me, she changed a lot and hugged me a few times in a flirty way and gave me a kiss on the cheek good bye

which I felt was abnormal with her boyfriend there but then again I just met them and don't know if that was normal

or not. So "S" had a few drinks and also started to change. She kissed me on the cheek, the friendly type, several

times which is not normal for her. Also on the drive home she was very chatty and told me some very personal things

that happened a while ago but never mentioned before.

So did it work? Hmmm. I would say more likely than not

at this point but as we all know, a lot more testing needs to be done.

01-20-2007, 05:53 PM
Tonight I will be testing

again. I haven't decided on who yet. I have 3 options.
1) a girl who is just a friend that has a boyfriend but

has long been interested in me (not my type)
2) A girl who I used to date and sleep with but we are just friends

3) A girl I currently date and sleep with who is extremely familiar with my normal deadly NPA + SOE


I will decide later and try to post results tomorrow.

01-21-2007, 06:07 AM
Please be

patient with me. I received quite a few products today, and haven't used any pheromones in a long time. I'm a

little overwhelmed.

How much are you supposed to use of this stuff?

I would say start with 3-4 an

work from there.. When I read what marlboro can wear I just think that 3-4 is a good alround middle start..

01-21-2007, 11:31 AM
I would

say start with 3-4 an work from there.. When I read what marlboro can wear I just think that 3-4 is a good alround

middle start..
I'm guessing that 3-4 is a good start as well. I just used much more for 2 reasons.
1) I

was going to a large, crowded club so it takes a lot more than a book store or something
2) I was searching for

definite results and didn't care whether I OD'd or not. I just want to see if it works.

01-21-2007, 11:34 AM

I will be testing again. I haven't decided on who yet. I have 3 options.
1) a girl who is just a friend that

has a boyfriend but has long been interested in me (not my type)
2) A girl who I used to date and sleep with but we

are just friends now.
3) A girl I currently date and sleep with who is extremely familiar with my normal deadly NPA

+ SOE combo.

I will decide later and try to post results tomorrow.
So I decided taking 1+3 out together

was my best testing ground and that's what I did. I used 4 drops this time, 1jaw line, 1 hair, 1 on each wrist.

Girl 1: I noticed nothing different about her at all.
Girl 3: A lot more chatty than usual, couldn't seem to

stop talking. Had usual gleem in the eye. Night got cut short so she didn't come home with me. I will have to

wait until the future to see those results.

01-21-2007, 12:50 PM
Btw. the dropper thing in

the unscented.. Does it run as much as the original scented ?

Archetypical Hybrid (HEC)
01-21-2007, 01:01 PM

the dropper thing in the unscented.. Does it run as much as the original scented ?

The "dropper"

on this is a glass dropper cap.. its not the euro-dropper as used in the original.. Also, the new formula is thick

& oil based (not runny as with original)..

01-21-2007, 01:02 PM
Btw. the

dropper thing in the unscented.. Does it run as much as the original scented ?
I'm not sure since I

never actually opened the scented bottle. I can tell you that it's less runny than NPA if you are expierienced

with that and more runny than AE.

01-21-2007, 02:08 PM
Btw. the

dropper thing in the unscented.. Does it run as much as the original scented ?
The dropper is pretty

handy. You can easily get an exact drop from it. Not ilke the original bottle that you never knew what you were

going to get.

01-21-2007, 03:15 PM
sorry about the delay in

posting. OK, so on Friday night I put 5 drops of unscented AQ on my jaw line. It smelled considerably like NPA to

me and being concerned that I was smelling bad I asked Sue to take a whiff which she did and she really didn't like

it at all. So, I decided to cover it with about 1/3 of a scented SOE packet. We both then agreed that I was

smelling ok. We went out to a bar that we frequent and pretty much know everybody there. I got close up to several

women that I know and didn't get any kind or reaction that was out of the ordinary. One of our friends there is a

lesbian who's strangely enough married to a guy who was also there. I decided to ask her to just smell my

"cologne" and had told her it was an experimental scent and I wanted her opinion on it. She loved it. She then

went on in great detail that it reminded her of the scent of guys who were very clean but had been working out and

were sweating (she admitted that although favoring women, this sweat scent was very appealing to her). I was now

sitting one person away from her (Sue was between us) and she then told me that the fragrance was very aphrodesiac

to her. She pretty much stayed put near me for another hour or so (this is very untypicial of her, she's usually

bouncing all over the place or playing pool). At some point I must have been distracted a bit and didn't notice

that she had left the bar, her husband was now sitting where she had been. He told us she had left with some other

people to go to another bar, he didn't want to go and she had gotten angry with him and went on her own (she does

this frequently, sometimes going off for a week or two to be with a female lover). I'm a bit perplexed about her

and the mone reaction as I had read somewhere (perhaps here?) that lesbians in a controlled test did not care for a

male pheromone signature. I can't say for sure if she has sex with her husband as it's never come up. She's 32,

has piercings and tats, boy's haircut, wears masculine clothes and can't stand anything frilly or feminine, (one

of her tats is in Chinese characters and is translated to "I love women". One has to think that if it walks like a

duck, talks like a duck..... it must be a duck. I know an awful lot about her but won't mention much more, she's

a very heavy drinker and trusts Sue and I greatly so she's been very candid with us over the past few months. Sue

and her would get it on if it were possible.

Sorry if I am rambling on a bit with this but it interests me

regarding mones and bisexual women / lesbians. Almost all of our female friends in the 'swinging" part of our

lives are bisexual and they all react very well to AE/M with SOE. So, I'm thinking this new product has potential

for me. I'm convinced it works and would like for other posters to test it maybe in a more direct fashion by just

flat out asking females to take in a good whiff when they are wearing it.

Is anyone else also picking up on

the NPA smell?

01-21-2007, 03:37 PM
The dropper

is pretty handy. You can easily get an exact drop from it. Not ilke the original bottle that you never knew what you

were going to get.

So is it a dropper like in AE bottles or a dropper like in PI bottles?
I'm getting a

little cinfused here :lol:

01-21-2007, 08:33 PM
The dropper is a rubber top

with a glass stem like the AE I have

01-22-2007, 12:45 AM

awsome..! Love that kinda dropper! So good work Bruce :kiss:

Will be looking forward to getting my order :lol:

01-22-2007, 01:53 PM

after we got to the bar, I became intensely fatigued and I'll put that to the mones as I had no reason to be


01-22-2007, 07:13 PM
that after

we got to the bar, I became intensely fatigued and I'll put that to the mones as I had no reason to be

I can't say that happened to me but both nights I was well rested and hopped up on energy drinks.

I will keep my eyes open, or not lol, for this effect in the future.

01-22-2007, 08:15 PM
Haven't noticed any tiredness

from it at all. But I am a little hyper, maybe that's the difference.

01-22-2007, 08:30 PM
Has anyone else tried

putting a drop under their nose? If you have, did you get the sinus clearing effect as well?

Archetypical Hybrid (HEC)
01-22-2007, 10:02 PM
If you

have, did you get the sinus clearing effect as well?

Maybe it should be on the grocery store shelf right

next to Vick's VapoRub!

01-23-2007, 04:07 AM
that after

we got to the bar, I became intensely fatigued and I'll put that to the mones as I had no reason to be


Haven't tried it with the unscented AQ (haven't got it yet :sad:), but the scented AQ made me a

little tired.. Perhaps it's the same things in it that makes us tired..

01-23-2007, 05:55 AM
I posted sort of irrelevant

results in the other thread. A more legit initial report is coming in a couple days.

I have two combinations

in mind, in addition to trying it straight, and that will take a week or so.

01-23-2007, 07:12 AM
We will look forward to this


01-23-2007, 08:25 PM
Yes Doc, I am looking

forward to your post. As for me I don't wear mones much during the week, except for SOE at my job, because I

rarely go out so it's not a fair testing ground. No, I am not willing to test the Auqagen at my job yet until I

better understand it's effects because I work off of commission and can't afford negative results.

01-24-2007, 01:56 AM
Marlboro, my sense of AQ, after 3

days use at work and a visit to the dentist, is its effects are more akin to SOE than any other product I have used.

Nothing over the top but it seems very social and tends to make nearby folks verbose. I could detect no negative

effects but have used between 2 and 4 drops thus far. No women have dry humped my leg so I'm unsure about the

sexual attraction or encouragement possibilties.

01-24-2007, 04:12 AM
Marlboro, my sense

of AQ, after 3 days use at work and a visit to the dentist, is its effects are more akin to SOE than any other

product I have used. Nothing over the top but it seems very social and tends to make nearby folks verbose. I could

detect no negative effects but have used between 2 and 4 drops thus far. No women have dry humped my leg so I'm

unsure about the sexual attraction or encouragement possibilties.
2-4 drops is way too little for you with

the amount of mones you have to put on to get good results so I reckon if you double you will get some leg action

for sure! Keep us posted! :thumbsup:

01-24-2007, 05:34 AM
Ok, I don't know what this means. But tonight a lesbian woman friend licked me in the face, and told me she wanted

to have sex with me in friont of a table full of people. She also explained that she was ovulating.

She may not

have been kidding. But she had been drinking a few Miller High Life's.

On the other hand, two bartenders were

bitchy with me when I first ordered.

Anyway, later that night she asked me to spank her hard, which I did,

right in front of the bar.

Maybe I OD'ed with the NPA. So tomorrow I'll leave that off and try something


01-24-2007, 05:58 AM
Sounds like one of the more

interesting bars I've ever heard of. I really do need to come visit you some day.

01-24-2007, 06:45 AM
Ok, I

don't know what this means. But tonight a lesbian woman friend licked me in the face, and told me she wanted to

have sex with me in friont of a table full of people. She also explained that she was ovulating.

She may not

have been kidding. But she had been drinking a few Miller High Life's.

On the other hand, two bartenders were

bitchy with me when I first ordered.

Anyway, later that night she asked me to spank her hard, which I did,

right in front of the bar.

Maybe I OD'ed with the NPA. So tomorrow I'll leave that off and try something


I don't think one dab of NPA will make you OD already.. Maybe they just had a bad day..

01-24-2007, 06:50 AM
I don't

think one dab of NPA will make you OD already.. Maybe they just had a bad day..
It depends on the person. I

OD on a single dab of NPA. On the other hand Gegogi can bathe in it. We are all different and Doc is a very

experienced pheromone user. He knows what he is seeing even if he hasn't been around a lot lately.

01-24-2007, 07:25 AM
It depends

on the person. I OD on a single dab of NPA. On the other hand Gegogi can bathe in it. We are all different and Doc

is a very experienced pheromone user. He knows what he is seeing even if he hasn't been around a lot


Year you're right.. But then he also has a high natural output as do you also..
Just wild to me

to hear people OD already after one drop, but you're right in we all are different..

01-24-2007, 08:23 PM
Marlboro, my

sense of AQ, after 3 days use at work and a visit to the dentist, is its effects are more akin to SOE than any other

product I have used. Nothing over the top but it seems very social and tends to make nearby folks verbose. I could

detect no negative effects but have used between 2 and 4 drops thus far. No women have dry humped my leg so I'm

unsure about the sexual attraction or encouragement possibilties.

Gegogi, Kinda the same general sense

that I have gotten so far, so I would agree, although I have felt something a little different. I guess I would say

at this point I feel similar effects to soe, but more of the truth syrum effect as well (if that makes sense). I

really haven't seen much in the sexual part either, so far, but I am getting a chance to test it tonight as one of

my gals who is putty when I wear SOE and NPA is coming over tonight. I am going to wear the aqua without the NPA

and see.

01-24-2007, 08:25 PM
Ok, I

don't know what this means. But tonight a lesbian woman friend licked me in the face, and told me she wanted to

have sex with me in friont of a table full of people. She also explained that she was ovulating.

She may not

have been kidding. But she had been drinking a few Miller High Life's.

On the other hand, two bartenders were

bitchy with me when I first ordered.

Anyway, later that night she asked me to spank her hard, which I did,

right in front of the bar.

Maybe I OD'ed with the NPA. So tomorrow I'll leave that off and try something


Doc, My gut feeling is that you have the right combo here, and it is definitely the first combo I

will test after testing the aqua a little further as a stand alone. I am anxiously awaiting to test it, but as a

responsible tester I am testing the product as a stand alone first. Keep us posted on how things change without the

NPA please.

01-24-2007, 10:40 PM
Yeah, I'm gonna dab a little NPA

in there too. I can't think of too many things I'd rather do than get licked by lesbians and spank their bare

arses red in front of a bar...

01-24-2007, 10:43 PM
Yeah, I'm gonna dab

a little NPA in there too. I can't think of too many things I'd rather do than get licked by lesbians and spank

their bare arses red in front of a bar...

Closest thing I did in a bar like this was place whipped cream

inbetween a girl's tits and lick it off her. She was cute and they were big. The only bad thing was that the

whipped cream was bad :(

01-24-2007, 11:04 PM
Mobley's 2 cents = Two

outtings, both with 5 drops to neck area.

One outting amongst strangers ... nothing to report.

The other

amongst some friends ... lots of laughter and chattiness was it the AQ, or just one of those days? I kind of felt

naked without NPA. Anyway, I'm thinking of going to 5 AQ and daps of NPA ... soon.:run:

01-25-2007, 06:19 AM

Kinda the same general sense that I have gotten so far, so I would agree, although I have felt something a little

different. I guess I would say at this point I feel similar effects to soe, but more of the truth syrum effect as

well (if that makes sense). I really haven't seen much in the sexual part either, so far

Oohh another

one of these.. :sad:
I was hoping this new AQ would be more sexual but with the built in buffer against OD..

be awsome :lol:

01-25-2007, 05:06 PM
Mobley's 2 cents

= Two outtings, both with 5 drops to neck area.

One outting amongst strangers ... nothing to report.


other amongst some friends ... lots of laughter and chattiness was it the AQ, or just one of those days? I kind of

felt naked without NPA. Anyway, I'm thinking of going to 5 AQ and daps of NPA ... soon.:run:
Friends as

in a sexual way or just social?

I get the impression that you're trying to get sexual responses from Aq. But if

you were only looking for social responses, did you miss NPA because you feel that it enhances social responses? And

if so, what kinds?

In my opinion Aq does not work as good as a standalone as if you combine it with other

products such as NPA and other products.


01-25-2007, 10:36 PM
Friends as in a

sexual way or just social?

I get the impression that you're trying to get sexual responses from Aq. But if you

were only looking for social responses, did you miss NPA because you feel that it enhances social responses? And if

so, what kinds?

In my opinion Aq does not work as good as a standalone as if you combine it with other products

such as NPA and other products.



And yes, on the sexual. There's millions of

social mones that work ... I came here for sexual, and not leaving until I have it mastered! :rasp:

NPA just

makes people not care about showing interest. Like ... I was in the book store, and there was this lady sitting at

the cafe bar with her hubby/man. I came out of the men's room, walked past them. Once they got up, I was peeping,

she let him lead, walked past my table and said "hi." I looked up and said hi. NPA, AE, and SOE was the wardrobe for

that day. OUTSTANDING!

But yeah, I think you're right on the no so good as a stand alone, but with the

supposingly increase in mones for the unscented, I thought it would go sexual. Still ... time will tell. It doesn't

seem like too many are trying it solo. Not fair! Not fair!:run:

01-25-2007, 11:17 PM
will this new formula or

come in scented too?

01-25-2007, 11:49 PM

And yes, on the sexual. There's millions of social mones that work ... I came here for sexual, and not leaving

until I have it mastered!

This exactly sums up why 98% of the people try

pheromones. I don't care what pheromnes they try or what pheromone website they partake of. The M&M man has sumed

up why the almost total majority of people use artificial pheromones.

01-26-2007, 12:42 AM
I started out with 'mones due to

the sexual possibilities. However I found the social enhancements to more practical and useful on a daily basis. In

fact I now strive mainly towards social enhancement. It's a Godsend at work and having a good social and

professional relationships indirectly lead to more nookie. It's pretty difficult to have sexual enhancement without

the social (save paying cash...).

01-26-2007, 06:17 AM
will this

new formula or come in scented too?

Probably yes.. Else you can also try the old version.. Some

have more luck with that (but it's only scented)

01-26-2007, 11:17 AM

yes.. Else you can also try the old version.. Some have more luck with that (but it's only scented)Yeah,

I've used the scented and I like the smell - it almost adds an after-shave type smell that blends with most

colognes. I've had great results and would LOVE to try the new version but scented.

01-26-2007, 11:57 AM
This exactly

sums up why 98% of the people try pheromones. I don't care what pheromnes they try or what pheromone website they

partake of. The M&M man has sumed up why the almost total majority of people use artificial pheromones.


think it's fair to say thats why most people start using mones but I feel pretty confident in saying at

least a 1/3 of us now appreciate the social values that they bring after years of playing with them.

01-26-2007, 11:59 AM

Kinda the same general sense that I have gotten so far, so I would agree, although I have felt something a little

different. I guess I would say at this point I feel similar effects to soe, but more of the truth syrum effect as

well (if that makes sense). I really haven't seen much in the sexual part either, so far, but I am getting a

chance to test it tonight as one of my gals who is putty when I wear SOE and NPA is coming over tonight. I am going

to wear the aqua without the NPA and see.

So I tested the way I said I would above and no noticeable

results this time. I should mention we were both tired and we did have sex but she was a little less driven towards

it than normal. Ill keep on testing.

01-26-2007, 12:01 PM
How have the other testers

been measuring their drops? I have been using 2-6 drops and just barely squeezing the bulb until a drop would fall

out. I'm curious to know if you have been squeezing the bulb or what. Thanks.

01-26-2007, 12:07 PM
I started out with

'mones due to the sexual possibilities. However I found the social enhancements to more practical and useful on a

daily basis. .

Same here.

01-26-2007, 01:19 PM
I started out

with 'mones due to the sexual possibilities. However I found the social enhancements to more practical and useful

on a daily basis. In fact I now strive mainly towards social enhancement. It's a Godsend at work and having a good

social and professional relationships indirectly lead to more nookie. It's pretty difficult to have sexual

enhancement without the social (save paying cash...).
For myself, I started out with mones for the social

enhancement. I had just started a new business and wanted them to enhance my client relationships, which they did.

Since then the social/sexual aspects have popped up but that wasn't my original purpose.

01-26-2007, 02:25 PM
tonight. Have

two couples coming over tonight, both women are bisexual and good enough friends of mine that they won't mind

taking a direct whiff and a giving of their impressions.

01-27-2007, 12:11 AM
Today I tried 4 drops AQ spiked

with 3 dabs NPA. Still leaning towards social enhancement and encouragement of verbose behavior. Still excellent in

my work environment. However, the NPA seems to make conversations with women a bit more edgy and forward. If I say

one word to them they were all over me (in a friendly way). A certain attractive literature professor would not let

me go and talked my ear off about very personal things (conversations with her are usually work related as we serve

on a committee together). I could see the sparkle in her eye (as it she was entertaining dirty thoughts). AQ/NPA

seems to be a nice combo so far.

01-27-2007, 04:59 AM
Today I tried

4 drops AQ spiked with 3 dabs NPA. Still leaning towards social enhancement and encouragement of verbose behavior.

Still excellent in my work environment. However, the NPA seems to make conversations with women a bit more edgy and

forward. If I say one word to them they were all over me (in a friendly way). A certain attractive literature

professor would not let me go and talked my ear off about very personal things (conversations with her are usually

work related as we serve on a committee together). I could see the sparkle in her eye (as it she was entertaining

dirty thoughts). AQ/NPA seems to be a nice combo so far.

Maybe something to try when I recieve my package

with my unscented AQ in..
Looking so much forward to this :lol:

01-27-2007, 11:20 AM
ok, well, last night

didn't go exactly as I had planned (II had planned on just getting our two female visitors to smell me and give me

their impressions), the conversation got pretty lively and after we ate, we watched a vcr tape from 5 years ago that

a friend had filmed, I call it the Sue and Tina show, not bad for an amateur production. Sue gets a tad embarassed

watching it. About halfway thru the movie the three women disappeared into the bedroom while us guys continued

watching the movie. From the giggles I could hear I figured it was going to be a pretty nice evening thinking that

the ladies had already started to warm up the bed but I was wrong. One of the women had ordered online 3 skimpy

outfits and they had been trying them on till they reappeared in our living room. Well, they all looked pretty hot

and soon we got the sexual ball rolling. One of the guys though wasn't participating, he lost his job last week

(high-paying) and was being a bit childish about it. So, my friend Bob took his wife and Sue and I had a terrific

3-some with Sharon. Sue then went to the living room to talk and baby the guy that lost his job. Sharon and I

continued on with making love. When we were wrapping it up she flat out told me that she loved me, second time

she's done that but the first time I thought she was just being nice to me. But, no, she really means it. I need

to point out that there's nothing underhanded going on as Sue and I always discuss these kinds of things later

after the others have left. Sue herself is in love with Sharon and has been for some time. Sharon knows this and

welcomes it. I believe the mones are playing some kind of role in all this thing with Sharon. She didn't have to

be honest with me, this kind of stuff rarely happens in the swinger's world. Sue and I had a nice long talk last

night and I told her that I just have zero reason to complain about anthing, that I couldn't be happier and that it

was her that made me that way. Too many beers, a spot of weed and a couple of shots of whiskey were all in play


Before they came I mixed into a coffee cup plate 10 drops of unscented AQ (by drop I mean squeezing

the rubber thingamajig till a drop falls), an equal amount of Pheros to cover it, two sprays of Liquid Trust, two

drops of AE/m, and about 3 drops of A1. I had just showered and put 1/2 of that mix on my torso and into the top of

my pubic hair (I figure that if a woman is going down on me, she should have something nice floating into her

nostrils). I got dressed and the put the other half on my jaw line and around my ears, a bit left went on my

wrists. I asked Sue to check the scent and she said it was too rank so I added some SOE gel (maybe a 3rd of a pack

onto my jawline), Sue then pronounced me ok to be in public. Laughing here, about 2 hours later she told me that

the SOE had converted!!! I just decided to let it go and not try to cover the scent. Sorry about not being a

purist and just going with the AQ but when I am going to be in these kinds of situations, I want the best possible

outcome and I figure the "tried and true" has worked in the past so just add in the newer products and see what


Gegogi, you are amazing to be able to get away with both NPA and AQ. Sue wanted me to ask you

something but I see there's no way to do this anymore on here. And, I can't ask in public as she's works in a

field that you are very familiar with.

01-27-2007, 02:57 PM
This exactly sums

up why 98% of the people try pheromones. I don't care what pheromnes they try or what pheromone website they

partake of. The M&M man has sumed up why the almost total majority of people use artificial pheromones.

I don't know, T ... all over the place, people seem to be going and happy with social. I myself have that down

... SOE and one other. I'm still waiting for the "I can't help myself ... I've gotta have you!!! Please!!!!"

mone. :thumbsup:

So, HEC, Bruce, Doc ... lets make it happen BEFORE I'm dead. Please!!!!:run:

01-27-2007, 04:12 PM
I don't

know, T ... all over the place, people seem to be going and happy with social. I myself have that down ... SOE and

one other. I'm still waiting for the "I can't help myself ... I've gotta have you!!! Please!!!!" mone. :thumbsup:

So, HEC, Bruce, Doc ... lets make it happen BEFORE I'm dead.



There are definitely positive reactions when using most of the mones

I've bought (some didn't work for me or I just haven't figured them out yet), but there wasn't any mone that got

babes jumping me... I'm still hoping... :lol:

01-27-2007, 04:32 PM
I don't know, T

... all over the place, people seem to be going and happy with social.

Very true. However

the great majority of people who want to try pheromones are initially attracted to them by the thought of becoming

more sexually attractive than they were before. And in many cases just sexually attractive for the first time in

their lives.

01-27-2007, 04:39 PM
Very true.

However the great majority of people who want to try pheromones are initially attracted to them by the thought of

becoming more sexually attractive than they were before. And in many cases just sexually attractive for the first

time in their lives.

And some just wanna spike things up a bit :lol:
To make things a "little"


01-29-2007, 10:05 PM
Sorry about the delay but I

have been pretty busy. Sat. night wore 6 drops of AQ and finally added the 3 dabs NPA to the mix that I have been

waiting to do. I now feel comfortable in saying that AQ is not sexually driven but does work as a social mone. My

cover scent is a cologne that is only available by special order so the name need not be mentioned. Anyways about

30 minutes after putting my mix on, I hopped into the car when my date picked me up. The heat was on high as it's

very cold here right now. We got about 30 seconds away from my house and she started sniffing the air, kinda like a

dog looking for a scent. She looked over at me and said, "your wearing f*** me cologne!" (keep in mind that I have

wore this cologne around her before without this reaction) Then covered her mouth like she couldn't believe that

she had just said that out loud. Needless to say it was a very good night!

So Sunday I was with her again, just

cuddling this time. I put the same combo on again to see if it would have the same results. She said your wearing

that same combo again aren't ya? (she knows I layer scents but doesn't know exactly what that means). She was

sniffing me a lot and it led to another good night.

01-29-2007, 10:37 PM
Yo, AQ with NPA is da bomb if

you're trollin' fo' nookie or lookin' ta grease da tease. I tested it today with an ex-GF with impressive

results--got a little honey on ma stinger (didn't think that would ever happen again). She was pretty freaked a few

hours later...

AQ solo is great for work and general walkaround. I must say it is pretty funky. I seem to be

getting more sensitive to the smell. Needs a hoe lotta cover.

01-29-2007, 10:44 PM
Yo, AQ with

NPA is da bomb if you're trollin' fo' nookie or lookin' ta grease da tease.

G, How did you know the

exact words I was looking for? LOL
Either way that is my guy feeling and I am really excited to keep testing this

combo! How have your results with this been around strangers?

01-31-2007, 10:42 AM
Got my AQ today so will only

be posting my initial thoughts as I've had no chance to test it yet..
Normally an unscented product isn't

unscented and has some unpretty smell.. But this one only smells lightly of alcohol and is the best unscented

product with "no scent" I've ever tried!
It's amazing I must say..
Besides that I LOVE the glass dropper that

comes with it.. It's great quality.!

I will be testing it when I meet my group again.. There I will "slowplay"

it and work the dosage up and see what happens..

01-31-2007, 10:49 AM
Mine definately smells! You may

be one of those that cannot smell it. If anything, it has a stronger odor than TE, to me.

The smell covers

easily enough and I have been getting good reactions from it. Planning on taking a client to lunch in a few minutes,

we'll see how it works with her.

01-31-2007, 10:52 AM

definately smells! You may be one of those that cannot smell it. If anything, it has a stronger odor than TE, to


The smell covers easily enough and I have been getting good reactions from it. Planning on taking a client

to lunch in a few minutes, we'll see how it works with her.

NPA I can smell.. So that seems wierd..

I don't think TE unscented for women smell wild, but definetly more than AQ but not as much as NPA..

smells awfull!

01-31-2007, 11:59 AM
Yes, AQ is some funky sh!t.

Whether you can smell it or not, cover it and cover it good. Else suffer a rep as Dr. BO.

01-31-2007, 12:30 PM
I always do that but for me

it's still the least STINKY unscented product I've ever smelled..:run:

01-31-2007, 03:13 PM
This is an example of why it's

so hard to make concrete staements about pheomones. Everybody responds differently to them. To Gegogi and me the

unscented stinks, to you it doesn't. Unless you know otherwise, you are better off assuming it smells bad

to somebody.

01-31-2007, 03:19 PM
It's also an issue of the

concentration of the smell and the setting. Does unscented Edge "stink?" Well.... IMHO, an enormous amount spray

on the armpits is nauseating, while a subtle touch of it emerging from the right cover scent is


Another example.. cigarette smoke!?! Nothing can be more noxious or annoying than cigarette

smoke, but still on the odd occasion a tiny whiff of cigarette smoke outside at a cafe mixed with breakfast smells

including coffee is sort of intoxicating to me. It's got to be the slightest almost subliminal whiff though. Go


OK, sorry about the rambling there....
What I came here to say is that we have some UNscented

in stock and up on the site now. The regular is no longer "beta".

Oh yeah, and thanks for

all the great feedback from you intrepid testers.

Peace and Love,

01-31-2007, 04:01 PM
I will also assume that now

that I know you guys think it stinks..

And Bruce.. Actually I was wondering if you would start selling containers

like the ones unscented AQ comes in?
Those could be great things for mixing also..

And have you heard from Stone

Labs about the AE smell?

01-31-2007, 08:32 PM
Actually I love the smell of

cured tobacco (fresh & unburned), just can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke! I really like the smell of freshly

ground and/or brewed coffee but don't like the taste.

One thing I know, most women are more senstitive to

smells--especially sweat & pheromone scents--than men. Not merely more sensitive but are more easily offended or

grossed out. So it's best to error on the side of extreme caution.

Yep, Bruce, methinks unscented AQ is a solid

product. Consistent social enhancement, easy to cover and nice label graphics for a professional appearance. Frankly

some of your products need label redesigns. First impressions do count. Plus, the bottle didn't leak on the way to

Hawaii! Finally, it works well with NPA if you need to amp up the sexual vibe.

01-31-2007, 09:22 PM
gegogi, ive been asking love

scent for label redesigns for years, SOE is the first one that comes into my head, the label disapears with finger

use, not a good thing having a bottle of some exotic perfume with no label and trying to take it through customs in

an airport, it happened to me with SOE a few years back, had some explaining to do...

02-02-2007, 05:48 AM
Today was my first day

testing my unscented AQ..
I applied one drop that I split so I covered both sides of neck with 1 drop.. then 1 more

drop on my wrists that I splitted..
And both the girls in my group was very sweet today.. The one who normally is

the sweetest towards me I didn't see much of a difference..
And the other was very very talkative, laugthed all

the time when I said something plus she tried to make a joke about everything also..
And the most "odd" thing was

she followed me and the other girl (the one that's normally the sweetest)..
She came outside to us, and she

followed us into the bar when we played pool.. Yes we have a bar and pool table at my school..
It could be because

our other groupmember didn't show up and she didn't wanna be alone but normally she doesn't care for that because

when we go outside to smoke (I don't smoke but just go to talk) she's normally the only just to stay inside but

not today..
Seemed a little wierd but can't be sure of if it was the unscented AQ..
More testing needed but so

far it looks good..:twisted:

02-02-2007, 01:52 PM

was my first day testing my unscented AQ..
I applied one drop that I split so I covered both sides of neck with 1

drop.. then 1 more drop on my wrists that I splitted..
And both the girls in my group was very sweet today.. The

one who normally is the sweetest towards me I didn't see much of a difference..
And the other was very very

talkative, laugthed all the time when I said something plus she tried to make a joke about everything also..

the most "odd" thing was she followed me and the other girl (the one that's normally the sweetest)..
She came

outside to us, and she followed us into the bar when we played pool.. Yes we have a bar and pool table at my

It could be because our other groupmember didn't show up and she didn't wanna be alone but normally she

doesn't care for that because when we go outside to smoke (I don't smoke but just go to talk) she's normally the

only just to stay inside but not today..
Seemed a little wierd but can't be sure of if it was the unscented

More testing needed but so far it looks good..:twisted:Hey Workingmann hi, are you using drops of the AQ ? I thought that it now comes as a

spray, or possably you received yours just before the sprays were introduced. Anyway you started with 2 drops which

seems very sensible to me. Thanks for the feedback buddy, good testing.:wave:

02-03-2007, 06:56 AM
Hey Workingmann hi, are you using drops of the

AQ ? I thought that it now comes as a spray, or possably you received yours just before the sprays were introduced.

Anyway you started with 2 drops which seems very sensible to me. Thanks for the feedback buddy, good testing.:wave:

No the new Unscented AQ comes with a glass dropper like the AE, so you can measure

precise how much you put on very easy!
Hope it stays this way, and perhaps Bruce will sell these

containers (with the glass dropper) without mones because I think they will be great for the mixing procedure.. Very

easy to take 1 drop of this and place in a container, and then 3 drops of this etc. so the mixing could get very


02-03-2007, 12:55 PM
No the

new Unscented AQ comes with a glass dropper like the AE, so you can measure precise how much you put on very

Hope it stays this way, and perhaps Bruce will sell these containers (with the glass dropper)

without mones because I think they will be great for the mixing procedure.. Very easy to take 1 drop of this and

place in a container, and then 3 drops of this etc. so the mixing could get very easy..WM hi, i just had a look at the sales page for the unscented AQ, and it says is is

now in a spray format, but if anyone is not happy with this delivery system they could always put it in another

bottle so as to either use a dropper or to just dab it on, I think it would be easy to over apply using a spray in

some cases, or possably one spray of AQ may be sufficient ? it doesent seem to me like there would be too many

sprays in a 14ml bottle that is all, Then again i am watching my pennys, not that i have any to watch at the moment,

so its good as things can only get better ha ha .:lol:

02-03-2007, 03:40 PM
I can say that using the

dropper has made the bottle spread very well so far. I would hardly be able to notice a dent in it if I hadn't

spilled some of it. BTW it makes a nice furniture polish, it's been over a week and the wood is still glossy.

02-03-2007, 05:10 PM
I prefer a dropper over a

sprayhead anyday of the week. The only drawback is you're more likely to spill your joyjuice if under the influence

of herb or spirits.

02-03-2007, 06:59 PM
I prefer a

dropper over a sprayhead anyday of the week. The only drawback is you're more likely to spill your joyjuice if

under the influence of herb or spirits.

I can totally agree here!! :thumbsup:

Okay mine is

just in the glas dropper (not like PI and so forth) and in all situations it's good and to prefer.. it helps making

the precise amounts plus mixes..

02-04-2007, 12:59 PM
I like the drop

technique best too but the Liquid Trust spray bottle works pretty good.

02-04-2007, 01:10 PM
going to

a SuperBowl bash at the American Legion. I'm hoping that Billie, my dykey friend will be there were her Femme. I

know Billie's got the hots for Sue and she does like me a lot, if the scent gets up her nostrils I'm gonna make a

play for it, something like "hey Billie, how's about we let these two ladies go at it and we'll watch and beat our


Test results tomorrow. Sue says I'm really bad bad bad.

02-04-2007, 01:34 PM
would be up

for it. She's never been and would like to go. She doesn't smoke though and still wants to go. Wondering if the

mones would get thru the fog in the bars there.

02-05-2007, 10:45 AM
friend never

showed up. I had on 5 drops of AQ unscented and covered with an equal amount of Pheros. The venue was packed and

very smoky. Several women glanced my way throughout the evening. An older woman sitting right next to me was

extremely chatty and friendly, I was a bit wasted and, according to Sue, led her on a bit too much, she's a

neighbor so I'll wind up running into her again at some point and I'll have to tell her how messed up I was. Not

a bad mone night but nothing earth shattering to report.

02-12-2007, 07:12 AM
Last Friday and today I used the AQ..
First of all I will say I really LIKE the glass dropper (like the one that

comes with AE) because you're ratios are much much more precise than the sprayhead or the regurlar dropper (like PI


1 Drop Unscented AQ on each side of neck
1 drop of WAGG on each side of neck (under

the area with AQ)
SOE on my wrists
Covered with polo black coverscent

One from my group and I should do

some work together and we agreed one one thing.. Then one of the others asked a question and I realized something

wasn't right so I explained my oppinion but the girl I did it with got really really angry (but I thing it isn't

the mones but it's just her way when you don't agree) and I told her I didn't wanna spend time saying the same

arguments over and over when she couldn't understand them and give a good counterargument.. Then the girl that had

asked the question and I started working on something else that ended up really good! We made a really perfect part

of our project there and she seemed like she wanted to be really close to me that day..
THen the last girl and I

went to play pool and even though she had other plans it seemed like she just wanted to be around me.. In another

way than the second girl.. She was more talkative and funny and not only project, project,


1 Drop Unscented AQ on each side of neck, and 1 on wrist rubbed together
1 drop of

WAGG on each side of neck (under the area with AQ)
Covered with Dolce & Gabanna

Today at the cantine some

guys looked at me both when entering and leaving.. Couldn't really figure out if it was like Cool dude, or what a

jerk.. They were to far away.. Besides that some girls at a table stopped their conversation when I walked by and

she stared briefly at me (elevator look) and when she realized what she was doing she rushed her eyes to her friend

and talked on.. Guess she thought it was imbarrasing..
Besides that again the girl from friday wanted to stick

around, asked me to come smoke, wanted to play pool all the time and when we were going home we stopped briefly to

talk and I had to say goodbye..

02-12-2007, 06:01 PM
we had a

couple over for dinner, I wore 5 drops of covered with AE/M, Liquid Trust, A1, Pheros, and an SOE gel pack.

Neither of us liked the guy but we're extremely enchanted with his girlfriend. He's a "golfer type" and Sue and I

just aren't impressed or interested in that sort of guy. She's a school teacher and pretty much mis-matched with

her boyfriend of a year now, they only see each other every other week, if she were mine, she'd never be out of my

sight, sure that Sue feels the same, hot hot and more hot. We wound up in the hot tub and then went on to our

bedroom, sensual and wonderful sex, Sue paid little attention to the guy and that might work against our favor cause

we want her back and bad. Time will tell.

I'm not sure how much of a factor the mones were. She really

seemed to enjoy our company while we prepared dinner and the mones were at their strongest then but after going into

the hot tub I think most of the mones were washed off from the chemicals we use in it. I asked Sue afterwards to

check me and she could still smell the on my jawline but not the other mones. It was one of the best

swinger encounters we've had in the past 7 years. Sue and I accused each other of falling in love with "Annie" and

we are both right.

02-12-2007, 06:26 PM
Holy Sh!+, Kool. Your mix

leaves nothing to chance, does it? :)

Congrats on the fun time.

I'm still testing AQ. Today I applied two

drops with one dab of NPA. We'll see. So far I still can't draw a conclusion.

I'm still seeing the woman I

met wearing NPA, b-nol, PF, and a314. So I tend to try to wear the tried and true around her.

02-13-2007, 08:25 AM
Today I used 1 drop on each

side of neck, and 1 on each wrist..

Today people listened and when we went into the cantine a table of girls was

all gigly and looking towards me.. But on my way back I noticed a girl I once knew so perhaps that was the reason..

But I'm not sure.. Else I got another idea and one of the girls wanted me to come over beside her and help her, but

after a while it was like she didn't wanna listen to me anymore.. Like she got too much of it when I sat beside

Else one girl was bery playfull and more than yesterday..

02-13-2007, 12:53 PM
Today I

used 1 drop on each side of neck, and 1 on each wrist..

Today people listened and when we went into the cantine

a table of girls was all gigly and looking towards me.. But on my way back I noticed a girl I once knew so perhaps

that was the reason.. But I'm not sure.. Else I got another idea and one of the girls wanted me to come over beside

her and help her, but after a while it was like she didn't wanna listen to me anymore.. Like she got too much of it

when I sat beside her..
Else one girl was bery playfull and more than yesterday..It is very possable that

your little brew is stirring up a degree of arousal in these girls, but it is something that they probably would not

be very enthusiastic about showing or displaying any easy to read sighns to others around, except in a more intimate

setting with you alone, then again girls are really hooked by a little sweet good old fashioned "Romance"albeit they

wont admit to this fact within a group setting, i think with your mixture and some intimate romantic overtures you

will become a big hitter with the girls, just make sure to be discreet if mixing in with girls in groups, because

they would like you as there sexy guy exclusively, their little secret, so you are not the groups friendly guy, but

you are an exclusive sexy romantic guy as veiwed by the girls, a man to be desired, i would say, definately project

an aura of mystery romance and manlyness about your self, dont be afraid to be a little different or a little daring

if you feel that you would like to do so, whatever you do they are always looking believe me, so with your mixes and

actions and speech you will stand out from the normal hum drum crowd, because you are not a yes man, you are not a

weak willed man who panders to their every wish and who agrees with them so as to appear popular, and you dont need

to stay hung tightly within the security of the group, because you are an ALPHA man an exciting mysteryious romantic

self made man....wow yes you are a man who is not afraid to be himself and reach out for what he wants....sigh just

a few thoughts, but nothing to get hung about, it is just that girls see everything in pictures, and to remain in

the realm of desire a picture needs to appear as vibrant and alive and out of the ordinary. Do you picture yourself

as that man that the girls all really want and desire to fullfill their fantasys...:wub: :whip:

02-13-2007, 01:46 PM
I don't really care much

for their opinion about me.. I'm jsut myself and say my opinion and stick with it untill I et a better argument

against me that can convince me that I might be wrong and she had a better idea..
I don't compromise just because

she says her things louder.. One yells at me in every discussuion but I don't back off before she comes with good

And the other girls in the group normally backs down when she does so but not me..
I aint sure I'm an

aplha, but I'm ME.. And that's not gonna change.. And I'm not trying to be something I'm not or trying to be the

mann they want. .I'm just me.. :wave:

02-13-2007, 11:19 PM
I don't

really care much for their opinion about me.. I'm jsut myself and say my opinion and stick with it untill I et a

better argument against me that can convince me that I might be wrong and she had a better idea..
I don't

compromise just because she says her things louder.. One yells at me in every discussuion but I don't back off

before she comes with good arguments..
And the other girls in the group normally backs down when she does so but

not me..
I aint sure I'm an aplha, but I'm ME.. And that's not gonna change.. And I'm not trying to be

something I'm not or trying to be the mann they want. .I'm just me.. :wave: It sure seems that you got it

all sussed out and in hand which is the only way and you is the man in control, which is good, these girls will

respect you for being just the Workingmann..:rant:

02-14-2007, 10:39 AM
Today again I used 4 drops..

But one of them got a little big because I spilled it too early (beføre I reached my wrist so I got to "catch it"

and therefor I pressed a little more so perhaps two drops came out..)

Today the girl that normally is very

argumentative was still angry and so on, but she didn't shout as loud as the other days.. And normally when we

argue it kind of seems like she sticks with it, just because of the arguments sake.. But today we argumented again

and she actually ended agreeing with me and being nice again..
Really impressive!

In the cantine a group of

girls looked after me again today through the corner of their eyes.. And the lady at the counter said 20 kr and

smiled like in a toothpaste commercial (showing all the teeth - like a clown smile) :blink:
And when we left the

girl I usually play pool with asked me what time I would come in tomorrow because she wanted to play pool before any

of the others would come..

I will try again tomorrow to see if
5 drops will give the same results or if I just

was "lucky" today :twisted:

02-14-2007, 10:50 AM
Btw. forgot to tell also..

in the cantine I walked by one of the guys from my class that was sitting there talking with another guy and I

raised his hand as hello with a big smile.. I said hey and went in to get my food.. WHen I came back out he asked me

when I was walking by him, how it was going and was very talkative..
I ended it of brief with a joke and we walked

on (the girl I normally play pool with and me) and she wanted to smoke and we went outside.. And 2 sec. after we got

outside the guy from the cantine had rushed off and came out to talk with us and everytime we talk he's very funny

and joking etc.. He's a cool fun dude, and mentioned a couple of times we should drink some beers etc. and I just

have taken it as a laugh but I really think he wants to hang out with me more..
Kinda seems as he's trying to

become my friend and spend time with me..
Really cool reaction worth mentioning..

And all around a really good

day today with great great results.. But I will try again tomorrow to see if it just was one of those "evrythings

good day" :twisted:

02-15-2007, 07:24 AM
Today used 5 drops (but

probably 5,5 drops) and wow! This is the best results I've seen ever with my group..
The girl I normally play pool

with kept joking and wanted to be around me..
All these girls were laughin and laughin of everything I said..

one point the girl I normally play pool with had a laghinflip so she kept laughin for about 3-4 minutes.. Was

really amazing..
Will try on monday to amp it up to about 6 drops and see the results.. But WOW! :twisted:

much better than yesterday and that was also a perfect day so I'm really beginning to love this one

02-15-2007, 10:16 AM

used 5 drops (but probably 5,5 drops) and wow! This is the best results I've seen ever with my group..
The girl I

normally play pool with kept joking and wanted to be around me..
All these girls were laughin and laughin of

everything I said..
At one point the girl I normally play pool with had a laghinflip so she kept laughin for about

3-4 minutes.. Was really amazing..
Will try on monday to amp it up to about 6 drops and see the results.. But WOW!

Much much better than yesterday and that was also a perfect day so I'm really beginning to love this one

:cheers:Great stuff Workingmann, good to see you working so well with the and

de good results occuring, sure you are good scientist. :goodpost:

02-16-2007, 05:09 PM
Last week I decided to try

an amped up combo. So far I have found about 4 drops of and 3-4 daps of NPA to be a great combo but I

wanted something more. This time I went with 7 dabs of NPA(chest and neck), 8 drops of (neck, jawline,

hair) and 3 sprays of LT (sprayed on shirt) I was going to a smokey bar with a friend and was loking for a more

extreme reaction good or bad.
Well as it turns out, this combo really helped me establish a major alpha vibe.

Everyone sitting near me was laughing at everything I said (keep in mind all but 1 was a stranger). Guys showed

great respect and woman showed interest. I wouldn't recommend this combo for every day use as it would be way

overwhelming but it worked well for the enviroment that I was in. I am really starting to feel may be my

social mone with SOE continuing to me my business mone.

02-16-2007, 08:13 PM
has been doing a great

job for me in both settings.

02-17-2007, 03:42 AM
How much do you wear,


I've tried 1-3 drops with modest gains in social interactions.

02-17-2007, 06:50 AM
Started small with just a drop

and have worked my way up to as much as six drops. Three seems to be about right most of the time. Its hard to OD on

the stuff but it can stink. It got cold here for a while so I was wearing it on the back of my neck but usually wear

it on my fore arms. For cover I've been wearing a combo of deer musk and aloeswood oil.

There are the regular

hits in social or professional interactions. One of the amusing ones was the lady who stopped in her tracks for

several seconds then told me how good I smelled, turned red and walked on.

SOme people may need to spike it with

a little -none, from what I have read. For me, it works fine as is.

02-17-2007, 04:14 PM
"There are the regular hits

in social or professional interactions. One of the amusing ones was the lady who stopped in her tracks for several

seconds then told me how good I smelled, turned red and walked on."

Love that kind of thing!!!


try my combo, it works pretty well and your Pheros covers it very nicely, 5 drops of AQ for sure. We had a new

couple over for dinner last night and I wore what's now my "usual" combo. They liked us quite a bit, said we were

the first really normal couple they had met, and it was a nice sexual time too.

02-17-2007, 04:59 PM
Ok, you guys are psyching me

up to try a higher dose.

Bel, I think you're the only other person who wears musk. Is it the good stuff?

02-17-2007, 05:34 PM
Ok, you

guys are psyching me up to try a higher dose.

Doc, I haven't really noticed any OD with it yet so go

for it.

02-17-2007, 06:39 PM
I've worn up to 10 small drops

of AQ with no OD and increasing social benefits. Like Bel says, AQ starts to put on some serious funk at higher RMS,

so dive for heavy cover. For me, 4-6 drops seems to be ideal for walkaround and work. Add 3 or 4 dabs of NPA and

I'm transformed into a frickin' babe magnet.

02-17-2007, 08:27 PM
Ok, you guys

are psyching me up to try a higher dose.

Bel, I think you're the only other person who wears musk. Is it the

good stuff?If you mean "Is it real musk?", Yes, it is. Wild harvested Chinese to be specific. Not the very

best quality but well above average. No harm to the animals either.

Go ahead and try the higher doses, it can't

hurt. I haven't been able to OD. Haven't really tried but six drops is pretty high. Didn't see any real increase

in return after 4 so decided not to waste the stuff. And to paraphrase somebody else "Your results may vary"

02-18-2007, 06:31 AM
Doc, I

haven't really noticed any OD with it yet so go for it.

I haven't either seen any OD results and I'm

also amazed ove the high dozes everyone seem to can use..

Archetypical Hybrid (HEC)
02-18-2007, 04:21 PM
Yep.. This

formula was by no means easy to create (to offer all these benefits vs. conventional formulas)

P.S. The reason

you can't OD is because of the innovative "buffers" (which have never before been seen in commerical formulas

previously) as well as the very low concentration of androstenone.. Just a FYI :thumbsup:

Remember: "the more

the merrier?" :-)

02-18-2007, 11:23 PM
Remember: "the more the merrier?" :-)

Is this supposed to mean, that the more

of this product you use, the better your results? And I mean in a general manner, since obviously everyone has a

different body chemistry.

02-19-2007, 05:05 AM
Yep.. This formula was by no means easy to create (to offer all these benefits vs.

conventional formulas)

P.S. The reason you can't OD is because of the innovative "buffers" (which have never

before been seen in commerical formulas previously) as well as the very low concentration of androstenone.. Just a

FYI :thumbsup:

Remember: "the more the merrier?" :-)So does this mean,

Use more drops AQ = created more repeat sales = more $$$ generated for producers = merrier countinence for seller .

?? Personally i think it looks very sus, because here you are with a 23mg Pheromone content in 14 ml, and people

are having to splash on up to 6 drops of the stuff on to get a result, and some are even adding NPA to get it going,

so the Anone content must be soooo low, this stuff should have been called INSTANT GIGGLE.. I wonder what has

happened to the days of AE, at 3.75 mg in 7.5 ml when 3 drops were enough for any man, and if we were to double the

size of AE for instance to 7.5 mg in 15 ml then the equivelent proportion of AQ would still contain a whopping

15.2mg extra pheromone content advantage per bottle,that is a lot of pheromone when you look at it on scale, and at

this concentration you would logically think that 5 drops would put any man on the stage, and at this rate of usage

the AQ quantity will be used up at a fast rate, I really hope this stuff is delivering a good bang for the buck so

to speak, at the price of the stuff youd really want action and less imagination, But remember i am an uneducated

person so i may be completly missing the point with this, as i am only speaking my thoughts about this product, I

really hope it is more effective than some of the Instant Pheromone Product range ( purchased from another forum

source ) that i have spent money on in the past,as these do not exactly state their pheromone content, but contrary

to their advertised quality, i have found them to appear very low on actual pheromone content, but high on fragrance

only, with little performance and a lot of hype.:rant: :rant:

02-19-2007, 07:49 AM
Terry I know those kind of

sites.. Not many who say what's in them or how much but is just strongly fragranced..
But I've seen the best

results with these girls (them from my group) I've ever seen.. So even though you use 5 drops they work better and

you don't OD.. And even if I could use more drops and get good results with these buffers I wouldn't go up to 10

drops as I don't think it wouldn't double the effect..
So when you get the results you want just use the amount

that gives them..
And 5 or 6 drops aint that much I think..
Many use x drops NPA and y drops LT, z drops AQ, v

drops of something else..
And again then it will eventually almost always add up to more than 6 drops total - so

perhaps if you can use AQ alone and "only" 6 drops you would save money.. Plus you have the "buffers" that other

products don't have..

I can see your point of the content is high but we need "high" doses in relation to the

mone content, but if 2/3 is buffers and other mones that doesn't work as strong as none and etc. then of course the

mone amount will be high but it doesn't have to be high in content of the "strong mones"..

And I would just say

I'm glad for this product and I just think you should see that it's a good product for the user..
You should be

glad you can buy a product with this ghigh mone content for this price (even though it migh not be not be strong

mones as none etc)..
Plus the buffers is also worth some price tag..
If you use other mones you can more easily OD

(because they're more strong without buffers) but with this new AQ there's buffers but might not be as

But you can't get everything still and I would say you can always buy AQ + NPA and then mix it and you

can get what you want..

I have seen the greatest results with this product so I will not be the one complaining


02-19-2007, 08:03 AM
Today I used 6 drops

of AQ, Wagg and polo black..
The girl I play pool with was lazy and tired (but I doub't it was the mones as she

was it after 1,5 minute with me when we walked around) but eventually we got into the room to play some pool (it's

locked during the holidays so we had to get a key)..
Even though after the first game the clock said 10 she still

carried on and payed for another game quickly..
Besides that the girl that doesn't shout at me in discussions

listened a lot to me and did agree with a lot of my ideas..
The pool girl wanted a lot of things today and was very

joyfull and playfull.. She tried a little to tease me and push me and stuff but she wasn't as gigly as with 4,5 - 5

drops but might be because she was tired..
Got really good respect today..!
Besides that nothing noticable..

02-19-2007, 02:12 PM
Terry I

know those kind of sites.. Not many who say what's in them or how much but is just strongly fragranced..
But I've

seen the best results with these girls (them from my group) I've ever seen.. So even though you use 5 drops they

work better and you don't OD.. And even if I could use more drops and get good results with these buffers I

wouldn't go up to 10 drops as I don't think it wouldn't double the effect..
So when you get the results you want

just use the amount that gives them..
And 5 or 6 drops aint that much I think..
Many use x drops NPA and y drops

LT, z drops AQ, v drops of something else..
And again then it will eventually almost always add up to more than 6

drops total - so perhaps if you can use AQ alone and "only" 6 drops you would save money.. Plus you have the

"buffers" that other products don't have..

I can see your point of the content is high but we need "high" doses

in relation to the mone content, but if 2/3 is buffers and other mones that doesn't work as strong as none and etc.

then of course the mone amount will be high but it doesn't have to be high in content of the "strong mones"..

And I would just say I'm glad for this product and I just think you should see that it's a good product for the

You should be glad you can buy a product with this ghigh mone content for this price (even though it migh

not be not be strong mones as none etc)..
Plus the buffers is also worth some price tag..
If you use other mones

you can more easily OD (because they're more strong without buffers) but with this new AQ there's buffers but

might not be as "strong"..
But you can't get everything still and I would say you can always buy AQ + NPA and then

mix it and you can get what you want..

I have seen the greatest results with this product so I will not be the

one complaining :lol: Yes surething Workingmann, the results say heaps, if

usung 5 drops gets a noticeable result then it is money well spent on a reliable product that can only gain good

recognition so its lookin good... sure is better than paying out on other non performing brands, thank you for the

good posts and information, it really is helpfull to all of us poor..:wave:

02-19-2007, 03:27 PM
Yes surething Workingmann, the results say heaps, if usung 5

drops gets a noticeable result then it is money well spent on a reliable product that can only gain good recognition

so its lookin good... sure is better than paying out on other non performing brands, thank you for the good posts

and information, it really is helpfull to all of us poor..:wave:
Iøm just trying to help

and to do what I was suppose to.. After all i got this great product to test and I got it for free and I just love

to been granted that and then I just wanna pay my gratitude to do my best at replying results that are usefull in

some extend to others and report om the results..
Iøm not only trying to help out to other phero user but also

reply back to Bruce so they might wanna change something out from my replyes.. I don't know but I guess I'm

suppose to reply in the best manner and give and tell about my results so it can benefit everybody here..

02-20-2007, 07:59 AM
Used 5 drops AQ again and

one dab of NPA..
My pool girl was very friendly today and very joking/teasing.. And more talkative today

One of the girls thought she was beginning to have a feber but the next girl told her she wasn't hot enough

for that so perhaps the NPA that gave her the heat.. :rofl: but of course I'm not sure.. Seems unlikely with one

dab but I would start out small..
Else the pool girl wanted to hang around me a lot and more than


After school I went to a auto part store and while waiting I walked around.. I noticed a girl that

keept looking at me from the corner of her eye.. I walked over in her area to look at the stuff where she was

standing.. She keept walking one step ahead of me and don't know if it was because I intimidated her or she wanted

me to look at her from behind.. I standed beside her and looked at a message I got and she went over to another

shelf so she could look at me again from the corner of her eye..
Two younger guys came in and one of them started

talking very loud when they came to the shelf I standed beside.. It seemed as the one tried to akt smart or

something.. To show me how smart and funny he were as everything in the shelf should be commented or joked about or

said it could be cool to his budys car.. Guess he might could have been one of those kinda types but just seemed

strange that he started suddently to speak so loud just when walking up to the shelf I standed beside..
It got my

time and the service man seemed much more friendly and down to earth than normally these types are.. Normally they

always act as they're better than you because they know more about cars than you..
But not this time but might be

just the guy that was a nice dude..
Besides that I went to MacD to get a burger in drive in, and both girls smiled

big at me when I paid and when I got my burger..
Nothing else to report today..

02-20-2007, 09:56 AM

purchased mine and used it it for the first time yesterday. I was confused by the label though. It said 21mg, but I

thought the unscented version had the new formula with more mones. Anyway, instead of trying it out alone I put it

in a combo- 5 drops unscented , 2 drops beta-nol, 2 dabs of my yellow cap mix (too lazy to rewrite what's in

it- read the Mysterious new alpha tests thread). All covered by Aqua Di Gio.

I ran some errands here and there,

but was moving to fast to notice anything. When I went to the the grocery store though, I slowed down. At the

checkout, the guy wasn't too friendly but the girl bagging my gorceries kept looking at me. She had asked the first

two people in front of me if they needed help with my groceries, but with me she didn't even ask, she just started

walking my cart before I told her I got it. I didn't even have that many gorceries compared to the other two in

front of me either. She still wanted to go before I said, "it's ok really, I got it". She wasn't bad looking or

anything but there was a line forming and I didn't want to take her away if she could help someone else.


it could have been that she just wanted to get away from the line forming. That's always a possibility.

I do

know that the combo affected me. I was in a good mood and very, very hyper. This is odd because I can drink, pepsi,

coffee, red bull, etc.. and I never get hyper like this. That's why I was moving so fast running my errands. Since

the prmary ingredient in my yellow cap mix was NPA I'll consider that for mixing next time.

02-21-2007, 10:33 AM
Used 4,5 drops AQ (4 where

the one was a little bigger than the others), 2 dabs of NPA on the neck (pulsepoints) and some WAGG covered with

Polo Black..
Today my poolmate girl seemed more energetic and more full of life and spark.. She made jokes and more

than yesterday, and talked a lot..
She were easy to amuse today and laughed a lot..
When we began playing pool she

after putting the balls on the table she threw away her jacket and sweater so she only were in t-shirt.. This is not

normal for her as she normally always wears her jacket..
We were a little late but she insisted on having a second

play (even though I lost :rant:).. Seemed as she wanted to have a good time and be around me for herself..
When we

got into our partners of the group they were both a little more friendly..
The poolgirl wanted to go out and smoke

and she just took her jacket on and not her other sweater she had on when she came.. I noticed it and commented it

(and a bit wierd as it was rainy today and more cold - we were promised snowstorm today but only got really cold and

Besides that we talked a lot and goofed around.. And when we should be going home one of the girls said

you're so funny because of a little joke I made.. Normally she wouldn't say that kinda thing and she doesn't

laugh so easily.. Poolgirl insisted on us having a play of pool.. I won the first round and we had a good time..

But she wanted a second game (so now we have played 4 games on 1 day, where we normally only play 2) and she won


04-07-2007, 12:07 PM
Am I the only person playing

with the unscented now? I keep getting hits and having a great time with it, is anybody else?

04-09-2007, 02:03 PM
Am I

the only person playing with the unscented now? I keep getting hits and having a great time with it, is

anybody else?
I still have the scented version from the beta test. I should try it again I guess but I'll

spike it this time with something or another.

04-09-2007, 02:09 PM
Am I

the only person playing with the unscented now? I keep getting hits and having a great time with it, is

anybody else?

I had wondered about this, too - it got really quiet around AQ. I've got a bottle of

the scented beta-AQ (the very first batch), but only used it 3 or 4 times...

04-09-2007, 03:31 PM
There is a distinct difference

between the scented and unscented. I haven't been spiking the unscented at all. Cover it with a good scent and it

seems to really do a good job for me. It does seem to really attract more of the younger women but since I'm not

hunting it doesn't matter in that respect.

In dealing with clients it seems to be at worst neutral and at best

a positive influence. The greatest impact is always with female clients (Gee, what a surprise) but male clients seem

looser and more relaxed too.

04-09-2007, 04:19 PM
I've enjoyed generally

positive but "subdued" reactions from people, but have not found a way yet to improve on a standard mix with it,

either in combo or alone.

With Chikara, by way of contrast, any mix I used it with was improved, though I

preferred not to use it alone to get the best results.

I'll continue to experiment with it until the bottle is

gone at some point, and will be sure to post anything new I can conclude.

I'm glad it's working for some of

you. I guess many of you are using around 3 drops, right?

04-10-2007, 05:51 AM
2-3 drops. Anything over that

doesn't seem to increase effect so I don't bother with more.