View Full Version : No effects yet....what to try next?

01-11-2007, 02:31 PM
Alright fellas.....so ive tried 2 sprays to the neck of TE covered nicely one day, and 3 sprays the next....still

no real effect (ive been watching closely) Should i try 4, or maybe buy some SOE or something?

01-11-2007, 03:34 PM
Go back down to dabs of TE

first. Try that for seeral days to a week. Then increase it from there. A single day is not sufficient to test with.

Make sure to go into different environments and around different people too. Mones work best on people who do not

know you yet.

01-11-2007, 05:00 PM
I am self very critical over the

effects of mones. But you cannot write for one use their are no effects. You must test over a long Period which

mones Product gives the best results for you.

I moved in the last time and had no more time to study the effect

of the mones more.

My results were, first no reactions from my wife and friends. So i can say they are not work

with people who know me.

Then you became not from all people reactions of mones. It gives any people who are

resistent off mones. Or the most girls reacts only in a Phase if there are in her Ovulation a few days before the


The best effects to became are with drunken girls they have no inhibitions. You must test the mones

on people who dont know you.

My results with mones:

Perception No Reaction!

Scent of Eros no Reactions from

the peoples but i feel me if i had drunk.

Chikara gives a friendly and chatty vibe. The most people want to speak

hours with me if i wear Chikara. But that are not the reaction what i want. My Problem with Chikara i became

headaches, a drunk feeling, tired and any heavy reactions.

The Edge i used 4 times and got two hits. In the time

if i used the Edge my wife was horny and on one party i have a very hot flirt with an young nice girl.

But now im

finished with my movement and had now time to make further tests.

01-11-2007, 05:33 PM
It depends on the environment (mall

vs smokey pub for example), but for me 2 full sprays of Edge is a lot, and I would make sure I had it well-covered.

TE is kick butt stuff, I would be more concerned of an OD/not-covered-enough problem than a not-enough problem.

Myself, I'd apply to wrists only at first, so you can sniff the spot and figure out how you are doing. Keep in

mind that part of the Edge you already applied is going to remain even after you shower.

01-11-2007, 05:42 PM
That may be my problem.....I

cant smell TE at all...i mean nothing....no scent. I guess I might be ODing slightly and not know it??

01-11-2007, 05:50 PM
Warning, Warning, Will Robinson, if

you can't smell anything there. It definitely has a smell. Not totally unlike BO or urine. I would shower up very

well, and apply only to wrists. Put the cologne on top and rub your wrists together to rub it in a little. Then

offer up your wrist to trusted female friends here and there and ask them how they like your "new cologne". From

that you should be able to figure out whether you need more or less cover scent.

Good luck

01-11-2007, 06:09 PM
Warning, Warning, Will


Hmm, isn't that a quote from the 1960s sitcom "Lost in Space"? Bruce, you're revealing

your age!

I think Bel & Bruce gave you great test advice. Pheromone reactions are usually subtle and often

elusive. Unlike lower mammals and insects, humans screen most biological reactions/urges through a maze of social

and personal filters. So while she might think "this guy is kinda hot," she is more than likely to hide her feelings

until she knows you better and feels safe.

With that said, alcohol seems to break many of these filters and

allows a more immediate and raw reaction. So, mone up, hit a few happy hours and go out of your way to be friendly

and strike up conversations.

01-11-2007, 08:33 PM
thanks guys......i have read

ALOT here on the forums, and I really respect your opinions.....Gegogi...your awesome....Bruce....thanks for being

so professional - ill definately stick with lovescent for all my phero purchases.

ill give all your advice a try,

and ill post back with results.....THANKS!!!

01-12-2007, 10:55 AM

guys......i have read ALOT here on the forums, and I really respect your opinions.....Gegogi...your

awesome....Bruce....thanks for being so professional - ill definately stick with lovescent for all my phero


ill give all your advice a try, and ill post back with results.....THANKS!!!

Keep on

working at it. You will know when you have a working combination. Trust me.

01-23-2007, 08:43 PM
So sixslinger, any results

yet? How's the testing going?

01-23-2007, 09:05 PM
to be honest....i havent seen

many results. I have been testing TE with a combo of cover scents (pherlure, armani, polo, etc...) with varying

amounts of TE. I have 2 perception packets im going to try. I still believe pheros are real....what should i try


01-24-2007, 06:14 AM
Perhaps ..

unscented version is on it's way so don't know if you'll wait for it..
But AQ is a good allrounder and there's

built in OD-stoppers (called buffers) so you don't OD so easily..

01-24-2007, 08:44 PM
to be

honest....i havent seen many results. I have been testing TE with a combo of cover scents (pherlure, armani, polo,

etc...) with varying amounts of TE. I have 2 perception packets im going to try. I still believe pheros are

real....what should i try next???

Six, I really believe you can have results with TE as very few people

don't see some reaction with it, although not everyone see's a good one. Tell us a little more about you, your

basic info like I have in my signature. Also, tell me a little more about what kind of testing you have done.

Please be specific and I am confident that we can get you results with TE!!!
As a side note, are you sure you

haven't had any results? Chances are that a girl isn't gonna just jump ya cause your wearing them. a

01-25-2007, 06:05 AM
Year marlboro is right

Women send out small signals..
Little glances, touching her hair etc. of all their discrete signs..

perhaps try to start with one spray, and try for a few days (2-3) and then each day give one more spray (after the

2-3 days) and look for the small things.. And keep doin this untill you get a bad reaction (OD) and then go back to

the amount that gave the best result..
An OD is easily spotted because everybody get really easily cranky and

I also think you can get results with TE, or at least bad ones :lol:
Because everybody can OD..


the thing that you think mones are real.. Try sniffin from the bottle or where you spray on (fx. wrists).. Often you

can feel like a rush (just not so strong) and feel different.. I can!
But watch for OD because if you OD too much

you get the most herific headache...! :frustrate

01-25-2007, 04:43 PM
A well responded forum poll

on dabbing the Edge suggested 2-4 dabs to be the typical best amount.

So you have informal research to

support that strategy.

I most often use only one dab of Edge, mixed with other things. (though haven't used

mones in a long while). TO me all you have to do is trigger a response, not hammer for it.

01-26-2007, 12:12 PM
A well

responded forum poll on dabbing the Edge suggested 2-4 dabs to be the typical best amount.

So you have

informal research to support that strategy.

I most often use only one dab of Edge, mixed with other things.

(though haven't used mones in a long while). TO me all you have to do is trigger a response, not hammer for


2-4 dabs... hmmm. that seems a little light to me as that's what I use with NPA which is 4 times

stronger but then again that's why we have to test and pay attention to the results for ourselves. I found that

the newbie kit with the musk mixed in the 3:1 (I think) ration worked very well with 3-4 sprays from the atomizer.

I am also in my early 30's and on the lower end of men's testosterone levels.

Also agree on triggering a

response and leaving the hammering up to you! Although in rare cases the mones will hammer on their own.

01-26-2007, 03:21 PM
2-4 dabs...

hmmm. that seems a little light to me as that's what I use with NPA which is 4 times stronger but then again

that's why we have to test and pay attention to the results for ourselves.

Yes, but look at the sizes of

the bottle openings/dabs. (TE is about twice the size of NPA)

01-26-2007, 03:24 PM
Yes, but look

at the sizes of the bottle openings/dabs. (TE is about twice the size of NPA)
That's a good point! That

will compensate for some of it.