View Full Version : Pherlure

01-09-2007, 12:24 PM
I know you are all bored to

death with these same old phelure topics but, i really need to get a few things straight, i ordered some the other

week and their sound good, so they should be here soon. however i have read in some places that they can effect your

hormones. I mean are they dangerous in any way? also does it really and truthly work? i also wanted to know how much

u need to spray - or if it is ok for any amount.... my main concern is the hormone "Danger" stuff i heard.... please

help me, all the best..:thumbsup: :box:

01-09-2007, 01:03 PM
No, they aren't dangerous.

However, there is a long thread on pherlure that you can find if you do a search. A lot of good information.

01-09-2007, 02:11 PM
In no way it's

Works.. We're many people in here with successtoryes so yes they work.. But don't expect wonders..

You still have to do your part of the work..
About the amount you'll have try to find out.. Start with a little

amount (fx. 1 spray) and watch the reactions and how people react differently to you (if they at all do).. And if

there's not all angry and negative then try a higher dose (fx. 2 sprays) and watch (remember to look for the small

signs that women gives as signals..) And then keep trying till you find an amount where people is not reacting

positive and then go back to the latest and best amount were you got the best result..

01-09-2007, 02:46 PM
isnt pherlure supposed to b a

dud product? it contains no pheromones

01-09-2007, 03:51 PM
isnt pherlure

supposed to b a dud product? it contains no pheromones

No I think it's only small amounts..

01-09-2007, 04:35 PM
We don't actually know the

pheromone content of that product. All we have are assumptions based on information various posters have offered.

That isn't really conclusive.

01-09-2007, 06:46 PM
Pheromone or not, they've

added the strongest most obnoxious scent to the mix. I cannot wear it because of how strong the scent is. Even one

spray tends to knock me out and I have been a smoker for 8 years. My purchase of pherlure is one of the more

embarrassing moments in my life. They took me.

01-18-2007, 04:18 PM
let me suggest 4-5 sprays

-1 on the wrist which you rub in to the othe r wrist
-1 behind your ear, rub that bit behind the other ear
-1 on

the back of your head rub all over the back
-1-2 around your neck area but spray from about 15cm away so it spreads

The reason i started goinbeyond the recommended spray is because i learnt that it was a so called "scam", so

i took no notice to its dose and started using it as a normal cologn, but i must sa i have started noticing more

attention from the females once the harsh scent dies down. I plan to try a collabo oif Chikara and Pherlure


01-19-2007, 04:14 AM
Thanks For All The Advice

01-20-2007, 09:03 PM
If you do a search for the name of

their "active ingredient" di-dehydroepiandrosterone, you'll see a site with the title "Pherlure and

di-dehydroepiandrosterone - Review the Evidence".

Check it out. It makes a good case for that product being

extremely questionable, to say the least.