View Full Version : my guess on what the x ingredient for TE

01-08-2007, 08:06 AM
EDIT********i take this back, dont think too much of this thread. when that though came to me i was

thinking of NPA and not TE.


every convasation with girls goes twords sex when

wearing it. and not as much when i just wear stright up nones.

couplins causes girls to get turned on.


because i says so.*****

01-08-2007, 08:10 AM
well god damm te is a good


making girls think and talk about sex can only lead to one thing.

good observation by the way

01-08-2007, 09:57 AM

01-08-2007, 11:50 AM
I believe one of the secrets is

Androstanone. I'm not sure about the others. Androstenone is the obvious key ingredient.

01-08-2007, 04:43 PM

personal experiences with NPA/TE don't support really support that view.

When i've worn copulins with other

-none products i've noticed two particular reactions.

1) Gay men seem to mistake me for lucifer.
2) Women seem

to play a lot more "mindfuck" games.

This hasn't happened when i've worn TE/NPA - I just get lots of sexual

interest/DIHLs from them!

My own view is that it's got A1 in it. That explains why many people have reported

it doesn't come with the same adverse reactions primal seems to cause when women have their period.


mindfuck game could be because couplins is a women phero, and women play a lot of mindfuck with each other and are

more subtle than us guys that get angry or say our oppinion straight to the face..
And subconcius this could

trigger their mindfuck button because it's couplins their around..