View Full Version : Couplins and testosterone in women

01-01-2007, 05:27 PM

01-01-2007, 06:16 PM
Does this mean if I wear

couplins I will produce more testosterone?

01-01-2007, 06:20 PM

01-01-2007, 08:57 PM
Yes, by

over 100% if I remember correctly.

Ehm sounds quite serius.. Where have you heard/read it?
Any links to

articles or something?

01-02-2007, 01:26 AM
What is "couplins" ? Some links


01-02-2007, 02:14 AM
A monthy and rather odoriferous

vaginal secretion known to attract males.

01-02-2007, 06:36 AM

01-02-2007, 03:20 PM
The testosterone boost is only


01-02-2007, 04:11 PM
As Gegogi says, it is a

vaginal secretion that makes men horny.

The funny thing about that is most guys are already too horny for

their own good! A sniff of couplins is also know to lower male IQ by 30-40 points and impair judgement similar to

having 3 or 4 stiff drinks.

01-02-2007, 04:18 PM
The funny thing

about that is most guys are already too horny for their own good! A sniff of couplins is also know to lower male IQ

by 30-40 points and impair judgement similar to having 3 or 4 stiff drinks.

And that is on our

better days!

01-02-2007, 04:52 PM
It is in

products like PCC, Essence of Women, PI/w, SOE/w. As Gegogi says, it is a vaginal secretion that makes men



lins.htm (http://pherolibrary.com/human-pheromones/copulins.htm)

t/institutes/urbanethology/student/html/astrid/femphers.html (http://www.anticipation.info/texte/eibesfeldt/evolution.anthro.univie.ac.at/institutes/urbanet


Do a forum search for more info, this has been

covered 1000 times!

However, what i'm looking for is the effect this stuff has on women's testosterone


Perhaps it makes us horny! But make us produce more than 100% more sounds wild..

01-02-2007, 08:53 PM
Have you ever tried Tribex?

Body builders use it to increase testosterone. One of the 850 mg pills with a couple grams of L-Arginine does

wonders for an evening with a nice woman.

01-03-2007, 03:05 AM

01-03-2007, 08:08 AM
Have you

ever tried Tribex? Body builders use it to increase testosterone. One of the 850 mg pills with a couple grams of

L-Arginine does wonders for an evening with a nice woman.

Year I know there's many products like that

but I really dont wanna play with those.. Have heard some many have trouble with them..

01-03-2007, 08:36 AM
Here is another read to look at


wthread.php?t=14451&highlight=wickedly (http://www.pherolibrary.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14451&highlight=wickedly)


01-03-2007, 08:42 AM
Year I know

there's many products like that but I really dont wanna play with those.. Have heard some many have trouble with

them..Tribex is not testosterone, it stimulates the body to produce it. The stuff is pretty safe to use.

01-05-2007, 12:28 PM

testosterone boost is only temporary.
How long does it last? One hour, 2 ?

01-05-2007, 06:25 PM
Tribex is not

testosterone, it stimulates the body to produce it. The stuff is pretty safe to use.

bel, does tribex

make the user aggressive? or cause hair loss?

im in this body building phase again, and want to try something

good, but little side effects...

01-05-2007, 06:32 PM
bel, does tribex

make the user aggressive? or cause hair loss?

im in this body building phase again, and want to try something

good, but little side effects...

It has little effect on my levels of aggression and I don't recall

hearing it effects others that way. However, higher testosterone has been related to aggression so I wouldn't be

surprised of in some people it does.

As for the hair loss, I am missing most of my hair anyway so don't know.

While testosterone is related to hair loss I think there are other related issues involved. You'll have to look it

up to really get a straight answer.

01-06-2007, 09:58 AM
bel, does

tribex make the user aggressive? or cause hair loss?

im in this body building phase again, and want to try

something good, but little side effects...

many products have a warning about sideeffects on the label on

the back.. Try asking those that sell it if they know anything..

01-06-2007, 10:25 AM
I should add that I do not use

the stuff regularly. It's something for occasional use, in my case. Body building doesn't interest me.

Workingman has a good point about side effects and Tribex has a label about it. Mostly rearding taking

anti-depressents (MAO Inhibitors) and sleeplessness.

01-06-2007, 10:39 AM
I should

add that I do not use the stuff regularly. It's something for occasional use, in my case. Body building doesn't

interest me.

Workingman has a good point about side effects and Tribex has a label about it. Mostly rearding

taking anti-depressents (MAO Inhibitors) and sleeplessness.

Yes very often anti depresents is more

dangerous to many things..
But also a lot of these products tend to give you more sleepy feeling all day.. At least

to begin with (often because your body needs to get used to it). Just like if you haven't sleept and you're tired

in your body and mind..
And people think it's odd because this happens even though it's a boost of something your

body will gain strength and energy from (Don't know the word for this so had to explain it).. But even though this

should give your body more energy and strenth often you body have to adapt to it and get used to it and will make

you more sleepy at start..
I dont say this will be the case here, but just that it often is..

01-06-2007, 03:37 PM
Tribex is not testosterone, it stimulates the body to produce it. The stuff

is pretty safe to use.

Tribulus is not a steroid !
Tribulus is not a prohormone !

Tribulus tells

you body to use its cholsterol to make more testosterone

The chineses use it to control cholesterol , heart

health , kidney and liver disorders

Google Tribulus and saftey .
Tribulus is one of the safest herbs you can

buy .

Source: one happy 39 yr old with the libido of an 18 yr old male



USE pure tribulus products to start with maybe zma (zinc magnesium aspartate ) Arginine is

good . AAKG (arginine alpha keta glutarate is awesome as well .

01-06-2007, 05:35 PM
Tribulus is

not a steroid !
Tribulus is not a prohormone !

Tribulus tells you body to use its cholsterol to make more


The chineses use it to control cholesterol , heart health , kidney and liver disorders


Tribulus and saftey .
Tribulus is one of the safest herbs you can buy .

Source: one happy 39 yr old with the

libido of an 18 yr old male


USE pure tribulus products

to start with maybe zma (zinc magnesium aspartate ) Arginine is good . AAKG (arginine alpha keta glutarate is

awesome as well .
What's wrong with Yohimbe? I've read that it helps with brain function and energy.

And - has anyone answered the original question? Do copulins stimulate elevated testosterone levels in women?

"Horniness," I take it, is related to the tiny bits of teststerone women already have. If that is so, maybe

copulins do stimulate testosterone production in women. --- CN

01-06-2007, 06:21 PM

wrong with Yohimbe? I've read that it helps with brain function and energy. And - has anyone answered the original

question? Do copulins stimulate elevated testosterone levels in women? "Horniness," I take it, is related to the

tiny bits of teststerone women already have. If that is so, maybe copulins do stimulate testosterone production in

women. --- CN
I've read that some women get horny by applying and using copulins but not all..

looking at the girls forum

01-06-2007, 06:22 PM
Back in the day we used to chew

Yohimbe bark to get high. Tried it in tea and mixed it with weed and smoked it too. Finally I used a blender to

grind it and fill gel caps. Basically even small doses doubled my heartbeat and made me feel really "up," similar to

shooting speed or popping a handful of caffeine tabs. Couldn't sleep for a week or so and had little desire to eat.

Often made me hurl chunks. After a day or so couldn't get it up either. Normally I had the opposite problem...

01-06-2007, 06:39 PM
Back in the day we used to chew Yohimbe bark to get high. Tried it in tea and

mixed it with weed and smoked it too. Finally I used a blender to grind it and fill gel caps. Basically even small

doses doubled my heartbeat and made me feel really "up," similar to shooting speed or popping a handful of caffeine

tabs. Couldn't sleep for a week or so and had little desire to eat. Often made me hurl chunks. After a day or so

couldn't get it up either. Normally I had the opposite problem... and causes your heart to race and your

breath to smell of rancid stomach secretions .In africa they would give it to raiding partys , they would fight ,

kill and die fearlessley , no need to eat .

01-07-2007, 09:12 AM

01-07-2007, 03:23 PM
Thanks for

getting back on topic! The science does suggest Women's arousal is mediated by Testosterone. However, i'm not sure

if testosterone is the be all and end all of that arousal, other factors may be at play also.

I made this

post after doing lots of reading in the women's forum, I am, however, looking for the biological basis for this


It could be because when women get their monthly period some women easyer gets horny.. I donøt

know if they produce more couplins but perhaps it could be the same..?
I have to day this isn't generel but only

Also if you read the women forum some get horny by some products and others dont..
But maybe it an

explanation.. I don't know but it was the first that popped into my mind when you mentioned it..

01-07-2007, 04:21 PM
I've known some women to be

unbelievably horny while on the rag. Obviously no couplins as there can be no ovulation while bleeding out. Some

guys are turned on my the sight and smell of blood--even prefer it over other times of the month. I for one avoid it

at all costs.

01-07-2007, 10:01 PM
I've known

some women to be unbelievably horny while on the rag. Obviously no couplins as there can be no ovulation while

bleeding out. Some guys are turned on my the sight and smell of blood--even prefer it over other times of the month.

I for one avoid it at all costs.

Yes me to.. hehe.. :lol:
But year you have a point.. Could the couplins

hvae been preserved in the body in the previus period and this makes them horny?