View Full Version : Thoughts for a new user?

01-27-2002, 12:46 PM
Hello all,

I am new to this site, and I wanted to get some opinions from the experienced users out there. Here\'s some info...

Age: 30
Race: 1/2 Filipino, 1/4 German, 1/4 British
Workout: 6 times/week, both weights & cardio
Occupation: Sales
Previous Phero Experience: Athena 10x - sucks
Fragrance Use: Dolce & Gabbana Masculine (oddly enough, it was the only choice available at the D&G store right before Xmas)

Here are some questions:

1. What\'s the best phero for breaking down barriers with all people in a PROFESSIONAL environment, to increase odds of sales?

2. What\'s the best phero to add (to answer from question #1) for breaking down barriers with ladies (ages 22 - 35) in a SOCIAL environment, to increase odds of dates & horizontal tango?

I\'ve read many forum questions in the last few days, and I must say, there\'s a lot of information to digest!

Thanks for your help! southerncal