View Full Version : Real world SOE effect vs lab effect

12-07-2006, 02:01 AM
Jkohl seems to suggest from his research that SOE triggers or amplify attraction.

My real world experience

is that SOE neither triggers attraction nor amplify it; instead it just makes people relax and open up. This is

useful of course, but it is a different kind of usefulness.

How come the theoretical lab effect of SOE is

completely different from the real life effect? As far as I understand this is not just my experience – most people

on this site seems to think that SOE is more powerful at relaxing people then to trigger/amplify attraction?

12-07-2006, 03:18 AM
Things such as being confident,

wearing nice clothes and being well groomed amplifies attraction perhaps a lot more than any pheremone product.

– most people on this site seems to think that SOE is more powerful at relaxing people

then to trigger/amplify attraction?

12-07-2006, 08:55 AM
My real world experiences

match yours.

Even random strangers open up and share inappropriately intimate information very quickly.

12-07-2006, 09:00 AM
Yeah, people sharing really

private information is what really convinced me that SOE works. It happens regularly with SOE but not that often

without it.

It was not an effect I was looking for either so I hardly think it is placebo.

12-07-2006, 12:08 PM
Pheromone research often is low

on funding and involves a limited test sample. So I'm sure there is much more detail to discover if the test sample

were expanded across thousands of test subjects rather than a few dozen. Also there are many external

factors--natural pheromone signature, appearance, social status--that interact with SOE and help create your


My subjective observation is that SOE enhances attraction greatly for me and is more than mere

relaxation. However I suspect the amount and type of "enhancement" is highly dependant on an individual's persona,

status and social skills. So results will vary. That is, if you're not an attractive individual SOE will not change

you one iota. If you have aspects of attraction it will give you an edge.

12-07-2006, 01:51 PM
How come the

theoretical lab effect of SOE is completely different from the real life effect? As far as I understand this is not

just my experience – most people on this site seems to think that SOE is more powerful at relaxing people then to

trigger/amplify attraction?

Gegogi probably has already said it best. I can only add that my position

in all of this has been to remind people to keep their expectations in check. Unlike marketing strategy that

focusses on guarentees to get you laid, the concept of human pheromone use is "enhancement."

So, keep in

mind when you see "dramatic" results from product use that such results not only are unlikley but very

situation/person specific. What you can expect is that in most cases SoE use will enhance your natural ability to

attract women, and SoE/w will attract her ability to attract men.