View Full Version : Help Please!

11-10-2006, 02:14 PM
Sooooooooooooooooooo.... I have almost every product LS sells. I have only seen one noticible hit that I think

was due to the pheros. There may be a lot others, but I may not have noticed. I use mones a lot too becuase they are

fun to play around with mixes, ect....

Could I have buildup, could that be why I never see reactions?

Yesterday, as an experiement, I applied 2 full drops of PI, 2 a314, and a little bit of SOE at



Then today, I spilled

an entire bottle of AE on my shirt, hand, and wood floor (no sealant left so it soaked in).

Maybe I have an OD reaction right now because I almost got into a fight with the

president, I walked out of a meeting, and I just wrote a resignation letter. Hmmmmm.

Help please?


11-10-2006, 02:47 PM

Two full drops of PI

is enough to send people around you into sensory shut-down.

Even the old guys probably shouldn't wear any

more than one drop.

A fraction of a drop (like 1/2 or 3/4) might be enough for you.

Oscar :)

11-10-2006, 03:09 PM
I was just trying to see some


11-10-2006, 06:18 PM
probably didn't get the results you

wanted though....?
repeat after me... less is more.

Here's the amount i use of those products:
PI = 2-3 dabs (

not every day or get OD)
SOE = 2 x 4 inch strips on forearms
AE = 3 drops ( not every day or get OD)

SOE works

well in combo with both PI & AE , start off small and work your way up, keeping a diary is best. Remember what works

one day may not produce the same results on another day (in my experience) And the most important factor is your

attitude , a grumpy face won't get any hits no matter how good you smell.
Rock on!