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12-20-2006, 08:36 PM
An interesting AQ reaction

happened today. I had put two rings of unscented SoE around my mouth, a large dab of AQ along my jaw lines, and a

couple sprays of LT on my shirt this morning about 7:00 AM. This afternoon, about 1:30, I was sitting about 4 feet

from a 27 year old, slightly over weight, Latin woman in an office meeting. She was sitting in her chair somewhat

askew, with her left leg tucked up in the chair under her right leg, with a note pad in her lap. After about 15

minutes, near the end of the meeting, she was leaning towards me (closing the distance to about 3 feet), and had

moved her right leg over towards her left, so that her knees were nearly touching. She was bouncing, or shaking her

right leg up and down with such a ferocity, and speed that one would have thought she was rubbing two sticks to

start a fire. This exaggerated "twitching" stopped once, but then started
up again very quickly. It continued until

the end of the meeting, which was about another minute. This is a totally useless positive response. She has a

personality, and mouth suitable for a blow torch.

12-22-2006, 10:32 AM

interesting AQ reaction happened today. I had put two rings of unscented SoE around my mouth, a large dab of AQ

along my jaw lines, and a couple sprays of LT on my shirt this morning about 7:00 AM. This afternoon, about 1:30, I

was sitting about 4 feet from a 27 year old, slightly over weight, Latin woman in an office meeting. She was sitting

in her chair somewhat askew, with her left leg tucked up in the chair under her right leg, with a note pad in her

lap. After about 15 minutes, near the end of the meeting, she was leaning towards me (closing the distance to about

3 feet), and had moved her right leg over towards her left, so that her knees were nearly touching. She was

bouncing, or shaking her right leg up and down with such a ferocity, and speed that one would have thought she was

rubbing two sticks to start a fire. This exaggerated "twitching" stopped once, but then started
up again very

quickly. It continued until the end of the meeting, which was about another minute. This is a totally useless

positive response. She has a personality, and mouth suitable for a blow torch.

A large dab?
I've got my

AQ yesterday and was duprised over how bad it was (mine is not the spray version).
How did you apply that dab?

but my finger pad on top of the bottle and turned it around so I got a very small ring only where the hole is..

do you do?
And "try" to define one of your dab's..?

12-22-2006, 06:49 PM
I'm starting to like AQ, seems

like it could be a fairly rounded product from what testing I've done.

Currently my method of application is to

invert with a finger over the dropper top and shake slightly until a dab is achieved. I have so far just judged the

amount by nose, but its probably about 4-5 of these.

12-23-2006, 05:16 AM
wow, im glad all of you guys

are haveing so much fun with this product, cause i can't seem to get used to this product. when ever i wear AQ it

seems guys are always trying to start shit with me. and girls will kind of disapear, the only time i see hits from

girls is when i go talk to them, but normally they pretty much distant them self from me.

i have stoped useing

this product, for a while now cause its almost better to not wear any mones then when i wear this. i have tried alot

of stuff, have had results that i like to some degree but i think this product is just one that dosn't mix with my

body i guess.

and sence this is a beta testing product, i don't think i can get a refund. oh well, next pay

check, i think im going to order me my fave products and stick withthem ( ae, npa and masters) (i wish bruse made an

ae+npa super combo)

ps. if anyone want to trade this with me, pm me with an offer. and i'll get back to you.

12-23-2006, 11:51 AM
the only time i see hits

from girls is when i go talk to them,

For me, that's how it is with all products! However, once you

intiate conversation a useful product enhances your attraction. The rest is up to you.

12-23-2006, 01:28 PM
wow, im glad all of you guys are haveing so much fun with this product, cause i can't seem to

get used to this product. when ever i wear AQ it seems guys are always trying to start shit with me. and girls will

kind of disapear, the only time i see hits from girls is when i go talk to them, but normally they pretty much

distant them self from me.

i have stoped useing this product, for a while now cause its almost better to not

wear any mones then when i wear this. i have tried alot of stuff, have had results that i like to some degree but i

think this product is just one that dosn't mix with my body i guess.

and sence this is a beta testing product,

i don't think i can get a refund. oh well, next pay check, i think im going to order me my fave products and stick

withthem ( ae, npa and masters) (i wish bruse made an ae+npa super combo)

ps. if anyone want to trade this with

me, pm me with an offer. and i'll get back to you. Good informitive

stuff Slick, it seems the masters really works well for you as your going back 4 more, it must instigate a really

good mood vibe, because i know that you seem to like stuff thats adds to your own senses, this stuff must really

have a nice affect on the wearer, yule have to change to Smoothracer ha ha , ok sea ya.:wave:

12-23-2006, 03:22 PM
Hey as posted earlier I got

AQ a couple of days ago..
And it was the one without the sprayhead.. I still wote for the glass dropper for the

I tried to shake it like some of the others in here said would work but even though i keep my finger close

and hard against the dropper hole i get i all over my finger.. I thinks it's leaking from another place than the

dropper hole..

01-12-2007, 03:36 PM
UNSCENTED extension ... OR those

that have purchased the original product, and have been providing feedback, Bruce. :wave: If not,

Koolest of King's idea rules! :run:

02-02-2007, 05:40 PM
I purchased the "beta test"

about two months ago, the first thing I did was pour the entire content of AQ in a atomizer because of the running

liquid. I liked the scent right away, although that fades after two hours and you can barely smell the scent except

for the mones. I tried it on a few occasions, one week at work, a friend's house on Thanksgiving, in the office

Christmas party, New Year's Eve, and on a date. Applied between 1 and 3 mist sprays, on the left and right side of

my neck, and on my chest if I used 3 sprays.

I find that women do open up more about themselves, and at one

point some personal conversations come out if it's just us alone. While it does get you attention for women I

haven't seen any sexual looks or body language that tells you she's really interested.

I would say AQ works

great in a social or business environment. Remember my tests are stand-alone, no mixing other products that might

taint the results. This is not a bad product by any means it just needs a little tweaking to give it that kick.

I've ordered the Unscented AQ version because I think it has a lot of potential.

02-02-2007, 11:39 PM
is by far my fave

product. I've had endless results with it. I contribute AQ, good hygiene, being in shape, and changing my whole

approach to women. I've gone from the "player" mode, to more so of a nice guy but still a wise ass. I do see AQ

working when I do nothing though. Some of my girl friends will say things like "You're sexy" or "You smell sooo

sexy right now" no matter what cologne I'm wearing as long as I have AQ on. Also, many DIHL experiences along with

flipping of the hair, etc... Reading women is the single hardest thing to do, but if you have any kind of read ..

you are GOLDEN.

Oh.. not to mention girls opening up. I think that's the biggest contribution this product

brings. Ladies will honestly spill their guts and/or be completely honest - all in a good way - or more of the time

:rant: ... Girls have told me they are breaking up with their boyfriend all of a sudden.. it's crazy stuff like

that.. Spur of the moment rabbling.