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View Full Version : none,rone,nol do they conflict eachother?

01-23-2002, 10:21 PM
Hello all,

This is my first day/first time researching pheromones. I\'ve read all the posts for the last 45 days and they were informative. I am a 33yr old male. I recently ended a long, 10yr, relationship. Before the relationsip(as well as during) I often received looks from women on a regular basis, and finding a date or gf was never a problem. I would say that in the last 2-3 years the frequency/intesity of these \"eye contacts\" have diminished greatly. I have been unsuccessful in even scoring a decent date(much less a gf) since my breakup. Physically I am in nearly as good of shape as I was 10 years ago. But every time I try to approach a woman that I am attracted to, the chemistry just doesn\'t seem to be there(on her end). While my \"moves\" might be a bit rusty, I feel there is something deeper hindering my success. In the past there was always a silent magnetism that worked like a charm for me 90% of the time. I\'m starting to think pheromones might be my answer to bring my personal life back up to speed. After reading all the past postings, I\'ve decided to try the JB#1 mixture. Here are my questions:

1. I have read that PI,NPA,and most of the \"nones\" can have the effect of driving women off if OD\'d. At my age, I am guessing I should be looking at \"nones\"(at least to start with). How prevalent is this phenomena of scaring off women with \"nones\". This is something that I definitely do not want to do.

2. From my readings of these posts, it seems that \"rones\" and \"nols\" seem to be better at making women more comfortable and chatty. Would it be better to use a \"rone/nol\" to initiate a meeting and set up a date as she is more comfortable, then use a \"none\" on the date to arouse her interest? Or would vice-versa work better and use the \"none\" to send a subliminal caveman U-Me-Date-Now message and \"nol\" to make a comfortable date? Or, pick one or the other and stick with it.

3. What happens if you use a \"none\" along with a \"nol/rone\" to try to send all the messages. Or does this result in pheromone overload for the woman and make all mones distasteful? Will they counter-act or complement eachother?

Bruce/JB/DD and all the other experienced users here is what I am thinking of purchasing:

NPA and APC for JB#1
Possibly SoE to combine with JB#1 for the rones/nols

Have any of you experimented on this or have suggestions that would be more appropriate? Am I diagnosing my need correctly? Also, many posts suggest mixing pure nones with cologne, but suggestions as to particular brands are scarce. Does anyone have a codified list of decent quality colognes that match well with nones such as PI, AE, NPA? cologne names and what they match with.

Thanks, and sorry for the lengthy post. I\'m a bit long winded.

01-23-2002, 10:44 PM
Youre choice to get youre feet wet in pheros and get more of a broad response youve made the right choice with jambat 1 and SOE dont know about SOE yet sounds like it will work and in theroy it should be a very good product.

I would say yeah you got the right idea so far.

Anyone else (hang around for a day the responses will take some time but you should get lots of responses hopefully from many of the forum members to give you a better idea.) Im 21 so you probably need some of the older gurus for more revelant advice.

01-23-2002, 10:46 PM
We all produce none nol and rone naturally there are other phero compounds in some products (two mystery in the edge and NPA)

They all work together and the more you get the better the results and if you are going to mix add some vanilla essecence as this will blend the fragrences together.

They dont really conflict as such more enhance each other so my advice (only mine is go with youre current choice)

01-23-2002, 11:38 PM
Thanks DD, I\'ll check back for a day or two before I make an order.

01-24-2002, 10:23 PM
DD, I went ahead and ordered the dynamic duo combo and the SoE. Does the NPA have -rones in it or should I mix some SoE as well? Has anyone with the chemistry set experimented with -none,-nol,-rone individually? If so, what were the results and reactions of the women to each type of pheromone?

01-27-2002, 09:03 PM
I’ve got the chem kit and have tried several “experiments” each with -none and -nol. Only one with -rone.

I like the smell of -nol and it seems to blend well with just about every scent. My impression is that it loosens women up and makes them more talkative, but I’ve never noticed any “hits” from it (subtle or not-so-subtle signs that a girl is interested in me). I got into a really good conversation with a woman at a video store in the mall and she seemed friendly enough; but when I asked her if she’d like to grab some coffee and continue our chat she said “no”.

Contrast this experience to -none. In the same mall (on a different day), I noticed women checking me out left and right. In the same video store, all three clerks asked if they could help me (with big smiles on their faces). While waiting in line at Cinnabun, I simply mentioned to the woman in front of me that just watching all that creamy frosting melting on the warm buns was making my mouth water. She blushed and gave me a wicked smile. After getting her bun, she just stood there for a few seconds, as if she didn’t know what to do with herself.
All I said was, “Wanna share a table?” and she happily bounced off to get us one.
I had to do most of the talking, but she seemed pretty amused with my stupid jokes. If I was really taken by her, I feel confident that I could have asked her out.

I noticed a fair number of looks with -rone; but the “vibe” seemed somehow different and I didn’t have the confidence to approach anyone.

My sense is that there should be some kind of positive reaction to a -nol/-rone combination. But I can’t predict if it will be sexual. My SOE shipped last Friday; so I’m hoping to find out this week.

01-27-2002, 11:39 PM

Thanks for the reply. It was very helpful.I enjoyed the specific examples. You pretty much summarized what I gleaned from some of the previous posts. Nol=ice breaker but possible \"friend zone\". None=\"bad boy\" scent for lack of better short description.(and we all know the hot chics like the bad boys) Rone=jury still out empirically on what is the type of female response. Correct me if I am wrong, but from what I\'ve read Rone decays into None right? So maybe Rone is the best of both worlds, doesn\'t scare them off at first but then sends the \"none message\" as it ages through the night. My first order shipped saturday so I\'ll let you know my results in a few weeks. I plan to systematically experiment with NPA,APC,SoE when they arrive.Individually at first, then as mixes.