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10-10-2006, 12:15 PM
I've found some fascinating stuff while browsing links with information available on pheremones and

human behaviour.

The following was excerpted from a paper entitled, "Human Pheromones: Integrating

Neuroendocrinology and Ethology", one of the contributing authors being James Kohl.

"Many authors have speculated

that both androstenone and androstenol are male pheromones, raising the questions of whether and how females

perceive them. Filsinger, Braun and Monte [62] showed that the application of androstenone to females led to

negative descriptions of males whereas the application of androstenol led to a description of males as being

sexually attractive. It has been shown repeatedly that females either find the odor of androstenol to be attractive,

or that the perception of this odor results in heightened female sexual arousal [63]. These results indicate that

androstenol can induce positive, while androstenone induces negative emotions towards males, and suggest that

androstenol may be a male pheromone that enhances attractiveness....... Maiworm [64] found that females perceive

males positively under exposure to androstenol and negatively under exposure to androstenone.....The role of

androstenol in any hypothetical signaling system is clear, since it seems to promote female sexual attraction

towards males. However, problems arise in attempts to determine the function of androstenone, which induces negative

female emotions towards males."

To me, these statements pose some esoteric questions, as by the authors' own

admissions androstenone appears to induce negative emotions towards males in females. Now these paragraphs are

indeed excerpts from a much larger body of work, but to my knowledge have not been taken out of context.

I ask

anyone who can shed some light, but particularly Mr. Kohl:

Does this information not preclude what should be an

implicit exclusion of androstenone in any synthetic pheremone mixture used as a female "attractant"? I am aware Mr.

Kohl did just that with SoE. Since androstenone appears to be the main ingredient in most mixtures in the

marketplace, does this not demonstrate that any perceived attraction is wholly in the mind of the person wearing the

androstenone mixture?

If these statements are true, to my mind any use of androstenone would constitute an

"OD". :think:

Any comments or feedback would be most appreciated.