View Full Version : A n00b's first post and questions

09-14-2006, 03:22 AM
First, a bit about myself. I'm chinese, 20 years old, 6'1" tall, 230 lbs., black hair, brown eyes, chubby,

metrosexual, and I think I'm pretty good looking (9 out of 10 on good days). I'd give myself a 20 out of 10 if I

weren't so chubby. I'm VERY funny. I'm been lurking this forum for a few months and I've read a good portion of

the posts.

Products I have.... NPA, APC, LT, AE, SoE, SPMO, and a few perception gel packs. I've made JB1 in a

roll top atomizer I got from Bruce.


JB1 - I was bored one night and I decided to visit the strip

club along with JB1. I rolled it on my chin, wrists and fly. I had three strippers come to start a conversation with

me and ask me if I wanted a lap dance but I guess thats their job. This was my first time at a strip club. From what

I saw on those late night documentrys I thought strippers were ugly but no no no these ones were HOT :wub:. I spent

$70 :rant:.

Anyway, I went out with my best friend and JB1 and about 6 inches of Soe. She was touchy feely and a

bit chattier than usual. She was also laughing at my jokes till she has tears in her eyes and asked me to stop

joking. SoE makes me witty!

Another time I went out to dinner with some friends. My friend(mexican girl) kept

looking at me smiling saying "I'm so hot right now". She was with her boyfriend. :nono:

I've worn JB1 probably

on 20 occasions and those are all the hits I got. I think I've had a few more but they're soo subtle that I don't

know if they're hits. Any suggestions?

Oh yea, I was leaving the mall and a girl followed me for a few blocks I

think she was smiling. When she passed me she tried hard to keep herself from looking back. :blink: I rolled sooo

much JB1 on that day and thats all I got.

TE-I put on 1/2 a gel pack and I ODed. I had that lonely feeling. I

cried and I called my best friend and she wasn't there so I cried some more. i called again and I told her I felt

lonely. Afterwards I went on this forum and read a post about ODing on TE and lonelyness. #@$@#%@!!!!!!


Soe - I love it. I get the giggles and feel high like I've smoked weed. As I've mentioned I get witty. A

few hours later I get sleepy.

I rolled about 12 inches on and watched a scary movie with 10 of my friends. I was

bustin' jokes and screaming all night long. I had them laughing til they were crying. They thought I just smoked

weed but I didn't.

Chikara - makes me warm. I had on two drops and went to math class at 8 in the morning.

Everyone seems to be unusually happy, energetic and participating in the lecture. Thats all I got from 10 packs of


AE-So far I've only tried a gel pack. I went to math discussion with 1/2 of it on and I was really

outgoing and confident. I was asking questions and participating, something I don't normally do.

I wearing the

other 1/2 of the gel pack when I was walking to a party. These two girls tried to say hi to me and told me I was

cute. I get that quite often though especially when I'm wearing my blazer which I was so i dunno if it was a hit. I

decided not to persue because I was with a few "friends" who get soooo jealous when I get hits. They'd got all mean

and bitchy and pessimistic that time I had some girl walk up to me and make out with me. bitches!

NPA - I've

tried up to 7 or 8 drops with the dropper in without any negative or positive or anything results.


LT-Does nothing for me except makes me sleepy.

APC- Feels nasty to apply. Does nothing for me.


past year I've been obsessed witht this one girl who rejected me. You know the story. Guy is too nice. Guy gets

rejected by girl. Guy is a wussbag. Thanks to David D's material and pickupguide and this forum I've gotten over

that. So yea, I want to end the story like this: Guy use pheromones and c&f on girl. Guy f***s the shit out of girl.

Girl wants more. Guy rejects girl. revenge! muhaahha! YEAA BOYEE!! :angel: i'm working on it...

So thats one

motivation for pheromones. The other is that I think my guy "friends" are bitches. As I've mentioned before they

get bitchy when I'm happy successful and pwning them in Counter Strike and getting all the girls and etc. etc. etc.

:lol: I have to admit I kinda enjoy it but sometimes this makes me unproductive as I have to think about it and

sometimes I get awoken drunk phonecalls from them talking shit. I'm a mechanical engineering student I can't have

those things happening especially during midterm week. So, I want to remedy this by having them respect me more. Any


My main motivation for using pheromones is to witness hits like the ones where I walk into a mall

and have every girl stare at me some DIHLs, some air headed chattiness some wet panties, and some erect nipples

some flirting, some touching, some sex. etc. Any suggestions on how I could get these types of hits?

I want to

try slickracer's badboy mix with NPA and AE or any none product but... I live with my family for the rest of this

summer and I'm afraid of my mother or sister coming on to me. :blink: That would just freak me out!!!! I'd be

traumatized!!!!! Oh man! Should I be worried about this?

Wow! it's 3:18am! i gtg to sleep. Sorry for the long

post. Thanks for reading and I'll keep you guys up on my experiments.

Oh yea! Please answer my questions and

give me some suggestions. :box:

09-14-2006, 07:29 AM
That post made me laugh!


am too new to answer any questions. So far nothing as worked for me, but I need to give it more time. Plus, my SOE

should be here today, that I am excited for.

Great post for noob like me. Right on!

09-14-2006, 05:23 PM
Thanks for the reply SoCal!

I'm also in SoCal. Good luck with SoE I bet you'll love it.

I forgot to include a hit with chikara and


Chikara - Once upon a time I went camping with a few friends and 1/2 pack of chikara that I applied

the day before. I didn't take any shower for about 3 days. The first day I applied chikara nothing happened except

that warm feeling I usually get. The day after that I had one of the funniest days of my life. I was bustin' jokes

left and right. Everybody was laughing until their guts hurt. This lasted for about 12 hours. Maybe it's just

because I'm funny but 12 hours was a bit too much even for me so it's a hit. I was drunk too the whole time also

so that might have something to do with it. :drunk:

Perception - I didn't shower for a few days because I was

lazy. Around the same time I read some post on natural STANK so I used that as my excuse to not shower. :lol: So

prior to Asian American Psyc discussion I put on 1/2 pack of Perception and I got that pheromone rash that I read

about on all of my application points (neck and chest).

There is a lot of HOT girls in this discussion so I was

hoping we'd have some orgy. In class the TA kept on staring at me it made me uncomfy. We made eye contact a few

times which made it really awkward. :blink: We were playing jeporady with quiz questions. She picked me by saying my

name with lots of affection. I guess it's taboo to say names here so lets say my name is Robby. She'd say

"Rooooobbbyyyyy!" You get me? When I got up to do my thing I noticed this girl who was keeping score staring at me

blushing. :wub: Like that. Then I noticed most of the girls in the class were doing the same. I was feeling

unusually confident and I was making people laugh. Normally I'd have a bit of stage fright standing up in front of

a class that I don't do the reading for. Now these were HOT women like 9.2/10 even the TA. They're all in

sorrorities and they're tanned, blonde and belong on the conver of Cosmo. Too bad I was obsessed with this fat girl

at the time. :rant:

Another question - I apply pheromones products to my shirts. I usually don't do laundry

until I absolutely need to. (Until my bed fills up and I have no where to sleep or I run out of clean underwear

whichever comes first) After about three weeks I could still smell a faint NPA smell on some of my shirts. I'm

wondering if leaving these clothes out would have an effect on my mood and other peoples mood. I've noticed that my

temper has gotten shorter and I tend to throw things when I get pissed off. (I threw a computer on the ground

because it broke I didn't want to fix it.) So would NPA on shirts have an effect on myself or other people's mood

if I leave them out for 2 days to a few weeks?

Yet another question - Slickracer (anybody can answer). If I wear

your badboy mix should I wear some badboys clothes to go with it. I usually dress like a metrosexual. I wear colors

like pink and limegreen and I wear true religion and similar types of jeans with the flare and all that makes me

look kinda girly. How do you dress?

09-23-2006, 06:18 PM
I spilled 1/2 a bottle of AE

today on my leg give me some comforting words. I was very hyper and buzzed after spilling it. So yea.. $30 high.

Girls were looking as if I was something interesting but nothing really out of the ordinary.. #$@#%!#$!!!!!!

09-24-2006, 12:38 AM
ok.. I just had a 5 hour

heart to heart conversation with my friend. Definiately a hit! This was due to that 1/2 bottle of AE I spilled. I

also noticed that my eyes were itchy but that might be due to something else. heh... so yay a hit! =)